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Everything posted by LordVajra

  1. Which changes exactly you are talking about? And we are way more, but we don't want to waste out time in useless discussion, and actually prefer to spend that time ING. Still i saw like 5-6 people already on here, but they are not creating the same thread 10x time, and not flooding every single page and forcing their opinion. I don't know what exactly you see ING, but i see plenty of happy people with how gearing work, and pretty much most people though that the companion were incredible OP and the game has become braindead by quite some time. As far as Steam numbers, that discussion again? There is always a drop after expansion, let alone after a terrible one with thousands bugs and pretty much ZERO new content. The 7.0 is an absolutely disaster. They messed way too much thing, and at least for my view, they didn't add anything usefull. They should have introduced difficulty levels long time ago. Cause the game currently(even tho same say it's unplayable, which is laughable) are running on joke easy mode. Again even on Easy mode, there should be multiple checks that you need to X, cause this is MMORPG after all. I'm still waiting for a reply by the guy that was crying that i can't do the Black Hole Heroics. Ah, and before i forget, spring, summer months has always have less playerbase, through all the games. For obvious reasons.
  2. Firstable my post was indented to troll people that are constantly crying about game being too hard, where is obviously quite the opposite. Their reality can be that they want to kill mobs with 1 hit with default attack, should Devs listen to them, and make the game from actual braindead easy to simulator ? As far as very skilled people to play the game only, what exactly in SWTOR is so much hard/skilled ? This game require literally ZERO mechanical skill. You are perfectly comparable to anyone with less than 50 APM, which is low as hell. You have to learn a goddamn easy rotation, and to know your defensive utility and when to use them. At the end of the day, this ain't some browser game, this is a MMORPG, and MMORPG has always require time and some efforts. You have dummies, you can use them, and learn your rotation in 1 hour time. And what more you have, to click 1 button to target switch, and the whole skill(that doesn't exist) part ends. You don't need to be good gamer to play SWTOR. Just like every single game out there, you have to learn your class and game basics, and that's it. You will be find till the very end. Again this was trolling intended post. As far as the rest i agree with everything bud, and i repeat it many times. But i'm getting tired of little trolls, that are constantly talk rubbish and lying around, that this and that Heroics is impossible to solo, and that the game is so hard, and all that thing that are completely false. Just proved a guy wrong with a character i haven't touched for years, it's low on gear, missing gear parts, not configured the utility tree, and pretty much mashed buttons around, and just once my HP drops below 60%, by using my character max at 30%. But he was telling everyone that this heroics can't be done on solo. Since i put screenshots, that guy goes on hiding. The talked Heroic was Black Hole one. Tell me then how can i take this trolls seriously ?
  3. The game is dead easy. Braindead boring. They need to UP the difficulty and make the game harder and more challenging. Now it is boring. Also some people are trolling hard, cause they are just bad at the game.
  4. What can be seen here in forums, that 10 exact people(like 0.0000000001% of the game population) are nonstop crying and making new thread after new thread, claiming they are the majority, when they are not ? And what can be seen in the game? People are happy and play the game full force. Grouping and have happy times. People that can't adapt are good to go. MMORPG genre was never a stale one, and was always been about what the name say. You have your solo play, you can solo, no one force you to play. You also have dummy where you can practice, learn your rotation, and actually become better in the game, simple as that. If you are so unhappy, you can always try and find a new easier MMORPG, but guess what , SWTOR is the easiest one ....
  5. Again another nonsenses you have not a single proof of which. And yeah is it show which is the majority in minority, otherwise there won't be a single MMORPG on the market, just a single player game.
