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Everything posted by Kamilynn

  1. It's not going to affect your class, just the story going forward. Basically if you're a Pub class and choose Imp, you're still a Pub class for chat/groups/guilds, etc.
  2. On my smuggler, I went with Empire. Only because Jace was a Soresh wannabe and keep the Republic status quo. She couldn't have that. So until all of Soresh's people are out of office, she will stick with the Empire seeing as how Acina was more open and honest (as a Sith) in her dealings and help. Remember, Soresh never contacted the Alliance commander to offer help. She tried to kill them and take over because it was getting stronger than "her" Republic.
  3. it's not just player gear - it's comp customs as well. Sometimes I have to Ctrl+Click the custom a 2nd time to get it to preview.... and there are times some of them DON'T EVEN WORK AT ALL! Just has their weapon show up - no armor, no body parts....nada, just a weapon.
  4. I dunno, cause when I played LotRO, you got 2000 of whatever Turbine (or whoever owns em) called their market currency for the same sub price. 500 seems a little low for a game bigger than LotRO.
  5. Seems like my conquest hasn't reset, as my craft war supplies didn't reset or didn't grant me points for this week and the Ilum: rampage didn't grant me points for my kills while doing Gree event quests. Server: TEH Toon: Khayliah
  6. Here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/wiki/upcoming_events Seeing as how this is the only decent updated listing of event.
  7. We'll only get a list at the same time they update teh In-Game Events page. Oh hey, I just had an idea... Put the Conquest dates on the same page as the In-Game Events page. Brilliant!!!
  8. They just had their 30th anniversary tour and broke out the Y&B outfits for half their sets. Plus they are still making music. New album dropping in 2018.
  9. SWTOR needs to do what Blizz does with WoW - release some version of the Battlechests so that people can buy the older editions (collector, RotHC, SOR, etc) since there is some cool stuff on those exclusive vendors that I wish I could get.
  10. I sampled the Black & Yellow dye on one of my toons... Made me look like a member of Stryper
  11. We need some new decos in these vendors. Can't have all the good/decent ones being put into the CM or OP/FP and the GTN pricing even a Saudi Sheik won't pay.
  12. No, but can you show me where they did say it was a 1 time thing as well? Considering they had the SWTOR image down in the "Featured Games section that month (it's changed now) one would have presumed it was a regular monthly crate for each of those games. I've never done any kind of loot crate sub before, but if I signed up for a Star Trek one (with no mention it was a 1 time franchise thing) and didn't get anything or they swapped to say Babylon 5 the next month, needless to day I wouldn't be happy.
  13. The fact that the NBA game has loot this month as well since it was offered during the signup period. And that I did not see anywhere that it was a 1 time thing. The Twitch TV page (where you signed up from) made statements about signing up, playing games you'd get loot every month. The fact that the SWTOR post said nothing about it being a 1 time thing as well. Just got done cancelling my Twitch and Amazon Prime and got my money back.
  14. I feel like I was lied to by both companies. I expected a loot code this month only to find out there's nothing for SWTOR and it's not even on their list of games anymore. Had I known it was just going to be for that first month, I wouldn't have bothered letting my sub renew for another month. I want my money back!
  15. Seeing as how I've only been back in the game for 3 months, I've been working on leveling all the classes. I finally put 1 toon into a guild the other day, but not sure if its gonna work out (a couple of the guildies were acting weird the other night). Plus with my vision issues and my ever changing sleep cycles.....I never know when I will be on. Plus I'm still learning class abilities/rotations and trying to finish the content on all my toons.
  16. It's not just the GTN, it's any vendor with gear or companion customization. Heck, even some of the comp customs don't even preview and all I get are just their weapons showing.
  17. FEmale/Male smuggler companion that's completely neutral. While my trooper would love Jaxo back, she's dead so I started dating Dorne. I'd like to see a comp like Doc, but only with Bruce Campbell as the voice and let him write a bunch of the lines. The man is comedy gold!! New HK droid...like say HK -100 and when you dismiss him he says "I'll be back" or "Hasta la vista" For those who let Vette die at the end of KOTET, bring her sister in to confront your character. You can either recruit her or kill her. Can I get a Gibbs-slap emote so I can use it on C2? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?! Fix the freaking courting gifts for those who are supposed to Favoite them but the tooltip say no influence and you get no thing from giving them to those toons.
  18. anything over 250k for legacy perks it not easy for new players (like myself) . I barely have 2 mil credits on a couple toons and most are just at the 1mil level while at lvl 70. And please don't start the "play the GTN" comments at me as I've never been one to be able to do this well on any MMO.
  19. But, do they have ANY employees or testers with visual impairments issues (of differing types).? Probably not seeing as how I can tell from the game. I am willing to best a tester/consultant, just need several perks of my choosing to sign on board
  20. I agree. I suck at PvP in any game. Plus you get those free banners/flags on each toon just for walking inside your SH (or are they the ones in the mail...been too long to remember), should be free of restrictions.
  21. Ladies and Gentlemen....the snowflake raiders
  22. I found this more helpful than the official site https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/wiki/upcoming_events
  23. I recently completed this fight on my smuggler and it was kinda hard for this visually impared player. Took me 6 tries to get it right. 1/2 the fights, the red AoE circle never showed until 1 sec before it hit, thus making it impossible to get out in time. While I was able to stay close, most of my powerful attacks and defense come while in crouch form, or I have to stand still. If you can manage it, stop her from slamming you up and down like a rag doll. That will drain your health fast (this was my main issue as it kept me stunned. Trying to make it to the healing rings was sometimes difficult as she would stun me after I rolled and got within 2 steps of it making it get farther away and have to run for it and getting stunned a couple more times. Green heal rings spawn in 2 spots: 1 behind the stairs and the other to the right of the stairs (facing them). It's a doable fight, just a lot of annoying mechanics.
  24. I've played MMOs since about 2009 and have become frustrated with devs over their lack of consideration for players who have visual disabilities. There are a lot of us who have differing degrees of visual impairments, like myself I have 20/200 in both eyes (due to scar tissue on both corneas that can't be removed and glasses can't help), thus making small text and differing shades of the same color text on the same color background (light blue on dark blue for example). One thing about WoW that helped somewhat was the ability for add-ons that increased text/font size for certain aspects (chat/achievement window/etc) but didn't help in others (quest text windows). SWTOR is the worst game when it comes to the above. coloring, font/text size literally kill me as I have to put my face 1 inch from the monitor to read anything. Also, objects on the ground that need to be clicked on or picked up need a bigger radius to be seen or clicked on as some apparently have a very tiny radius you have to be very precise to click that at times I get frustrated trying to find the click spot. I posted sometime back when I first played the game years ago about this but I see devs ignored me (as all other MMO devs apparently do....and even a WoW dev posted a reply of "use the color blind function" - which does nothing for the issues i described players like myself have. I know SWTOR isn't WoW, but you get the idea and what players in situations like mine up against. If someone would pass along these concerns to Dev and maybe let me know what they say, I as a sub player would greatly appreciate it.
  25. Ugh, subs should NEVER have to be in a queue to log in. We should ALWAYS get top priority when logging in. Right now I'm #222 in the freakin queue....not acceptable!
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