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Everything posted by DDaMAGEr

  1. This power sometimes causes extremely annoying effect, when it's placed on Cooldown, but doesn't do damage neither moves character. l think reason of that is this string: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/storm-2#eff1 If CASTER is positioned 10m to 30m to melee distance of TARGET Sometimes on client side enemy is still within 30m range, but when command comes to server it's already outside 30m range. This causes power not being executed, but placed on cooldown anyway. Letz compare it with Force Leap/Force Charge Guardian/Jugg power. It doesn't have string If CASTER is positioned 10m to 30m to melee distance of TARGET which makes it possible to be casted outside of 30m range, that's why no bug occurs. Solution to resolve this bug is simple: delete string If CASTER is positioned 10m to 30m to melee distance of TARGET to blasted hecks. Also l would like to point, that in tooltip incorrect damage is listed for Jet Charge/Storm, and specifically it's equally 150% damage (0.102-0.162), that Battering Blitz or Battering Ram specialization grants, instead of normal damage. This happens because that value is mentioned earliest within the code, so variable causes exactly it to be shown, but not normal one (0.068-0.108).
  2. Also lemme add couple mirroring lssues. So: Spinning Kick stun isn't dispellable by anything, except for maybe self-cleanse, while Spike stun has Force property & can be dispelled with Restoration. Also inside TFB last boss portal - as far as l noticed - Commando's Successive Treatment has 120m range, while Mercenary's Progressive Scan has 60m range.
  3. Vanguard/Powertech Shield Specialist/Tech discipline right after respec lacks 2% of Damage Reduction until you change instance (because of Ion Screen/Ion Shield works only when Ion Cell is active, and IC seems to activate when it's trained, but IS isn't). Male Shapes 2,3,4 (especially 3) cannot squeeze through many stuff (horizontal hitbox issue), and Female Shape 3, and aforementioned Male shapes can't pass under some stuff (vertical hitbox issue). Female shapes 1,2,4 and Male shape 1 seem to have similar hitboxes and safe to use.
  4. Also more of 'em: VG - Vanguard Lotek'k - same as TFB LBLO - last boss lockout Multickle - when you enter command "/e tickles you."
  5. If your toon isn't thematic use Biochem, since you get access to unlimited stims/adrenals/medpacs at 600 (although l Mained on Cybertech one, since l created Their lmperial Majesty at the moment reusables weren't in game). But nowadays l think it's better to've 5 of non-biochem skills on characters, you don't use often or made exceptionally for that purpose, while on rest of toons - go Biochem.
  6. Or maybe easier to implement this in 2 transactions (exapmle below): Unassembled Mod T4 <- WM52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Mod T4 <- WMA52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Mod T4 <- WMB52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Mod T4 <- LM52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Mod T4 <- LM52A + X unassembleds Unassembled Mod T4 <- LM52B + X unassembleds WM52 <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens WM52A <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens WM52B <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens LM52 <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens LM52A <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens LM52B <- Unassembled Mod T4 + X command tokens Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- AdeptE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- DisciplineE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- EfficientE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- BarrageE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- SavantE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- QuickSavantE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- InitiativeE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- ProficientE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- StudiousE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- ImmunityE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- BastionE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- SteadfastE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- SturdinessE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- BulwarkE52 + X unassembleds Unassembled Enhancement T4 <- VigilantE52 + X unassembleds AdeptE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens DisciplineE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens EfficientE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens BarrageE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens SavantE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens QuickSavantE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens InitiativeE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens ProficientE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens StudiousE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens ImmunityE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens BastionE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens SteadfastE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens SturdinessE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens BulwarkE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens VigilantE52 <- Unassembled Enhancement T4 + X command tokens Because with just 1 transaction very big table comes out at Enhancements, 2 of them seem to be a bit more convient for Devs.
