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Posts posted by Tenzarin

  1. I'm not going to say anything that hasn't been said already, but in case anyone from Bioware happens to read this, my Knights of the Fallen Empire experience was this:



    • Look forward to the expansion.
    • Excitedly log in to early access.
    • See what they've done to companions & level syncing.
    • Unsubscribe.


    The type of gameplay I enjoyed the most - soloing old group content - is gone, so I'm taking my money & leaving.


    Life's too short to pay for something you don't like any more.

  2. Bugs like this often happen because the game expects you to have travelled through a certain set of checkpoints and are messed up by missing those checkpoints due to using strongholds or other forms of quick travel.


    I would try:


    * Go back to fleet.

    * Reset the mission while on the fleet, not in your ship.

    * Fly back to Quesh in your ship.

    * Go down to Quesh and do the mission.

    * Return to your ship via the orbital station (don't use the "your ship" option on the Quesh shuttle.)


    And see if that helps at all.

  3. Actually... there are interludes between chapters:


    At the end of chapters one and two, after you've gone back to the fleet and handed in your end-of-chapter mission and before doing the follow-up "use your ship holoterminal" mission, you're technically in interlude and your class story is on hold.


    I usually use it as "go back and do bonus series I skipped" time before cracking on with the story.

  4. I've had Planetary Commendations in every mail that contained a commendation since SoR started: On both imp and pub sides.


    The bug's been pointed out a few times already, and I've submitted in-game bugs for each case I've encountered, but I don't remember it being acknowledged here yet.


    At the end of the day it's probably only 4 or 5 commendations per character, but it would've been nice to receive something useful.

  5. I would surmise that, whatever the intended use of an "outfit designer" turns out to be, the actual in game effect when it's introduced will be server crashes, warzones imploding, an average of 1fps on fleet and Belsavis disappearing across a lag event-horizon into last Tuesday.


    But, then again, maybe I'm getting too cynical in my old age.

  6. It looks like all that happens is your quickbar page changes from page 1 to page 6.


    You may want to unbind the keybinds for page changes if they're happening accidentally.

  7. Try this if you're getting the C6 error:


    Go in to the folder where you have installed SWTOR Unleashed and delete SwtorUnleashed.xml (or move it elsewhere if you're paranoid :D). You'll need to set up your options again in SWTOR Unleashed when you restart it.


    This worked for me and I was getting C6 errors after SoR installed.


    It looks like because some of the asset files have changed size post-patch SWTOR Unleashed got confused about how much space it needs to make on the ramdrive, causing there to be no room for the DiskCacheArena file (which causes the C6 error)

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