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Posts posted by ElleSheepy

  1. Crafting get worse every iteration. I am fearful of any more "improvements" to it.

    Remember when Biochem could craft reusables stims and Cyber could craft reusable grenades?

    Then they removed them, since everyone go learn and it unbalance the crew skills.

    Later they add the stim back, but not the grenades, so everyone now want to get Biochem on every toon.


    That's on par with the improvements we've been seeing in swtor, from stealth server move to the recent Galactic Guide.

  2. Hi all,


    Point of interest I had a thought about recently. On all the census logs I've seen, pretty much everyone universally states the Smuggler and Agent as the least played classes overall. However, I seem to be constantly grouped with them and the majority of my guild seem to be scoundrels.


    Is this similar to your experiences, or are you finding you aren't seeing many about?

    Stats says Scoundrel (part of Smuggler) usually play heal. Since I usually occupy a heal slot, no, I don't often see them in fp and in op I see Sage and Commando partners more often.


    That said, there are only three healer classes. So you are bound to see one of us in most contents.

  3. I'm a brand new player. Is it ok to start with a healer class, or am I better off learning the game with another class?

    I learned the game as a healer and in hindsight I think it is better to learn dps first, with companion usually set to dps or tank.


    Healer is slower to advance the story with, since they clear trash much slower than dps do.

    Also, since there are kolto stations in vet fp, people will use them instead of relying on your (punny) heals.

    Playing as dps without heal will also help you learn how to survive, as you need to make the best of your controls, self heals, and dcds. These skills translates well to all roles.

  4. I dont have the free time to go that fast. I have a family and work I have to juggle. I get at most 2 hours a day.

    At 15-20 hours per class that's roughly on par.


    It will be faster with later playthroughs, as you know the game (like how to use Quick Travel to skip running back), and can skip the planet stories and focus on class.


    Also helps a lot if you play a stealth class instead of non-stealth adv classes. Will be listening to the expensive voice acting most of the time during play.

  5. Some of you people don't seem to understand the concept of a "paid" review. Of course the person in this case is being 'paid' by their employer (or from Youtube views, etc) to write the review, but that's not the same as BioWare paying for the review.

    If EA Bioware is paying for reviews, they need to first stop pretending this game does not exists when they talk about their Star Wars games. And they need to pay more. May also be wise if they take a look at the slow Steam install which is turning players away even before they can put boots on the ground to experience the fantastic paid reviews.

  6. Hope I get to legendary before it shuts down. I don't see that happening anytime soon. Thoughts?
    Problem is in "not see that happening soon", not in swtor would shut down soon. Even at a rate of one class per week, that take at most 2 months, well before the current "holiday 2020" timeline we have.
  7. But now I realize this game just have that scaled leveling group content and then 1 tier of lvl cap group content. Basically I could farm 1 single FP and get everything that can drop in master but I don't see why I would be doing it since their is nothing else left to accomplish with the gear farmed since I won't raid.


    I don't see what can keep someone subbed if he don't raid or PvP. Beside maybe playing alts wich is sad because I enjoyed the game so far.

    Because it's more "fun" to play different mm fp, than grinding a single one for the 8192th times.


    Also, some players play mm fp for cheevos, decos, and other reasons. Power gaming is an important offer, but not the only offer here.

  8. I have been having an issue with right mouse button steering when I am moving around in any environment in game (speeder, running, starfighter...etc). What happens is I'll hold down right mouse button and start moving. Anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds later the mouse pointer will appear briefly and it will stop steering. The resulting pause in movement has caused me to fall off bridges, speed too close to enemies...etc.

    Sounds like your mouse button is failing and it lost contact when the pressure shifts. Try replacing the mouse,

  9. Hi, my brother is playing a healer and since I anjoy tanking I've rolled a darkness assassin wich I anjoy quite a lot. As I see right now it wont be long before I'll be over geared for 4 players content.


    But I'm wondering if it will be easy to get a spot for running operations on the fly, without being in a guild ? I just can't play enough to be a part of a raiding guild.


    Would it be easier if I was a DPS ?

    It is difficult to over gear the harder flashpoints. Especially if you pug and you get a 75 healer/dps in 262 gear.