  7. T2, T3, T4 mod exchangers whose work this way: using e.g. Warding Mod 52 (golden) & about 20-50 (don't know exact number) it's possible to exchange it to e.g. Warding Mod 52B. Same for Bastion/Bulwark enhancements. Resulting mod is bound to character (but can be transferred via Legacy gear). Resulting mod is not reverse-engineerable. Cannot apply to primary mods (armorings, barrels, hilts). In a similar way this could be used if you have excessive Initiative, Adept etc. enhancements, to ones that you're lack. l suggest to do this in order to grant possibility to achieve decent amount of e.g. mods, those're considered to be best for Tanking ATM (gold Warding Mod 52B llRC, which can be achieved only in residual numbers ATM), as well as red A, B mods, more exotic mods, to extend # of possible & physically achieveable combinations, those would provide access to layout optimized for exact circumstances (such as PvP, hybrid (known as Skank) or IE-heavy tanking). Here's list of options (for T4). Mods: WM52 <- WM52A + X unassembleds WM52 <- WM52B + X unassembleds WM52 <- LM52 + X unassembleds WM52 <- LM52A + X unassembleds WM52 <- LM52B + X unassembleds WM52A <- WM52 + X unassembleds WM52A <- WM52B + X unassembleds WM52A <- LM52 + X unassembleds WM52A <- LM52A + X unassembleds WM52A <- LM52B + X unassembleds WM52B <- WM52 + X unassembleds WM52B <- WM52A + X unassembleds WM52B <- LM52 + X unassembleds WM52B <- LM52A + X unassembleds WM52B <- LM52B + X unassembleds LM52 <- LM52A + X unassembleds LM52 <- LM52B + X unassembleds LM52 <- WM52 + X unassembleds LM52 <- WM52A + X unassembleds LM52 <- WM52B + X unassembleds LM52A <- LM52 + X unassembleds LM52A <- LM52B + X unassembleds LM52A <- WM52 + X unassembleds LM52A <- WM52A + X unassembleds LM52A <- WM52B + X unassembleds LM52B <- LM52 + X unassembleds LM52B <- LM52A + X unassembleds LM52B <- WM52 + X unassembleds LM52B <- WM52A + X unassembleds LM52B <- WM52B + X unassembleds Enhancements:
  8. l use Radiant Green on Merc & Viridian Corona on Commando.
  9. Ragequitter, that leaves OP after 1-st wipe is the weakest & most useless class in the game. Any other 1, including VG/PT is in a huge break stronger than decliner. Especially since Tanks & Healers're in a short supply, and VG can Tank or DwT (and've 30m attack while tanking), that all makes VG definitely worth to play & far from weak.
  10. When activating Mental Alacrity/Polarity Shift, it stated that should increase speed by +100%. But actually it does only 50% increase, see here for lnstance https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/metaphysical-alacrity. Now l wonder - something of that must be corrected.
  11. Never heard about Intimidating Roar?
  12. In PvE Vanguard/Powertech is totally fine, in both Tank & DPS role. In PvP you'll die anyway in the most ideal case it will be 50/50 kills/deaths. Thus PvP's toxic, and if you got bad nerves better just don't play it. Especially now, when there're lots of ways to earn unassembleds.
  13. l tried to fight lokath walkers & encountered weird slugging effect, when any abilities, those use GCD couldn't be activated for prolonged time. Like here: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/heavy-stomp-6 l believe these abilities supposed to increase GCD of walkers themselves (since they aligned that 5s power increases GCD by same amount, 2.5 - 2.5 and so on). Instead they mess with players' GCD, causing as result weird slugging of their attacks.
  14. Once l saw at Republic size a Commando Healer (Turmeric was its name or something), that utilized Blaster Rifle weapon, instead of Assault Cannon weapon. Yah, that move disallows usage of some powers (Propulsion Round for lnstance), as well as lowers DPS in moments when healer has to DPS (SnV last boss, EV 4-th boss, Lotek'k (home lrregularity)). But otherwise it's totally acceptable. Then l realized, that if try to do that, being a Mercenary, it would lead to severe HPS loss, because you'll lack your precious up to 2406 Tech Power. While Commando still would have 4812 (given that you've 248 main mod on weapon), Mercenary would have only 2406 + also some stat losses, because of lack of Offhand Weapon. Thus l suggest allowing usage of Generators for Mercenary heals, so they can shine & RP with just one blaster (there might be cases players don't want to dual wield, that's not my request, but some ppl would like & more options're always great). Same with Gunslingers - while Snipers can potentially use Blaster Rifle (suffering severe loss of DPS at expense of RP-ishness - but might be somewhat viable at e.g. Engineering discipline - which deals mostly Tech Damage) - Gunslingers're stuck to dual blasters, or else again - Tech Power loss.