  6. Muhahhahahahhaha, the only troll here is you. Are you telling me that you can't solo The End of Torvix ? Is that what you telling me bud ? Wasted like 5 minute out of my precious time on a character that i haven't played since forever, and its gear it's outdated like hell. I didn't even care to select the right ability trees. On this character i spend exactly 30 seconds, to put Arcann mask. Not played on it since forever. Don't even use a proper open/rotation on any of the encounter. You can see on the screenshots that i didn't even care to arrange my ability properly, hell i mash most buttons, and didn't even know what my key bind is for the target switching. I probably played at 30% of my character strengths and my damage output was around 30% of what is capable. But let me summarized how it went: My companion is not even maxed out. I didn't die once. Just once my HP dropped below 50-60%. Encounter was fast(don't know for what exactly reason people are crying that it took so long, it took exactly as it should took on a end game content(as i qualify Heroics as such, and they are actually done very fast). I didn't use proper rotation, I didn't played that character since forever Not even selected the proper Ability in the tree Mashed buttons Not even know on what keybind my target switching key was It was gosh darn easy. I'm missing pretty much every augment slot, except on my weapon0 I'm missing Gear pieces. My item rating is gosh darn low, cause i haven't played on that character for like forever I use medpac once I played at around 30% of my character possibility As far as recording, but i don't have any recording program on my PC, neither i will do for the easiest MMORPG on the market. I used to record my gameplay in Apex Legends to see what i do wrong, my mistake, my movement, where my aim is lacking, and to analyze it after and to get improve, and become a better player. But hell you are the one that can't done a super easy Heroics, so maybe you should record and see what exactly you are doing wrong. Still i made few Screenshots, just for you bud: https://ibb.co/m9LYdrB https://ibb.co/PhKBMgz Yeah i will repeat myself learn the class, stop being lazy and spoiled. You have dummy, practice on it.
  7. You can't do the NIM just fine with lower gear, and i'm pretty sure you know that. I get your point, but a lot of games, especially in this genre gate the best stuffs exactly around the high end content. It gives this content a purpose. It's pretty much the driving point, as well as the challenge and being hard. Saying that i prefer 6.0, cause was suiting my playstyle better. I never really rush to get BIS asap, and i always take my time and enjoy the process. So i won't lose any sleep the way it is now. I just understand the reason they are doing it this way, which is different from what i would prefer/like. Partially agree. We still don't know if the companion nerf was intentional or not. My main problem with the SWTOR Devs are, that there is zero communication. And by saying this, i mean this: I don't want them to answer to every thread, or a single one, but when they release expansion/patch, to just put Devs notes on the changes and explain their motives why they are doing the X and Y thing. Then we can get the idea behind. Also Roadmap, 500% necessary. Difficulty is definitely the way to go, and put more mechanical skills into the game. You can have your fun, i can have it, the masochist people can have it and so on. Here is where i kinda don't agree. I get your point, but at the end of the day, this ain't a SP game, this also ain't a SP orientated game, for example like Diablo or Path of Exile. This is MMO, and you should be mad happy with the way it is, because: SWTOR is probably one of the easiest MMORPG and you can solo most of the things, without much sweat. They pissed tons of people(i'm not talking about 6.0, but way before that, cause i remember how many friends and guild players quit) with the game direction change, and turn it to way more solo orientated. Most people swear that this ain't MMO anymore, and it wasn't pretty and tons of people has left. But Bio made the right choice, cause the genre was changing, and SOLO play and play the way you want was necessary. If you are old player, you would have known that most of the content that you can do, was pretty much group only. And the game was a group orientated. So you should be very happy with the way you are playing(me as well, as i'm 80 to 90% solo player), and what BIO has given us. Agree completely. I also think the game need new End Game modes, and SW Universe gives plenty of options for that. Also the current End Games modes need a big rejuvenation. Story is always good to come, but not a 30 minute one. The Bug Fest is obviously, main reason for pissing so many people. Completely agree for difficulty as well. They should have never remove Renown as well. Hell, they should have given us more CHASE end game stuffs, whether it's a mission, gear, items, mounts, secrets or so. This was a proper discussion and a proper explanation. It's good to see reasonable people on here.
  8. Or you could learn your class, maybe? And then you can do the heroics as easy as it gets.
  9. Hello there buddy. Thanks for the clarification. Usually what i see in Steam is the month numbers, they are pretty much the most telling. Have a good evening buddy.
  10. Completely agree. I need something that is very, very grindy, hard/challenging and give a good/cool rewards. We also need new progression system. They should introduce something similar to ESO Championship points or so.
