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Posts posted by ThePsyEagle

  1. I'd put my money on a similar system to choosing the divine in Dragon Age Inquisition, decisions you make add to a scoreboard for the candidates up until the reveal and then boom 'personal' traitor #choicesmatter


    I just wanted to say: "Oh, that would be Koth for my SW." But then I remembered I already killed that *****. :cool:

  2. Just came to my mind, I know it won't be happening, but it would be awesome! What if Bioware thought: Hey, a lot of people conplained about one story for all characters. So you know what? We gonna split it up again.


    And the traitor is the starting point, each class will get a different traitor from their vanilla story. I don't know, maybe: Agent - Jadus, Warrior - Vowerone/Hand, ...

  3. YI don't know why, but if someone would say to me now: Give me a name: I would say Lana. Why? Nobody expects this kinda thing from her. Even though though Theron and Lana kinda have the same position I always felt like Lana supports me 100%, probably due to the fact that she was the one saving the outlander, not theron! Also she is a very intelligent person and even though she's a sith I don't feel like she is as much dedicated to the empire as theron is to the republic, so her betrayal would probably also fit (depends on the reason) if you side with the empire.
  4. I highly doubt Jadus, would be too obvious.


    I experienced a little bug at the end, when you sit on the throne and you see the traitor from behind. His dark robe glitxhed away on his lower bidy half. He wore a black robe bottom; which had kind of a golden decoration on it in a "v" shape. Kinda reminded me of the scions. But due to that golden decoration i highly doubt Jadus, he wouldn't wear something like that. And because of that I also exclude theron and lana. And how would it be Malgus? The traitor had body type 2, Malgus is 3.

  5. I think we can say about a lot of species, that they will never be a playable race, because all npcs of those species have the same face. For example: Kel Dor, Wookie, Kaleesh, Gaults species, Nikto (I think they are called like that, thos human reptiles),...


    As a playble species they must always have some sort of customization option, so those above fall out, which is pretty sad, because Kaleesh and Kel Dor are one of my favourite species.


    I love the droid idea and it should be definitly possible.


    Edit: Now, where I think about it, droid isn't possible :D

  6. I play kind of a greyish shadow at the moment (picking mostly friendly dialogue options, but most dark side choices) and it works really well.


    Personality: Ruthless (does everything to protect the republic),

    gets easily emotional (likes to kill sith), doesn't show mercy (kills someone if the option is to hostage or kill them)

  7. So, I am getting close to the point again, where I habe to decide wether I want to kill or recruit him. But with my Trooper it's actually a really hard choice. The warrior I brought through before was easy: he's the calculating guy, who does everything bringing him closer to being emperor, solution: let Arcann help you. But my trooper... he is mostly light sided, even though he got a bit less soft since he was frozen for 5 years and he does always everything possible to save his crew or civilians. So he probably really wants to kill Arcann, coz he basically slaughtered a ton of civilians. But I heard killing Arcann makes your character seem really brutal and heartless which is not the case, I just want to bring him to justice.


    Your opinion?

  8. I really liked the trooper story. What really got me was: ALL the companions fit! You were a real team, everyone had their role and worked together. Not like the Talz (forgot his name) from the warrior, skadge from the bounty hunter [...].

    At first i thought I wouldn't enjoy the story like it was said above me, because it is an average war story. But I don't know, I got really into it.

  9. No, there is never a fade to black scene with Lana/Theron/Koth. Ye but I really would like to see Theron and Jace interacting. Untill now there was almost nothing in game considering Theron being the child of Satele and Jace (at least not on imperial side).
  10. Even though i would like to be a BH I couldn't. Since I know myself it would be like: Hey, I am supposed to bring you to a Hutt, who will have you captured for decades!! What? You have a family you have to take care of?.... Very well, go.


    Smuggler? Hmh I don't know too, most likely agent or trooper, but since I really wouldn't like to be part of the empire in RL where also your friends try to kill you it would end in being a trooper.

  11. It's obvious a computer game can't give you unlimited options to do with your character so some content will be left behind. But: What would your character do now?


    My SI would get his *** back as fast as possible to Nathema to check those artifacts, which even Vitiate believed to be too powerfull.

    Next he will cry for not trieng to bind Revan as a force ghost (made me really sad lol).

    Then he will learn other powerfull force technics like Battle Meditation.

    Also he will check out the Lord on Rishi, who promised him more lifetime, I mean he hasn't heard anything of him. Did he dare to use the immortality for himself??

    Afterwards he will kill Acina, take over the empire, merge it with the eternal alliance amd crush the republic.

    Oh and he will try to get Khem back, because he enjoys slaughtering people with him the most.


    And your character? :D


    Edit: Totally for got performing a ritual like vitiate to become nearly immortal.

  12. I have 8 characters (one for each class) and I never got the option to kill Koth (I could only punch him) :mad:



    If you let Kalyo blew those citizens up you will be able to kill him later. Because of that he runs away, then he comes back later and steals your ship, then you comes back again and you can kill him.

  13. I didn't play the SI light side, just 100% dark side, but I moste say dark side choices never felt out of place like "why the hell would i do that?". But nevertheless the SI is probably together with the agent the class which supports different play styles the most. What does that mean? Imp is the better side :D
  14. Like someone above me said Imp storys are more about personal matters. That's true and that's what I like about them. My main ( a sith juggernaut) is a kinda grey-ish sith, who doesn't have fun killing people, but tries to get emperor or something equal. Whilw that he is pretty coldhearted and kills people if it benefits him. Also he doesn't care about rep or imp as long as they follow him. He is also kind of a lure in guy.
  15. I totally understand that feeling. I used to be like that too, but i kinda git used to it^^' I fully enjoy playing the guys who kill everybody, who dare to blink at them now. Now I am full time imperial player :p
  16. Hey, so I have played now through Ilum with all imperial classes and I must say some things aren't fitting.


    BH/Agent: For them it's fine


    Warrior/Sorc: Grandmoff Regus talks to you like he is above you or at least equal, which shouldn't be since you are either the wrath or a council member who are above anyone besides the emperor himself (You can only punish him for his behaviour if you choose to recruit the Kaleeshs).


    Sorc: Malgus is sent by the council to assist Regus, errr.... I am in the council and nobody told me. If you tell him that he says, Maar and 2 others send him. Still, why would they send Malgus if they know you are already present? Then Malgus says he will watch everything at first. For me it sounds like he is my supervisor and watches if I make mistakes, which is totally unfitiing if you consider Malgus isn't in the dark council so you should be the one watching.


    I'd like to hear your opinion to the Ilum matter


    So wie ich hier bei allen lese, dass es fies ist mit gruppen in denen tank und heiler vorhand sind in normale zu gehen:


    Ich bin relativ neu dabei (seit Dezember) und hab einfach für den Spaß mitn paar gildmitgliedern normal pvp gespielt und da war halt auch ein heiler und ein tank dabei (einfach weil es deren mains sind). Wird das hier als assozial angesehen? Hab da bis jetzt nie drüber nachgedacht.


    Achso ich spiele auf der Imp seite und n dd juggernaut

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