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  1. Thanks a lot! I think I've decided to take the advice here for the boost. I already went ahead and refunded/deleted the boosted bounty hunter I'd made while installing. So thanks a lot for the advice on that, guys. Though, I'm still looking for some advice regarding RP. As for the credits - yeah. I'm really not looking to have uber gear. The concern was, in fact, with crew skills. I'm a bit of a whore in MMOs when it comes to trade skills. I can't help it. Every recipe bought, max immediately as soon as I unlock a new cap, etc. It's just kind of my thing. Looks like I may need to suck it up and just level crew skills the welfare way. Oh, well! But yeah, thanks to you both for the replies. But I would still like some information on where to start my roleplaying if no one would mind advising. Thank you.
  2. Hey there! I'm returning to SWTOR after a few years vacation. That said, I don't remember my old account information, nor do I care to. I would really like have a fresh start with a fresh take. Ever since I started playing WoW back in WotLK, I've pretty well replaced my past time of roleplaying with level grinding, heroic smashing, gear replacing, player killing zeal. I've fallen in to the grind plagued ritual of a traditional MMORPG player. This caused me to fall in to a rutt of boredom and redundancy (As the end-game design of MMORPGs tends to be). So I've pretty well put down the genre for the last couple years. Focused on advancing my career and personal life. But there's something about the genre that, of course, keeps nagging at me to return. I have no interested in WoW. The last couple of expansions I basically bought, played through the new content to max level, did like two end game tiered raids, and abandoned. WoW's end game formula is obviously a point I am not interested in returning to. With that said, SWTOR has the lore and the story that interests me. I'm ignorant when it comes to a lot of Star Wars lore (although I realize that only the movies and animated series are considered canon now), but I know a fair amount compared to your typical knowledge of your casual SW fan. And I think by pairing the game play of SWTOR with my hunger for knowledge and fantasy of SW, that I may be able to stick to it and get quite a bit of enjoyment out of the game. I have never roleplayed in an MMORPG setting before, and I haven't seriously role played in probably 5+ years. I was in my prime about 10 years ago. My grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary are pretty atrocious at this point and will need repolished. I'm sure that once I get back in to the swing, that it will polish itself and I can work on the rest. I guess what I'm looking for is some guidance. Whether it be a guild to join, friends to have, or just general guide lines of how to avoid trolls and the etiquette of SWTOR EH roleplay. Thanks in advance! Hope to see you guys out there. P.S. - This character token, should I use it to max level to supply a new toon with credits? Or will this be too detrimental to my game play? I've seen a lot of people say never use the token for a first toon, but technically it's not my first toon. Just for this account and since the original level cap of 50. There's just a certain level of QoL that is attained by having a toon fund another. Especially when a single quest reward amounts to an equivalent of like 30+ rewards for the receiving toon in form of credits.
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