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Everything posted by RabidDingoUltra

  1. The true flaw with solo ranked lies with the very low amount of players queing for it. Your Valor Lvl must be at least 25 in order to participate in solo ranked matches. However, several players who have earned the right to que for ranked have been verbally chewed out and bullied by other players accusing them of "throwing" when they were not and that would explain the low amount. It's hard for some classes to heal themselves while they're being ganged up on by all 4 players from the opposing team, especially if you're a pub side gunslinger. Gunslingers can heal themselves, but the heal command does not work when they're being attacked in the process. They can cover and shield, but that's useless against a merc with their new tricks. Slingers are also usually the first ones targeted in any ranked pvp. Without any healers healing them, the slingers usually end up as fodder. Unless the player is afk or just simply hiding without doing anything, nobody has any right to accuse that player of "throwing". Perhaps Solo Ranked PVP matches should be changed to solo ranked pvp elimination matches where it is every player for himself/herself and the most medals go to the player with the most kills. If the veteran players hate losing solo ranked pvp matches, then perhaps they should ask for what I just suggested for ranked pvp.
  2. I can't complete the achievements for HK-55 or recruit ZO-OM as a companion without that alliance alert. Furthermore, I can't even do the hidden chapter SofM without it. Please let there be good news about this.
  3. It depends on whether you're playing as LS or DS. For example, if you're LS Sith Marauder, Vette would be the one to stick with. If otherwise, Broonmark would be the best choice companion. As far as I'm concerned, any companion not going along with your role choices would be the worst companions to stick with.
  4. What happened to the cartel coin cards that were available at Wal-Mart? The card section for them are empty. I used to find cartel coin cards there, but now they haven't arrived. What is going on?
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