    But yes. You can expect to be playing dps often, but many pug groups need a second tank or DwT. You do need to know mechanics and, if you are tanking, the boss's attack pattern including the damage type each attack do and the proper defense. That can only come with experience. You'd just be giving us poor healers heart attacks otherwise. Hope you are not already doing that in fp. :(

  10. So explain why some of us don’t have network issue and when we get those complaining to do the testing I suggest, 9/10 times it’s not the servers, but something between the player and the servers.

    Time of testing is a pretty important factor. Hours or even days can pass from the issue is posted to people go test it. If the server/network is no longer under stress, or if the issue has been quietly solved, of course everything is smooth.


    As OP noted, the lag is reported by multiple players in-game but only lasted a short while, at least for him. The forum also see a few other reports. If it is not server issue, as you say, then it is a common issue on a network that is pretty close to the server.


    Imagine the servers being accessible from a train station. The station have two lanes, one red and one blue. The red going rails may be better maintained and have newer trains. The blue may be less reliable. If you ride on the red every day you'd think it's a great experience. Not so with blue.


    Of course, you can still insist it's fine on your side and it's my local connection. But I can also say I've no problem with other online games, international video calls, multi GB downloads, etc. Since covid I have even stress tested (and busted) local and foreign servers of different companies as part of my job from my top of the line, pc to fiber modem home connection. So please let me insist the problem seems to be closer to swtor - or the provider they use - than my home.


    Don't forget. Swtor's network is throttled even before your game is ready for play. The min install time reported on Steam is stable, despite the lack of any official confirmation.


    lol, no, it's still not the big M's fault, if the roads are bad. They do the best with what they've got, if you are having trouble getting to them, it's up to you, especially if there are tons of people getting there easily enough.

    Perhaps the physical McDonald is stuck with that porthole-on-the-door. Networking in a top tier data center is generally more flexible with multiple providers. Perhaps BW is just unwilling to look at network issue, like how they hid for as long as they can for many issues from starter planet gold spam to the recent character transfer bug.


    Or look at how they handled the 2017 server merge complains - we decided to move the server away from you players, without telling you, and we knew you would get higher ping, but it is a network issue not a game performance issue. Our tests show all green.


    Right. Now I don't know whether it's BW who copy the zealot guardians or the fans who take clue from BW.

  11. ESO runs on Hero, a production release, and is a beautiful game and PVP is awesome.

    No ESO does NOT runs on Hero, production or not:



    The CEOs who run the big games are not hard core gamer's like us - they have forgotten that if you build the latest and greatest AND for the latest and greatest - people will find a way to pay for it so they can play it.

    The CEOs also want to reuse engine to save cost, save time, reuse expertise, and perhaps mature the engine enough to resell it. Thus Frostbite.



    I won't blame bad graphics for an mmo though. If you wanted to dethrone WoW with tens of millions of players, which everyone believed swtor is the best bet with Bioware Story + Star Wars + EA Money, you really need to be able to run on integrated graphics. 9 years old integrated graphics on single core laptops. We know swtor have few players for an mmo now but that was not the intention.


    Engine optimisation, though, is different from bad graphics. And which 64bits is only a tiny little part of.

  12. But overall, it appears to be a network issue, not a game issue (this time). 🙂

    Swtor is interesting. Its network, both software and hardware, is the worse among the mmos I played, none of which are located in my region. Its download is throttled and we get new complains on that every day on Steam. (hardware) The ping goes up and spikes happen more often when more players are fighting around you (software).


    The norm on this forum is to blame the complainer's network or computer, but I'd say the game's optimisation and network configuration/provider also play an important role to many of the complains.

  13. See, but I'm not understanding how my DPS would falter if I'm using DPS gear.

    I think this is the main issue. Your spec affects your dps more than dps gear vs tank gear. Do you use Starparse? If you do, you should find that you often do over 10k dps as a dps, if not constantly. Tank... tank can't do that number, except when spamming AoE on mobs, which again a dps can do better and faster (15k and beyond.)


    If you don't understand that, I can only fear that your actual dps is much lower. The other dps calling you out is another hint that, no, your damage is not up to par, and (s)he needs to do your part. I very rarely see dps say that.


    As a dps, usually I keep quiet if I think the team can handle it. Tanks are less generous, though, since they need to be in control of the fight, and you in tank spec and taunting (you did mention it) is going to make it very difficult.


    Please learn to properly dps and practice on a dummy. The dps different is especially pronounced on group of adds, which dummy cannot reflect, but it should be a good start.

