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Posts posted by Eneriango

  1. Regardless of credit limit or not just reading this thread as well as seeing the current state of Shae Vizla server is just sad to me. I will admit I was a player that think transfer shouldn't have happened right away when the server first open but I didn't think they would restrict transfers that long I would've thought transfers would be opened less then 2 weeks after the server have opened. But yeah transfers shouldn't have been limited this long.

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  2. On 2/2/2024 at 5:18 PM, ThanderSnB said:

    You could do that with any existing alts (if you've paid the cartel coins for collection unlock). I don't think creating new characters would be very efficient when you can just kill mobs and get a Dark Spore every 5-15 minutes or so. You can avoid combat in the first and third missions, but the second mission requires level 24-28 because you have to kill a tough champion mob on Tatooine. If you have to level to 28 it's going to be a lot slower than farming mobs. If you only do the first mission, you still have to travel to fleet, get the mission, travel to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant, finish the mission, and return to the fleet. All that for just 1 Dark Spore. It's your time though. If you find that more palatable, go right ahead. :jawa_biggrin:

    Oh no I don't mind just grinding regular mobs to get Dark Spores. It's just that from reading it appears that Dark Spores drop once every 1 - 2 hour and it seems very slow (unless they fixed it in a patch, I haven't tried farming Dark Spore myself). So just to be clear that Dark Spores absolutely drop but that you cannot equip a companion to get them? (since Dark Spores do not have any companion tied to it).

  3. 3 minutes ago, Andertyne said:

    You might not know what the issue was. I'll explain. So when you would go into a Nightmare mode operation instance and the instance owner or leader would disconnect or leave, the phase would switch to Veteran/Hard mode in the middle of the encounters. It has nothing to do with what 4.0 did to the game (they had removed KP/EV Nightmare back then).

    Ouch that must be annoying especially those DP/DF tech runs I could see why people were flagging the devs about this issue. I wasn't here around that time but did they ever give a reason why nightmare KP/EV was removed but still kept them in other OPs?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Andertyne said:

    This was something that was or had to be fixed server-side. Perhaps it was not consistent or coded correctly.

    I'm curious what OPs were bugged that switched master from veteran if I recall a lot of master mode OPs were removed.

  5. Yeah this came from a surprise usually devs would shutdown server from few days - few hours notice but here they shut it down just 30 minutes ago with little warning but I understand wanting to fix OPs its just came to a surprise for me.

  6. With the exception of server transfers coming out late/not knowing what kind of restrictions will be placed on server transfer, what is the consensus of everyone in this forum? Are you excited/happy/relieved that server transfers are happening? 

  7. 13 hours ago, Daviee said:

    As a returning player, now heavily invested in SV, I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying myself, particularly endgame content (from SM right up to NIM).  SV also has an active pvp community.   I do wonder if the number of people actually wanting to bring toons is relatively small.  Despite this, the impact of decked out toons and their credits/materials will have a disproportionate impact on SV which will be irreversible.

    The health of the server should be top priority and the reality is the vast majority of people reintroduced to the game or new players are (respectfully) not on forums and therefore not fairly represented.  There is in my mind a risk of a disenfranchising new and returning players by allowing unimpeached xfer (due to hyperinflation - but more importantly the fresh server experience without decked out toons and legacies).

    Just a thought.

    Yeah you make some good points although lowbie pvp is dead compare to max level pvp. It's kinda funny seeing Courts and Heroes being the biggest guilds in SV.

    Regardless I do hope SV doesn't depopulate even more after galactic season is over 😔

  8. On 4/13/2023 at 6:38 PM, Devolvio said:

    For this, I noticed that both types of reputation will potentially drop while a previous Galactic Seasons companion is active during GS4. Shadow reputation still drops while I've Fen active, particularly while smacking Black Sun or other Syndicate members. Occasionally in my looting I see BOTH a Note of Reflection AND a Shadow-thingy (sorry, the name escapes me ^^) reputation token have dropped.  So that's handy.

    Also, Notes of Reflection will drop with any companion, or even without a companion. That I've seen plenty of. 🤩 ^^

    I can't confirm any drops of G.A.M.E. reputation tokens with Fay because I've not used her much recently.  I suspect there was at least one, but I can't be sure yet.

