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Posts posted by SlightlySychotic

  1. I get why people want new maps but has anyone else noticed that every time they release a new map it immediately becomes the "worst map ever?" Even assuming it isn't just a bunch of whiners moaning that they actually have to learn how the new map works (and, to a certain extent, it is) why would we want them to rush out maps? Especially when it's possible that they've run out of good ideas?
  2. You also have to consider incoming damage from guard. Unless I'm very wrong, that cannot be mitigated. Since it's uncommon for a tank to be a primary target this typically means that health takes priority over pure defensive stats. It's why most min-maxers advise taking high endurance DPS mods and DPS relics.
  3. I wouldn't be overly concerned. The expense of a second account alone is going to turn off most cheaters. Unless I'm wrong, you don't get a token until you've been subbed for a month. Even if I'm wrong, smart money says that the complimentary level 60 token is probably going to be a limited time offer and those tokens are going to be twenty to forty dollars depending on the sale. Most people aren't going to invest over seventy dollars to get easy rewards. They'll exist but they'll still be pretty rare.
  4. corrected for you! if it was why was all PvP'ers asking for cross server to quicken pops!


    if PvP want a unique brand new companion I have said before that its perfectly fine but please DONT tie existing companions in the game with PvP.


    For all I care give PvP rewards of Jace Malcolm a brand new companion as long as he is not tied to the alliance.


    Here's the thing: anyone who *had* those companions gets them regardless. They don't have to do the quests proper; the companion is happy to rejoin you. So it's not an "existing" companion people are unlocking.

  5. "Bioware never does anything to encourage PVP!"


    Bioware adds something that encourages people to PvP.


    "Oh my God! I hate all these new idiots trying to PvP! I can't believe Bioware would do something this stupid!"




    People, this is why we don't get anything. They add something that requires PvP to unlock and we whine as much as the people who don't want to do it. Why? Because we're too freaking lazy to actually coach: to take twenty before every match to type out basic strategy. "Call out incoming as soon as you see it." "Eyes on the door, fight on the door." "Try to create passing opportunities." It's that simple.


    Yes, you're going to get a handful of *******es who tell you off. But you're also going to get a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing and are afraid to ask questions and those people might just start doing a bit better. Maybe when this is over they'll stick around and keep PvPing and get even better. Maybe, just maybe, this'll grow the PvP community.


    And just as a final word, if your teammates aren't that good then you need to step up your game. If you can't carry in regs then you ain't that good.

  6. It's a form of griefing. Report them. If they went so far as to chase you back into a protected area it's pretty cut and dry. Hell, if they killed you several times it already kinda shakes up their "But he attacked me first" argument.
  7. We need to get rid of arenas altogether. It's not like ranked arenas are much better.


    Ideally, I'd take arenas out of the general queue and move them to their own queue. Teams only since they can control what classes they play. Swap out arenas for objective matches in the solo queue; it's a better fit since individual performances are a bigger contributor to success in objective matches.

  8. Didn't have a lot of trick-or-treaters this year but I did have one group of kids dressed up like 80s slasher villains: Jason Vorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers. I couldn't help but think, "Do you kids actually know who these characters are, have you seen the movies, or did your parents just pick them out?"
  9. Bioware set the precedent in 3.0 for not doing ANY class balance changes before starting the first ranked season. They allowed vanguard/pts to have ridiculous burst damage with shoulder cannon on a 0.5sec cooldown and telekinetic sages had a talent that was bugged that made them permanently immune to interrupts.


    They let the crap slide for an entire season before both got addressed.


    To be fair, they released 3.0 right before their holiday break. When they came back, bug squashing took precedence. Hopefully, since 4.0 is dropping before the holiday season it will give them more time to take a pass at balancing after they go to put out the fires.


    Although, the fact that the dailies are still bugged gives me cause for concern. -_-

  10. Hopefully they'll postpone it a bit this time so they can get at least a few balancing updates out.

    Hopefully hopefully they'll wait until they can add objective war zones to the ranked queue so we don't waste another season on arenas.