  14. The others have explained why there is no skank healer. So I'm just here to note how you should off-heal.


    When you play a Telekinetic Sage, and when there is no Sage healer, your best "off-heal" is your bubble. You can bubble everyone before a boss fight, like a Seer. Your bubble does not absorb as much or last as long, so you should leave it to Seer if one is in group. Otherwise you can refresh it on the tank and it'll make a noticeable different. If you pick the counter-attack utility (good thing) you should bubble yourself always.


    Also use your Force Mend to self heal - the healer will be happy to see that. If you switch to Balance, you can get great self heals without deviating much from your rotation, easily over 2k and can reach 3k, relieving healers and allowing them to off-dps more.


    I must also remind you that Sage's fantastic soft cc is often your best damage control ability. If you disable one of the two bridge turrents on hammer station, you cut their damage by half. On harder contents where common mobs can one-shot your flimsy dps bubble, your stun and lift can easily be your greatest "off-heal". (No, don't push please. It makes everyone's job difficult.)

  15. Returning to the game after playing previous to Hutt Cartel. Got a few class questions.


    1. Who is more underrepresented tanks or healers?


    2. Can I level through just the main story class quests if I'm a subscriber?



    1. The fp queue on Satele Shan is usually Tank in demand on the pub side. I concur that the imp side is measurably more active, but there are still groups on pub.


    2. Yes. But your gear may lag behind a bit; running a few heroics will solve that, or upgrading your own orange gear.

  16. Like dps, heal abilities also have synergies and, thus, rotations.


    Your cheapest heal and pre-heal is the bubble. Put it up before combat and whenever the debuff wear off.

    If someone is close to death and can be bubbled, throwing a bubble is much better than any real heal you can put.

    Next used most is Rejuvenation. It gives you a buff that boosts almost every heal.


    For example, rejuvenation -> healing trance gives the whole trace 60% bonus crit. Trance crit in turn buff Vindicate which is critical to Force management, and thus Rej+Trance should be your "default heal". Never use Vindicate without the buff.


    Rejuvenation also makes wandering mend spend all "charges" immediately, which means your comp will be healed twice in a very short time, instead of the wand getting stuck on someone. With the One for All tactical (good thing) it heals her three times, which makes it your strongest single/two targets burst heal. (If there are lots of raid-wide damage, though, leave the mend to its default and spend the valuable buff elsewhere, such as Salvation.)


    Rej also makes Deliverance cast faster, saving you valuable time, thus increasing heal rate.

    Deliverance, in turn, proc Benevolence to make it instant and heal more. Because of their low cooldowwn, Rej +Deli + Bene is your fallback heal when Trance is on CD.


    You should use Salvation only when you can catch four or more toons. Just you and your comp will be too little, too slow. Instead, Stun / Lift the strongest / furthest mob to control damage. Force Lift, in particular, can be more effective than any of your heals. Take the two turrets in hammer station, positioned before the light bridge - if you lift one of them you half their damage output.


    Rej, of course, should be used whenever you don't have the buff, even when the tank/companion is at full health.

    This make sure the buff is always there and ready when you need it. Bubble and Vindicate follow closely.

    Yes in a team you'll be very busy. Way too busy. Welcome to healer's club!


    It is also possible that you are undergeared. In which case you should gear up! Switching companion to tank also helps. At cost of some damage, she will be much more durable and easier to heal through, while pulling and taunting everyone so you can AoE.


    So, it should goes roughly like this:

    Bubble > Rej > Ask comp to attack a mob > Force Lift the furthest mob > DoT comp's target > Trance > Vindicate > Rej > Deliverance > Benevolence > Stun or Throw or Push or whatever > Rej > Wandering Mend > Vindicate > Bubble you get the idea.


    Use Mental Alacrity, Force Potency, and Heroic Moments as needed. Force potency is complicated because of Rej buff... so I'll stop here to keep it simple. Let's just say it is free and cost no gcd.

    Practice make perfect. You may also consider vm fp where heal is not as critical, meaning you can be safely trained.

  17. Rishi, Yavin 4, Ziost, and Mek-Sha heroic terminal and / or on fleet.


    Put the Quick Travel ability on a new character's ability bar by default.


    Revise mission markers. I made a new account to test out a newbie experience to write a Chinese guide. Some early class missions do not tell you to take a taxi when you should, and at least one miss the elevator markers (before I have a ship) so I am almost lost after I went back to fleet and logout for a few days.


    Mission marker for space mission operations, and change the space mission crate to fit character level.

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