  11. Thanks, but i know how to see the steam charts, and i have seen them before my post. It was towards him, cause he claimed something, which isn't true. Nice trying again, but you are again deadwrong. On 21 March, the peak was 10,163 or so. There is a 7 months(cause it's what we have to compare it) with lower Peak players, since SWTOR launched on Steam. I also don't see a weekly chart for average or Peak players, but i maybe wrong, or not looking where i need to. Again, just show us the proof, the graph so you can validate your point.
  12. Who tells you what gear you need to play the game btw? It's not me, it's not anyone else. It's your choice. You can get 326 green by still SOLOing if im not wrong with Conquest. It's cheap that way, and it's obtainable purely by doing Solo stuffs. With this 326 GREEN you are going to do all the Heroics, soloing FPS like it's nothing. And the Devs, not me or anyone else tells you, that if you want higher tier gear, for whatever purpose you would like to use it, you had to do either MM FPs for 326 Blue or NIM for 330 purple, simple as that. Is it fair that way ? Yeah i got to say it's 100% fair. Obviously if you want the best stuffs, you have to play the hardest content, knows the mechanics and etc. At the end of the day, whether people like it or not, this is MMO game, and End Game is what keep the player base in there. This is a MMO, so obviously if you wanna play certain content, you has to grouping. Obviously people that is doing the hardest and in-depth content has to get the highest reward. It's pretty much how it's work in real life, and a lot of other games. Saying all that, does i prefer to be like that? Hell, NO !!! I'm like 80 to 90% a solo player and didn't see or expect them to change the gearing system. I don't think they needed to invest resources in there. Saying all that, there was millions of complain how the gearing was done in 6.0 when it hit. It was probably even more than it's now. You can't make everyone happy. I see the reasoning why they done it like that. My problem is with the zero actual content and story we get. I wouldn't have a problem with it, if we was to get a new End game Mode, and OPs, FPs, Uprising, way more Heroics, way longer story and then they could have done the ****** they wanna do. And i mean all of that in 7.0, not in 7.01 or 7.1, or 7.9 and so. And till 8.0 to expand it way bigger. As far as companion goes, they were incredible OP, and just like most of my guild we want a challenge. The best way for that was to give a difficulty, like normal and hard, and UP the reward for Hard one. I got no problem the way it is now, but the game is still goddamn easy and not challenging enough. Again, before anyone start spreading propaganda, that's my view, simple as that.
  13. Will you be that kind and show the graph and how exactly you know what the lowest weekly steam numbers was in the past?
  14. Disagree completely. End game content are there for a reason, and people doing it, should get the highest possible reward. You don't need the BIS to do the solo content in the game. You are post may have any sense, if you can't do the regular content. This is not a single player game, this is a MP, hell MMO game, whether you like it or not.
  15. Doesn't support what point exactly? After every single expansion with changes you can see complains about x or y things. This is absolutely normal. You are ignoring the Galactic Renown. Was people happy at first with it ??? No! There was plenty of threads about the gearing, the GR and plenty of moaning. Yeah people get used to and start liking it. Same with previous gearing. Same when the game changed, so you can play it way more SOLO. Same when the Heroics was changed, same with the FPs were changed so you can solo them and so. People weren't happy with the Chapters at KOTFE at first, then most of them loved them. The list goes on till forever, and i most probably forget a lot of stuffs. As far as PTS, why you even mention it ? I never ever talk about it. As far as the feedback, again BW/EA are not idiots, they have way more source for feedback than people imagine. Also they have their ideas how the game should be, so obviously they won't changed everything a set of people that do the PTS don't like. If a feedback is ignored, there obviously a reason for it. As far as complains about the 7.0, some are absolutely rightful i have said this long time ago. I'm more unhappy, than happy with a lot of the changes, especially gearing. Still this is a MMORPG and you should expect when expansion arrive that there will be things you won't like, and such that you will like. This is how not just MMO, but MP games work. A lot of changes and so. And just like usual i try to adapt. What i can't forget though is the laughable short story. This should be their main focus - content, more content and again more and more content.
