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Everything posted by sickoftyping

  1. The only thing happening in the daily areas after tomorrows patch will be the tumbleweed blowing through.....
  2. must of been smoking something rather strong 1: No large or even medium hooks in the centre of carriages 2: Overkill of centerpieces on the roof - Guess when my volcano went?
  3. Why can only toons with bio crew skill use them? It gives no incentive to a: craft them - once you have them for your 1 or 2 toons .... b: because of a, no reason to return to that flashpoint once you have the stronghold
  4. Im also stuck on the last Heroric for Seeds and Macrobinoculars - If i knew these chains needed a group at the end I wouldn;t of touched them as I got burn't on Oricon. ESO had a similar issue with Craglorn, but they changed it to soloable as its a waste to put content out there that nobody will touch!!
  5. Im also stuck on the last Heroric for Seeds and Macrobinoculars - If i knew these chains needed a group at the end I wouldn;t of touched them as I got burn't on Oricon. ESO had a similar issue with Craglorn, but they changed it to soloable as its a waste to put content out there that nobody will touch!!
  6. Eric, Thanks for the codes, as I am unable to watch these bogs 24/7 i was obviously to late. So what do I get...... Or is my sub less value that others - NOT GOOD!!! - F**K the majority of your customers, so a couple of school kids (who probably don't sub) who have nothing else to do get free be's. NOT HAPPY!
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