    Why the hell would it be a year? I'm already geared and I've been here a week. I really enjoyed the storyline and all but.. I'm a PvP player. What am I supposed to do until Jan???????????


    A couple reasons. First and foremost, the first year or so after release was rough; they overestimated the number of servers they would need and the player base dropped like a stone. PvP particularly struggled; it wasn't until after they implemented bolster after 2.0 that pops stabilized. They also supposedly spent a good portion of the time trying to make cross server to work before they realized it just wasn't. Also, keep in mind that ranked was originally 8v8 group exclusive, so there never that many people doing it (not to mention the extended pre-season didn't exactly encourage anyone). Eventually, they kinda-sorta panicked and pushed out arenas, thinking the smaller team numbers would better support the smaller base (it hasn't).

  11. No, not for unranked it doesn't. There HAS to be entry level PvP.

    They added requirements for ranked as they should have, for unranked, its open season.

    Dont like it, queue ranked like someone of your obvious elitist standards should be doing and stop expecting casual pvp to be taken serious


    This. They already put an expertise gate on solo ranked and that's already pretty extreme. Learn to teach: the reason there are so many people running around like they don't know what they're doing is because they probably don't. Yes, you'll get some jerks who tell you to go to Hell but you're not teaching for them, you're teaching the people who will actually listen.

  12. Again, the issue is arenas. Mercs are fine in regs but they can't keep up in arenas. And I promise you the day they do is the day they are just stupid overpowered. Because arenas aren't balanced and they never will be balanced. What we need before anything else are ranked objective matches.
  13. If we're talking objective warzones (regs), both are quite viable. I don't play DPS but I see lots of them running around and they don't seem to be hurting all that much. I feel really strong on my tank; we're probably the best non-stealth 1v1 class in the game right now (and I can give most stealthers a run for their money).


    Ranked . . . it's difficult to say right now because no one's really doing it so the meta is still obscure. I will say that right now that Rage Juggs seem to be on par with Fury Maras which isn't that bad. Jugg tanks will still be second best to PTs, though; their toolkit is just way too good.:( Adequate but not quite "good" I'd say.

  14. Simple: as far as the galaxy at large is concerned you just got your butt handed to you by the Eternal Empire. For that matter, the galaxy at large just got its butt handed to it by the Eternal Empire. And now you show up out of nowhere and want to stand up to Zakuul?

    Not to mention that you just barely got away and the Eternal Empire utterly wiped out the last place you sought refuge? And at this point the key members of your Alliance are all cast-offs, has-beens, and diehards?



    Simply put, most sane people probably aren't putting much money on your success or survival.

  15. For 2) It's not about validity, it's about logic. Giving someone a rating (i.e. evaluating performance) based on being put with 3 random strangers who could be absolutely terrible, in an environment that absolutely demands coordination and communication, makes zero sense. It is a completely invalid form of evaluation of a person's skill and contribution. For instance, in WOW, if you do 2s or 3s with a new person or persons, you almost always make sure you have voice chat (if you care about rating that is). If you don't care about rating, then yeh, yolo it, but people do solo ranked for rating and it's a terrible way to assess someone's pvp skill.


    As I said, that's why objective matches are better for solo. Individual performances are much more important and a single good play can turn the tide of an otherwise close match. Sure, one good player isn't going to be able save a team of mediocre ones but six or seven good players (or even average ones) can absolutely make up for the shortcomings of one or two bads.

  16. 1) Cross faction has the potential to be one of the best additions not only to PvP but to the game in general. However, only if they do it correctly. They can't simply throw people from both factions together randomly and without context. The more depth they add to the system the more successful (and profitable) it will be.


    2) Removing solo ranked entirely is not an option: solo players pay the same as group players and anyone who considers the group playstyle to be more valid than the solo playstyle is subjectively, objectively, and ethically wrong.

    However, if they were to replace solo ranked arenas with ranked objective matches, that could work. Put bluntly, arenas will never be balanced, period. Grouped arenas can achieve a slight semblance of balance by forcing role balancing (and even that I tend to believe is more offsetting weak classes with strong classes) but attempting to do that with solo would just slow down an already ponderous queue. Objective matches, on the other hand, are far better balanced and much, much more popular. Furthermore, objective matches are often determined by strong individual performances making them more ideal for a solo queue (in arenas, you tend to be only as good as your weakest player).