  16. Some people may still say, but a lot of people get used to them, and liked them, and now are mad that they are gone. And it's not only for that actually, but for many things, and not just in SWTOR for example. Loadouts is a feature that people wanted for quite some time. I cannot call it a change. It's not about my argument or not. As far as Combat Style, it's firstable a new feature, and yeah they still complain about x or y thing. Not just the weapons, but for the abilities too. Plenty of people were complaining about abilities and they want them to be reduced, now they are unhappy when it's actually happen. You can't make everyone happy you know. Same with how the tree works nowadays. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but a lot of people will complain just for the sake of it. I'm not happy with the gearing change at all. I'm not claiming neither the majority of people are happy or not. I don't have that info. Though i know people that are happy with the change. Just like they weren't happy with the previous gearing method. Some people want to be gated behind the hardest/highest contents. I think that people should play the game at their pace and do(content) they like and still be able to progress. Previous gearing has very good balance about that. I would agree that doing lesser(let's call it like that) content should make that progress slower, but you should still be able to progress. As far as the complain again, i'm not stating that everyone is complaining, cause of it, NO. But there is plenty of people that do exactly that, before even game the game/expansion/patch a chance. Also no matter what the changes are, they will still find something to cry about it.
  17. I don't need to provide any information about anything, get that to your head. I'm not the one using extremes and talking about majority, when we don't even know the 1% of the player base opinion. No one can provide information about the Total Active Numbers players for let's say 24 hours, or a week period. Only EA/BW has this numbers. We can only speculate. And still if you have 2 cent brain you obviously would understand that 5-10-15-20 people are even 100 are not even 0.01% of the playerbase, forget about the minority, majority and etc. Also using people at discords or Reddit, or ING, without actually giving any proof of that, for Discord and ING, are just big talks. And guess what I wasn't the one that was claiming this, and talking with the absolutes. And where did i throw insult exactly ? I say i don't care about your real time job, as neither any of us would. Neither do i believe you or any random guys, unless i know them in person and known them. Next time you may claim you are God, should i believe you ? I never said what you claim you work/study/etc are false or not. I just say that i don't believe random guys on the Internet, which any normal person should do the same. Simple as that. The one that is trying to influence/force opinion is you. I never claim my view is better than anyone else. I respect a well written posts.
  18. I'm not happy with most changes as well. My post was for completely different purpose, and was pretty much about the "majority" being throwing around for everything. And as far as moaners, criers and so on, this was generalizing, not towards you or any given name.
  19. No i'm not, but the guy was likely 90% right. He probably struck a nerve, didn't he ? Funny you didn't quote the whole part, especially with the Galactic Renown, and how much crying there was about it, at the beginning. Let me remind you that there was plenty of crying threads about the 6.0 Gearing and so. As far as your point. Actually there is quite an unhappy people, and there is actually a thread/threads about Combat Style complaining. I haven't seen anyone complain about loadouts. - what this has to do with changes, exactly ? Improvements is one thing, change something completely which what i'm talking is quite different, right ? Some people are just moaners, and nowadays kids are lazy and spoiled. They get offended by nothing. For most changes you need time to actually understand if they are better or not, but most of the crying started before even give the chance of proper playing and testing. When people are with premade minds, they will still cry and not be happy about it. There was tons of cry threads in the past, about changes that actually was quite good, and was proven in the long run, just like with the mention above.
  20. Firstable i wouldn't care less, neither do i believe what some random guy in the Internet works or it's actually suppose to works. This is on you, and i don't care. Secondly i don't need to proof anything, cause i'm not the one claiming stuffs like "majority" which anyone with 2 brain cells knows is a b.c. and just trying to force and put weight into your opinion. Thirdly - not going to enter another steam discussion. Waste of time and completely different topic. As far as the rest, what exactly all of the wall of text have to do with our discussion that you decide to quote me, and try to explain to me things, that i don't need a random person to try to explain me, or speculate with it ? Yeah as usual everyone on the Internet is expert in something, this is a well known fact. And always this person knows what is the best.
