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  1. /bump Patiently waiting for an official response.
  2. Just logged off after another successful full EV clear with my guild. Something that has become readily apparent after multiple heroic FPs, EV and KP clears, is the broken way the game rewards loot drops. More power to my guild mates in anything that they win as they have every right to a piece of gear that I do. We all pay the same fee per month. My issue is not with fellow guild mates, but with the way Bioware has programmed the system. I have seen this time and time again with guild runs to multiple guildmates. How can a system be put in place when- 1 No master loot option on regular mode OPs? 2. You have to physically click a chest to see what loot is inside and see if you somehow won a roll on BWs convoluted loot reward system ( minor complaint, but really?) 3. How can someone get a piece of gear when they already have said piece and it is an upgrade for others of the SAME CLASS?? Why doesnt the game take into consideration they ALREADY have that piece? ex. Random piece of columi drops. The game awards it to someone that already has it versus someone that doesnt. Don't tell me it rewards a second piece for people so they can have an off spec. Some folks have MULTIPLE pieces. So many their alts are all full Columi geared. Why isnt the game programmed to allow for the fact that, hey, character "A" has a piece of this gear tagged to there account in their bank vault. Character "B" that is rolling does not have that piece of gear.
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