    3) Ideally, I would see arenas removed altogether. However, if they were given their own queue that might also. One change to your idea, though: make arenas group only. As mentioned, solo arenas will never be balanced but group arenas sort of just barely are.

  17. Are we talking about arenas or war zones? If it's arenas, yeah, you will never balanced for arenas. More than likely you will either be pathetically underpowered like you are right now or ludicrously OP like sorcs. Arenas need to be dropped from the game.


    If it's war zones, I'm sorry but L2P. I don't even play my merc that often and I can typically get top medals on my team. Reconsider your key binds.

  18. If this is off- topic, my apologies, I will post a separate thread.


    Are def guardians viewed as useless in PVP for the reasons discussed in this thread? Would I be better off re-spec'ing DPS and skank tanking? I'm very new to PVP, no ranked experience at all. I just like being a tank and want to play as effectively as possible.


    It's complicated. First, nobody really knows anything for sure because we just had a massive update and (barring any obviously OP utilities existing) it's going to be a few weeks before the meta stabilizes. Until then, people are pretty much just taking educated guesses about what is good or not.

    If we assume that the pecking order remains the same going forward, then it's still complicated. In objective warzones, Juggernauts and Guardians are pretty strong across all three builds (with rage/focus being somewhat more average). In arenas, however, we've garbage across the board. It really doesn't matter what you pick: our tanking is a distant second to PTs (of which there are plenty) and our DPS performance is at the bottom of the boards. Basically, if you just like to play warzones you're fine but if you want to move up to ranked you're better off rerolling entirely.

    That being said, Rage seems to be a strong contender right now. Tanking still seems like it's going to be second best but we might have closed the gap a bit.


    If it were me, I would wait a bit. Play the game the way you want to and a month from now revisit the conversation. By then, not only should the meta have stabilized a bit but we'll most likely be aware of any balancing changes that are on the table.

  19. I do tend to believe that repurposing existing world maps would be one of the best ways for them to implement wide scale PVP. Taris and Balmorra would be great places to start. You would need to tweak the world maps a bit: add in choke points and major bases. Hoth and Belsavis would be great too (no PvP maps for either). The capital worlds … there are story issues but I think it can be worked around by calling them simulations: a "recreation" of the sacking of Coruscant, a simulated invasion of Dromund Kaas.
  20. Bluntly put, I can't help but feel that this is just another issue with arenas. A single mismatched role wouldn't be the end of the world in 8v8s. And I have to ask: do we really want to drastically reduce the versatility of a class to accommodate a mode that is widely disliked and fundamentally unfixable?cI'm sorry, but I'm just at a point where I'm tired of people trying to balance a mode that can not be balanced.
  21. I believe the dailies/weeklies are messed up right now, either way. Even though I'm not level 65 yet I'm getting endgame quests (4 points for the daily, then a 2 point quest after that; 15 points for the weekly). Worse, they're doling out pre-3.3 reward amounts. :( Hopefully it's a bug and it gets fixed quickly; I find it difficult to believe they'd make such a drastic change and not even mention it in the patch notes.


    Sucks for my main. I blew all my commendations getting a set of DR BH gear for aesthetic reasons. I'll be lucky if I even have enough to buy the introductory set at 65. :(

  22. You want to know the best part about this? They're never going to fix it. Why bother? Almost everyone who's been affected by it have redressed their companions so there's no need to code everyone's pants back on. There hasn't been any gear loss. New players are never going to know about it. But every so often, someone who left the game before 4.0 is going to come back. They are going to load up there characters and have absolutely know clue why all of his companions are missing their pants.


    A year from now we are going to see people asking why all their companions are missing their pants. :D The best ones are going to be like: "I just came after a long break and somebody hacked my characters while I was away. I haven't figured out what they took yet but they took off all my companions pants for some reason."

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