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Posts posted by doohickeyexpress

  1. What are the basic statistics for Sentinel/Marauder and Sage/Sorcerer?


    Marauder: Good damage but squishy as hell and you'll die in two seconds if you are unskilled/not max gear. Very specific class/the opposite of jack-of-all trades but like I said lots of damage and you can annoy the **** out of opponents and cause a LoTtA dAmAgE if you play it right.


    Sorc: Very versatile and can hold their own in any situation, multiple bubbles that prevent damage and even an invincibility bubble that lasts for a long *** time. Lots of damage as well as great heals.


    In short, Marauder if you really want two lightsabers, jump up close cloak for a few seconds then reappear and pressure opponents, sorc for lasting long and dealing damage/healing from afar.

  2. Thats sort of the idea for a tank, you know? The priority of a tank in warzones (i refuse to address ranked) is keeping your team alive - guarding, guard swapping, taunting, debuffing, CCing - any damage is purely secondary.


    That said, until the shield changes go live, the optimal tankimg gear for warzones assuming your team has a healer is high endirance dps stuff (i.e. lethal b mods and their counterparts im enhancements).


    Again, to avoid the angst of the forum hammers: this is for warzones, which are based off holding objectives, and thus, stall tactics are effective. In ranked, everything is about killing your opponent faster, so you may find running straight dps gear preferable. I know in warzones, the loss of endurance is noticeable and makes me spike prone.


    All that said, if you want to dps... go vengeance (or better, roll a fury mara). Tanking is a playstyle moreso than a gearing method. And with enforced matchmaking, no one needs a tank that refuses to tank.


    Well, I know what a tank is, I was asking for advice on how to deal more damage in the Immortal spec, as a lot of skank tanks do. :p


    I appreciate the info you gave though, thanks! :rak_03:

  3. So I've played Immortal Jugg on and off for around a year now, and my setup is tanky as hell, but deals bantha fodder for damage. What stats should I focus on for skank tank gear? (Exact parts would be awesome but a generalization would be super helpful still.) Should I try out Rage/Vengeance? Are they significantly squishier than Immortal? Do they dish out enough carnage to be justifiable to switch to? Any tips/help is greatly appreciated. May the force be with us all. :rak_03:
  4. So I've played Immortal Jugg on and off for a year now, and my setup is tanky as hell, but deals bantha fodder for damage. What stats should I focus on for skank tank gear? (Exact parts would be awesome but a generalization would be super helpful still.) Should I try out Rage/Vengeance? Are they significantly squishier than Immortal? Do they dish out enough carnage to be justifiable to switch to? Any tips/help is greatly appreciated. May the force be with us all. :rak_03:
  5. Very interesting- I don't it when there is no lowered hood mesh on robe models. To each there own my friend. I wish you luck on your search, I have spent millions of credits on outfits and still can't find the perfect juggernaut outfit that captures a mixture of flowing robes and heavy armor. :rak_03:
  6. It's not a direct P2W but it is a P2W nevertheless.It encourages players to buy cc in order to obtain the new gear from GTN and i would argue that this is what the studio aims for.

    White knights will tell you that it's not though, as the second poster, ignoring the obvious encouraged customer behavior


    Agreed, although the phrase white knight annoys me. :rak_03:

  7. Pretty much everyone agrees with: Add new things to the game, keep it interesting, advertise the game, improve the game, fix the game.


    Please stop giving us Cartel Market items and new maps! We want content, new players, and crazy new game modes!


    Don't let your game fall to ashes. May the force be with you BioWare. :rak_03:

  8. For anyone who missed it..... ( Too long; didn't tune in)


    Musco: ( laughing) "We can definitely maybe say that we have a plan for the next year..... not sure of a start date for when the year starts.... and....well....it'll be worth waiting for.........But we can't be specific yet, but it'll be very exciting and we can't say what....and we have no dates yet....but it's epic and cool and I'll keep you posted when I have a date - though it may move around a bit...and I'll talk to the devs....and it's certainly cool, but nothing confirmed....but we'll keep you informed....but not just at the moment....It's all up in the air.....We're close to closing in on agreeing when the plan for the next year actually starts....so when I have a date....It'll run for nearly or possibly a year after that....nothing confirmed of course....when we have a date we can start thinking about what to do in that timeframe of almost or nearly a year starting from some unspecified date which we're near to starting, but haven't decided yet..."


    So in other words, nothing promised and no ship date. - in fact watch any other live stream in the last few years.




    This sounds like a quotation directly ripped from a No Man's Sky pre-launch interview. LOL :D

  9. I agree with both of you- and yeah improving the game is much more important, it seems like they're barely putting in any effort these days- at least in terms of improving the game and keeping things fresh. :)
  10. There should be an emote where Max Rebo's band comes outta nowhere and starts blasting Jedi Rocks, it would be a great annoying emote, every game needs an emote that people say "OH MY *********** GOOOODDDDD" over. LOL :rak_04:
    • Click Create Character
    • Choose Empire
    • Choose Inquisitor
    • Choose Human Female
    • Set Slider Bodytype to 2
    • Set Slider Scars to x
    • Set Slider Complexion to x
    • Set Slider Eye Color to x
    • Set Slider Cosmetics to x
    • Set Slider Hair to x
    • Set Slider Hair Color to x
    • Set Slider Skin Color to x
    • Click a view times on Random Name
    • Add some Letters to Name
    • Press Play


    Hell yea what a journey :cool:


    LOL yes.

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