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    SWTOR, Gaming, Martial Arts, Swimming, Skateboarding, Skimboarding, Tricking, Reading, Writing, etc.
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  1. I recently had a dilemma when finishing the Sith Inquisitor story; do I really want to take this toon to 70, or does it even make a difference in the end? I won't use him in OPS or FPS and I'm certainly not going to suffer end game with them. But then again it could help overall with credits and alliance crates, plus swtor will add more level caps (that's just what they do). So in spite of this, I wanted to ask the forums is it worth leveling alternatives to 70? Let me know before I do anything I'll regret.
  2. Exactly! I'm on and off with this game but I'm going heavy into it now and that epiphany always hits me once I get a better artifact saber than my really aesthetically pleasing custom saber X.X
  3. The devs really love teasing the hell out of us honestly. But I am glad to see it's even being considered in the first place. If we're loud enough as a community they'll push for it I know it.
  4. Personally, I believe that a lightsaber outfit designer would be an excellent QOL Update to SWTOR as a whole. I'd rather stick with one awesome looking lightsaber in comparison to one with better stats cause' I'm all about aesthetic. It's a pain if I find this really cool lightsaber on the GTN for cheap, use it for about 5 levels, then I have to replace it because there is something better. That's my thoughts on the matter though, so my question is as follows; would a lightsaber outfit designer be beneficial or do nothing at all for the SWTOR Quality of Life. Let me know your thoughts.
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