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Everything posted by Hercology

  1. <Elitist> NiM Tyth on Tuesday. Cheevs popped for 5. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/450650412 1 hour 26 mins in. On to A/E.
  2. Pretty sure you quit the game over Conquest being too difficult which is sad. RIP Blood Bads and Beyond
  3. boohoo. Us raiders want to raid on new toons and this made it easy. Conquest whiners screwed that.
  4. they destroyed leveling with this patch
  5. revert it back. people are still doing it
  6. Elitist is recruiting NiM-Quality players for present content and 6.0. We have 2 teams currently raiding in Elitist. The info for each team is listed below. If you have interest in joining Elitist for the rest of 5.0 or the hype that is 6.0, please apply at our website or join our discord! Current Progression: 4/4 NiM EC+Timed, 5/5 NiM TFB+ Timed, 7/7 NiM SnV+Timed, 5/5 NiM DF+Timed, 5/5 NiM DP+Timed, 5/5 HM Ravagers (M/B, Coratanni), 5/5 HM ToS, 4/5 NiM Gods Team Elitist - Tue/W/Thu 7-10 pm PST (NiM Gods)2 DPS Team Mortis - Tue/Sun 11:30 pm-3 am PST (NiM Gods) 1 DPS/1 Tank Needed Apply here and join our discord!
  7. Because Elitist players DESERVE stuff that casuals don't. You put more effort into doing things, you deserve a greater reward.
  8. Hey man Elitist here. Add our discord and hit me up! https://discord.gg/y2PtFVt
  9. this is for satele shan not star forge
  10. all the time pretty much. add me on discord or join our discord and we can talk
  11. Elitist is recruiting. Hit up us in game or add me on discord Hercruiter#6976
  12. Recruiting tanks for both teams BTW.
  13. /who elitist or join our discord
  14. Hi there frens. We are currently recruiting raiders interested in pulling the hardest PVE content this game has to offer. If you have an interested in raiding at a higher level or have any questions then feel free to PM me here or use our discord link at the bottom of this post! Recruiting for our final team. Friday/Sat 7:30-1030 pm PST. Need 1 dps 1 healer. At this point in time we are recruiting healers and DPS who can play multiple classes/specs/ =) Progression: 4/4 NiM EC + Warstalker, 5/5 NiM DP+Dread Master, 5/5 NiM DF, 7/7 NiM SNV+ Dragonslayer, 5/5 NiM TFB, 5/5 HM ToS Here is our discord!
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