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Everything posted by viernedeuxieme

  1. Not here to contribute anything worthy to the discussion but it could also be #PrayForSins if you get me
  2. Hi, I'd be happy to help you out (and maybe loot myself a spare Crest in the meantime!). Do you plan on raiding Impside or Pubside? I have a Sorcerer for DPS/Heal (average 246 for both specs, with full set bonus and mask). If it's Pubside I can tank Dreadtooth at 10 stacks on my Shadow (or however many stacks you want, but I've done 10 stacks before), but it's not geared for NiM raiding.
  3. Did Corruptor Zero at the Dread Fortress yesterday with 5 of us (Star Forge) after some people left (pug). Everybody was a champ but we had to call it quits when we couldn't take the next trash mob. Kudos guys if you see this! - your sorc healer
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