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Everything posted by DragonofDaisy

  1. *cracks knuckles* Alright, here we go! 1. We need MORE customizable options for Zabraks, Sith Purebloods, Twiliks- Okay basically ALL of the alien species... PLEASE. I would pay for them through the cartel market, I just... Need... MORE. 2. With the announcement of Nautolans coming to the game... I really would love to see more species. This is harder to implement in a lot of ways, I know... But it's still a suggestion and I know for a fact I'm not the only one who wants this! 3. Can we not leave Koth and Arcann romances in the dust? Heck, can we not leave Lana and Theron in the dust? As of right now, it feels like we're leaving them all for newer romances and it's making me sad. I made these romance choices for a reason, and I only have one character who bounces from romance to romance to romance through each expansion. I don't want to break up all of my previous relationships because you want new characters as the focus. (this is mostly meant for Arcann and Koth, but I'm fearing for Lana and Theron too) 4. I WANT AN OFFLINE OPTION SO BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Seriously, just a way to toggle online or offline depending on how much you want to deal with people. This would make me SO HAPPY. That is all for now, I will pop back if anything else hits me.
  2. I don't care what anyone says, he's one of my favorite companions EVER! So why not practice my painting with him? I had a lot of fun, I hope you guys like it. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M5sMCOqKVSg/WT6czQdDYyI/AAAAAAAAE-k/WN_hQ31h8641BJ326KFe9_nBN-gh9WPMgCL0B/h2315/2017-06-12.png
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