    Ah I forgot to update but 2 weeks ago I can indeed confirm that Fay/PH4-LNX still drop G.A.M.E. modules however unfortunately Notes of Reflection drop as well and that drop more often then. Also I asked a dev about Jawa Intel and unfortunately they say that due to Season 3 ending the Jawa won't trade G.A.M.E. intel which is silly since I haven't completed the reputation yet.


    On 4/13/2023 at 6:28 PM, Devolvio said:

    Thanks for this heads up.  Had recently completed this for a Rep character and am slowly catching up with GS companions across my swag of characters, so this would have driven me nuts trying to work out what I'd done wrong.  Also, I wouldn't have bothered doing it on my Imps thinking it would be universally bugged.

    That sucks that it is still bugged I hoped that it was secretly fixed.

  9. I have asked this last Sunday https://forums.swtor.com/topic/928553-ph4-lnx-the-cheating-algorithm-bugged

    33 minutes ago, AW_Solo said:

    I've encountered a problem with PH4-LNX's mission, "The Cheating Algorithm".  I take PH4-LNX to the gaming floor and the scan toolbar does not appear.  I have tested this on both Satele Shan and Starforge servers.  I have tested with a level 30-31 character with the new comp, Amity, and a level 80 character without Amity. Help would be appreciated. 

    That is quite unfortunate to hear. That means the new patch that was launched did not fix the bug. Yes it is bugged and have been reported by SWTOR devs.

  10. @Nee-Elder Thanks for referring Wonko to my thread I get that most will check General Discussion and Bug Reports aren't check as often. It is actually surprising that my thread got listed in Bioware known issues this is probably my first thread that got noticed by the devs.

    Unfortunately, it appeared that the Cheating Algorithm will not be fixed in the new patch tomorrow.

  11. When I asked Brrazz for Jawa Intel he is instead selling Jawa Intel FOR NOTE OF REFLECTION instead of G.A.M.E. module. I hope this is bugged because I still need to complete the previous season reputation (I'm Champion and only 10,000 away from Legend) and if anyone could confirm that didn't reach Legend yet if they can get the Jawa Intel for G.A.M.E.? Yes you could still farm without it but it is an absolute pain.

  12. 14 hours ago, OwenBrooks said:

    The response was swtor are aware it is bugged for the republic side and a fix will be released in a patch

    Thanks for the response! Unfortunate to hear that it will be fixed in a patch since usually patches take awhile to be release (since they want to include other things)

  13. My experience of this testing server may be bias due to not living in APAC region.

    • The login was fast and smooth actually despite being in a different region. Nothing changed too much except that the hologram blacken glitch was fixed for me.
    • Galactic Starfighter match was kill round. We didn't finish the kill in time and the timer ran out. Loading screen was fast but combat was a bit of a lag
    • Warzone match was Hypergate. Loading screen was fast as before but the game felt somewhat smooth despite the ping saying 190ms
    • Flashpoint was Hammer Station. Loading screen again was fast (the biggest improvement). The boss fights were hard to determine due to the broken 339 gear teammate that ended the flashpoint fast. The entire flashpoint was a fast run but overall I think it was an improvement.
  14. 2 minutes ago, OwenBrooks said:

    About 9 hrs from the time of this post

    Bummer, I do hope the QA answer asap when they are online. I am glad that PH4-LNX is given and that you don't need to finish the questline to get her. Yes I probably should've done the questline a long time ago but I thought the PH4-LNX unlock for 150 cc was bugged (even the new companion cc unlock is 60) but I gave up waiting and decided to buy the unlock.

  15. During PH4-LNX quest of The Cheating Algorithm, when the mission asked to Scan the Gaming Floor of the Club Vertica Casino the button to scan does not appear. This seem to only bugged out in the Republic side the Empire side still works. Can anyone else confirmed that this is bugged or a workaround?

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  16. 21 hours ago, Amodin said:

    I spent hours wtih PH4 yesterday to try and get GAME tokens to drop.  Two area dailies, a flashpoint - nothing dropped.  At all.  I got more Notes than I did GAME tokens.

    There's nothing about the token that says it's been stopped and is supposed to drop for those of us who still have reputation to complete.

    Ah I just saw this. This is quite worrisome I certainly hope it still drop and not bugged out due to Notes being drop now. I am nearly close to Legend.