  21. Saying something as majority, and talk about large variety of people is exactly that. You got zero proof of that. Again people in the Fleet seems to be happy with the 7.0 gearing. A lot of old players base that are into groups actually are liking this one as well. I can tell you that vast majority of people are happy, but that's going to be a lie, cause no one knows the real number of playerbase. We don't know the exact number, but they may very well be 100 or 200k.(not active at one time, but actually active players that play at some point through the day), so you got the opinion of how much exactly people ??? You sat it's not 5 people, but on here it's 5-10 that are vocal and creating multiple threads and page are full with their comments only. How many of them are on Reddit actually ? How many just talk, and not actually play the game ? Most Reddit users spend most of their time complaining about everything and barely find times play the game, as they are constantly on Reddit. Anyway what is their number 10-20, maybe 50. Even if it's 100 or 200, how is that the majority? Hell this ain't even a minority. It's a damn small number, probably around 0.01%. Maybe vast majority of people are not happy with the changes, or maybe they are, nobody knows, cause like i say the actual vast majority of people just play the game, and don't wanna waste their time in forums. As far as Discord in most servers there is barely any people in there. So why you not show all of this "majority" of people in Discord and their opinion. Show that channel and see how many players are actually there and don't like the new changes. Also it's a proven fact that a lot of people just don't like changes, whatever they are good, bad, ugly, and at first always start moaning. But after a while they actually start to like it. Plain example is Galactic Renown, previously known as GC. At first people hating on them big time, and the way gearing was working. Then people used to them and actually started to liking them, and they were great addition. Hell, people weren't happy with the gearing at 6.0 and pre for quite awhile, but after that they were okay with it. For me personally MMORPG game evolving and it's not what they were before, aka most of the stuffs restricted to group content. And while i believe there should be such, Gear definitely shouldn't be. Players should be able to play the way they like and progress in their own tempo. Though saying all that, my main problem actually is with Devs and the zero communication. At every patch/expansion to the changes they make, they should f***** write a DEV NOTE and explain what is their vision about the X thing and why they are making the changes to the X, Y thing and so. There should be a Road Map as well. This should 500% be a thing.
  22. Yeah once again trying to gain weight on your opinion using the majority. I doubt that you reach the majority in the game. I doubt that you can reach even the 1% of the player base and their opinion on whatever. As far as the forum and reddit, it's exactly the usual 5 suspects that are doing all the crying, moaning and making thread after thread, and every page is filled with their opinion that is always the right one, and that it's always the "majority". Plenty of people(i won't talk with the majority or the minority, cause this is b.c., as already stated) to be fair like the new gearing system, and prefer the game to be more of a MMA with actual end game stuffs getting from Group Content, as it's supposed to be, it's MMO after all. And NO this ain't my opinion, but i'm not going to act like my is the majority or so, cause this is a pure lie. Again it's proven million time that the majority of people never ever gets their hand on forums, reddit and all kind of b.c. discussion wasting their time. Saying all that i also don't like the way new gearing system works. Neither that they remove the Renown system, which was great, and gave you sense for progress after you hit max level. They didn't need to waste their time and money, which obviously wasn't much, as having in mind what a dog.... short content we get in 7.0. If something is not broken, unless you are 150% sure you going to improve it, just don't touch it. But i'm not going to act like i'm the majority, or such nonsenses to put more weight into my opinion. Plenty of people are happy with the current state. The game is quite active, a lot of people like it that way. Going at the Fleet and ask about that, and you see that mostly everyone are okay with it. At the end of the day i prefer to instead of cry, to just adapt. Won't throw threats that i will quit or so, you either do it or not. Which doesn't mean i like the 7.0 changes. Pretty much not like any of them. Also Combat Style for me are irrelevant as i don't mind playing different character for the story. But for a lot of people it's a very good addition. Anyway people may cry a river i just don't see them change the gearing back to what it was. Maybe they will introduce similar system to Renown in the future, as for me at least it was a great. BTW, i'm mainly a solo player. I play groups only when i got plenty of time(aka at some weekends), and when i'm 100% relaxed, which is not quite often.
  23. Same majority of people type of post. Who are they, the 20 people(more like 5, creating multiple threads) ? Got no problem with your feedback, but people should stop using this word, trying to put more weight into their opinion, it's just laughable. Majority of people just play the game, they pretty much never even open SWTOR forums, Reddit or so. They spend their time playing, not standing in the forums and then wondering why the "majority" of people feedback is not listen by the Bioware, EA, etc.
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