  15. Metal things don't deal Energy damage though. Actually railguns can accelerate plasma as well.
  16. Shield Specialist/Shield Tech perk, that causes Energy/Heat blast hit extra 3 enemies and increases damage reduction by 2%, while Ion cell/gas cylinder is active. Bug is that its 2% extra resistance isn't imposed until you change instance after respec. That's likely because at pre-5.0 you had to switch on Stances manually, while now Stance is switching on automatically, and likely it's done while respeccing BEFORE Ion Shield/Ion Screen ability is trained, thus Ion Shield/Screen checking fails at stance setup. Solution: remove Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell requirement for Ion Screen/Ion Shield.
  17. Shield Specialist/Shield Tech perk, that causes Energy/Heat blast hit extra 3 enemies and increases damage reduction by 2%, while Ion cell/gas cylinder is active. Bug is that its 2% extra resistance isn't imposed until you change instance after respec. That's likely because at pre-5.0 you had to switch on Stances manually, while now Stance is switching on automatically, and likely it's done while respeccing BEFORE Ion Shield/Ion Screen ability is trained, thus Ion Shield/Screen checking fails at stance setup. Solution: remove Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell requirement for Ion Screen/Ion Shield.
  18. Seriously, why does it deal Weapon damage, but comes not out of weapon? Other projectiles, those deal white damage come out of weapon mostly or involve weapon in some other way. There is ingame animation of red "lazorbeam" shot (very similar to Rail Shot) fired from blaster pistol used by various NPC & Companions. Yet player version for some strange reason comes out of bracer. Mercenaries, with their Dual Wield also deal two hits of damage with rail shot (100% base damage with 100% base accuracy and 30% base damage with 67% base accuracy). So mercenary RS anim can be made to simultaneously fire two "lazorbeams" from both blasters. As well Powertechs almost don't use their weapons, and RS animation might be changed to involve weapon singhtly more - at least for that one ability.
  19. Are that cheats, or just Whales buying out new 236 Augments for dozens of millions, while their sellers started to buy things off GTN using that income?
  20. EDIT: this energy regen is nice addition actually, l can perform initial rotation w/out using Recharge Cells. But inability to fit 2 Plasma Flares inside one Battle Focus is bad. BF now regenerates 3*15=45 energy total. Might help with Plasmatech energy management though.
  21. Actually now it reduces cooldown of Energy Shield/Reactive Shield at 4 pieces. And that's just like fifth umbrella for a dog. From which direction defense buff came to DPS discipline? If it was tank... Maybe exchange that to Electro Net CD reduction?
  22. Suddenly l noticed, that onto mah Main, Battle Focus started to be affected by Alacrity, causing impossibility to fit 2 Plasma Flares inside single BF. While Aim Extenders're unaffected. And that's what l discovered: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/battle-focus-3 Tick rate: 1s, while it supposed to be DOES NOT TICK. And when it ticks it restores 3 energy with some Set Bonuses! l guess it's almost same as Sorcerer Extra unintended heal: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=938731 If BF is going to restore energy at some point - plz carry out its Energy Regen linger separately with Crit chance increase, because it leads to damage reduction, which VG don't need.
  23. 5.6 rebalance was a joke, but not rebalance, utilities were NOT balanced, neitha utilitary powers were. Need moar dakka. The only valuable thing was DoT spreading rebalance for Commandos/Mercenaries.
  24. Simple way to bring more balance & common sence amongst troopers & bounty hunters.
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