  17. 17 hours ago, iamnotacrook said:

    I did this 3 and 2 days ago with PH4-LNX on Tatooine empire side outside a heroic area where 2 are close to eachother and without jawa intel... within those two days i got 10 just from trash mobs and me going bananas with Sorc AoE attacks. So a lot of kills in that period but just under 1 hour just to see the difference how it goes without Jawa intel.

    Before 7.2.1/Season 4 i did this with Jawa intel in the same area and i got 13 in one hour going between Tatooine trash mobs and heroics and the same on Nar Shadaa. So it is really really slow. According to articles you can get this stuff on Quesh as well but i have not tried it. 

    I have tried even have PH4-LNX out on story flashpoint Black talon and veteran flashpoint Hammer station, nothing there even with her beside you.

    So you can still get them even now and after season 4, but even with Jawa intel every now and then if you can afford it, it is going to be slow. At this rate i start to ask myself if that reputation is really worth this horrible, slow grind :p

    So you can confirm that GAME modules still drop after Season 4 started? I am guessing it is about the same amount of grind pre-7.2.1? :( I agree that the grind is maddening frustrating that to get enough Modules for weekly cap it took me an entire day (and that is without Jawa Intel, I dont exactly know how to farm purple Jawa Junk or have an income for doing that). The grind is so long and horrible that I rather do HK-51 parts then do this grind but I want the reputation to be over with because I'm already a Champion and so close to Legend.


    16 hours ago, iamnotacrook said:

    Both here and on in this article it says "Jawa Intel Tips: A player named Aldo messaged me and mentioned that they used the Jawa Intel on a Syndicate world (like Tatooine)" So look up Syndicate planets and here it says "Players who do not want to do group activities like Flashpoints or Operations will want to work on fighting enemies on planets with known Syndicate ties, which have a higher chance of dropping Underworld Syndicate Plans from enemies. These higher-chance planets include Corellia, Makeb, Mek-Sha, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Rishi, Taris, and Tatooine."

    So a lot of planets to choose from for both companions. And since Tatooine and Nar Shadaa worked for me.. it gotta work also on the other planets too. If you have your chosen companion out. 

    GAME Module didn't specify which mobs or planets drop faster hence why it is slower perhaps. I already finished the Shadow Syndicate grind before Season 3 started (I didn't finish it during Season 2 either. I finished the grind inbetween 2 and 3) but since it said that mobs drop higher in Syndicate planets, I farmed Shadow Syndicate Plans in Nar Shaddaa (since it is the lowest level planet for imps, for pubs I would go to Coruscant) and although it has been a year since I done so, iirc the syndicate plan drops were significantly faster then the GAME modules and that was before I discovered Jawa Intel was a thing.

  18. I actually want to know what the droprate for the G.A.M.E. modules is as well. Unlike the Shadow Syndicate drops, the droprate for the GAME modules are extremely low and I had to resort using Jawa Intel which isn't bad BUT what bothers me is the Jawa Intel 60 minutes timer is real time meaning I need to spend 1 hour and I can't log out and take a break. Also not to mention that 500 Jawa Junk (purple) cost to buy the Jawa Intel is a bit too expensive imho. Can anyone confirm that GAME modules still drop after Season 4 started? I haven't tried as much but when using PH4-LNX I only been getting Note of Reflection


    7 hours ago, cunctatorg said:

    Thank you very-very much all! 
    Well, this is an issue for BioWare to take care of ...; me thinks! 

    Only Nar Shaddaa and Tattoine? I have to take it (in) face value since I run a lot of dailies with PH4-LNX on Ruhnuk and I got zero ( = 0, not ... 0!) modules... 

    Well, what about Pazaak with PH4-LNX after achieving Legend Status with G.A.M.E.?!? Is that true? Not yet?


    I can confirm that YOU DON'T need to farm mobs in Nar Shadaa and Tatooine. As long as you have PH4-LNX equipped, you can farm anywhere. I farm my GAME modules in level 1 planets (Tython, Korriban, etc) simply because it is much easier to kill mobs and the respawn rate is much higher. If you are desperately needing modules I would do this method rather then taking PH4-LNX doing heroics/dailies because killing mobs will take longer.

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