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Everything posted by thirtydollars

  1. Vanilla content is fun enough.
  2. Diminishing returns doesn't stop you from playing the game.
  3. Perhaps you're just bored of the game then? Have you considered playing something else?
  4. What's stopping you from doing that content again?
  5. Stop thinking "What's the one activity I should play to maximize my CXP rate? I'll do that and only that over and over again". Start thinking "What content can I successfully do with my current gear? Oh there's tonnes of content I can do, and I get CXP for doing it, cool!" This can apply to all your alts, and it only requires an actual appreciation for the game's content.
  6. Please, let's not derail the thread with snide remarks.
  7. Ya. Unfortunately the game is unplayable for me because of Tracer Missile so I don't get to enjoy this great game.
  8. This game has 30 different flashpoints and uprisings and 9 operations. All scaled to max level. It also has 27 different planets. Tonnes of content. Then after that there's PvP and GSF, space missions and dailies, and a great crafting system.
  9. I don't know, but do them anyway. That's what they're there for.
  10. I'm not angry that Bioware wont change it back. I'm angry that a bunch of stupid kids complained to get it changed in the first place, for the reason that they didn't want to look like they were pooping themselves. Watching the same thing happen with the server name change is infuriating.
  11. Quite possibly I just hate people who complain over stupid crap and end up getting game changes that affect people who might not have wanted those changes. You know, like getting the Tracer Missile animation changed. But who cares right? Who cares if someone wanted to play the game it was originally designed to be? Who cares if the only reason I even started playing this game in the first place was for that animation? You don't want to have to bend over. Gotta fix that asap. Forget the lack of end-game content at the time. You don't want to have to bend over. Who cares that my enjoyment of the game has being completely destroyed? You don't want to have to bend over.
  12. Why are you continuing this conversation? Are you trying to win it?
  13. Because I hate people who do that. Well hey, you complained about something and you got what you wanted. You made a game developer go out of it's way to settle your hurt feelings. Good for you. I hope you can keep it up in life.
  14. You should read your own posts before posting them.
  15. Because personally I'm sick of tired of people complaining about every little thing they hate about the game and demanding Bioware change it. This game has been utterly destroyed for me because of whiney forum kids complaining over stupid crap and having their demands catered to.
  16. I'm not attempting to shut the conversation down. People should stop overreacting to a server name of all things. And people shouldn't demand to have that server name changed because of their overreaction to it. Still you.
  17. Ironic coming from someone who's too embarrassed to even mention the old name.
  18. You're attempting to shut down the conversation by accusing someone of overreacting. Thereby attacking the poster you responded to to delegitimize his argument.
  19. I think any gamer would choose the server with the lowest ping regardless of the name. They would then have a laugh over the silly name then get over it the next day. Unless you're as insecure as this guy.
  20. Attempting to shut down conversation with ad hominems.
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