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  1. Thank you so much! I was overlooking the exit button this whole time.. Thanks again!!
  2. Hi there! (I feel really dumb about this), I'm very new to strongholds, and I bought one with my level 70 and put an item in the legacy inventory for another character. This character being level 7, and doesn't have a ship. I didn't realise my mistake until I needed to leave! I'm unable to leave the stronghold without a ship... I can't find an emergency Fleet pass, and quick travel doesn't work off planet ;^^ Am I able to get a lift somehow, or is this the end of my character? Thank you in advance!
  3. Sorry for uprooting old topics, but I'd really love to have something like this in-game. I know I'm fairly new to the scene, but I absolutely LOVE this game. I get so into the action that I miss messages in the chat box from people in my group, and then I get texts saying I'm not paying attention. It's very embarrassing; I'm not used to silent IM systems. Unless there's an option somewhere I've missed, I would like to re-suggest some sort of notification for Group, and/or Guild messages, please
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