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Posts posted by Pargon

  1. It's a delicate balance you guys are forced to keep with these Q&A's isn't it? You want to have these be long enough to hold some value, but to do it, you're forced into answering questions you're not ready to talk about yet. That invariably leads to the "more info in the coming weeks" answers that are so common.


    I'm just one voice in the crowd, but personally I'd prefer solid answers even if there were fewer of them. There's gotta be some sort of information you can give out now rather than putting it off. As an alternative, you ought to bring back the screen shot of the week thing you used to do, but have it focus on the new areas or content. Show us what you're working on! We're dying to support you, but we have to see something.


    lol of course there's the flip side that will always just poo poo on whatever you show. Welp. You win again, Internet.

  2. When you get some communication it's gonna be some female from the community team that will respond with about two sentences that are vague as hell or spin something to make it sound positive.


    BioWare believes sending a female out to the wolves means that will go easy on them and be much nicer.



    Logged in to tell you that you should feel bad for what you're saying.



    They'll post when they're ready to, but I think it strange to have nothing move on the dev tracker all day.

  3. Scrapper


    1) In PVP, we're considered a source of constant frustration because people hate being killed from stealth. It feels like you're unfairly killed before you can really react and you hear overpowered complaints often. In PVE, most seem to consider the class sub par because of low dps or "lack of utility." They're definitely never the first choice to be taken if you have other options.


    2) While I feel like my dps is strong, I've not parsed so I don't know for certain. As far as utility, I sap before trash pulls, I can cc droids, and I've saved our tanks many times with some spot heals, combat res, vanish ghetto res (please remove this it's too finicky) so I think we have more than people realize. I think the class can be great, but is difficult to play well so you don't see many of them. I also don't think it feels very Star Wars at all to be punching and pistol whipping enemies with my blaster instead of, you know, firing my blaster.

  4. I moved from Krayt Dragon to The Shadowlands and lost my main's name (it's a name from a game so no big surprise there). Some level 21 jedi had it. Last night I created a gunslinger and thought "I'll try it to see if it's there" fully thinking the name would be denied, but it actually went through! They must have deleted the character recently or were in the process of recreating them for a new alt?


    In the end, it doesn't matter much because my main is still changed, but it's nice to have the name back.

  5. K got a new skill i can train now called head shot, anyone know if this is another pve only fail skill ?

    Thanks for replies btw


    EDIT, just tested it and it's a pve only skill. Thank you bioware again for making me waist money on some epic fail skill

    and dont even have the brains to give a heads up to players that is cant be used in pvp. Patetic how we have to tell you all the time how to do your job.


    Honestly the skills are not expensive. I don't know why this such a big deal for you. I agree they could add a note stating the moves are not for pvp, but if these are breaking your bank then you gotta change what you're doin'!

  6. The common perception is that scoundrels are not as effective in operations, but that's not what I've experienced. You can put up great dps. Your big crits won't be giant like commando or gunslinger, but you've got dots running, debuffs from flechette (scrapper), etc. Plenty of damage. You won't have the sween gunslinger shield for the raid which is too bad, but you do bring off heals if something goes awry. You also have combat res and a ghetto combat res (vanish and then res out of combat), but that doesn't consistently work to count on it.


    I love my scrapper and I'm part of my guild's main raiding group. Your mileage may vary based on your guild's perception of the class, though.

  7. I friend of mine suggested the ability for guildies to "loan" their companions to the guild ship for crafting purposes.


    Basically, any guildie could go to my companion on the ship and have them craft anything I can craft, without needing me to be involved (the guildie would provide the mats, of course), even when I'm not online.


    Hey. Hey you. This is a great idea. Somone get this guy a coffee! Or maybe get this guy's friend a coffee.

  8. Sometimes, and I know I'm not the only one, characters get stuck strafing either left or right or moving forward or backward. The only way to negate this is by holding the opposite key, in which place you are able to stand still. Until tonight, I had heard of fixes being zoning and/or re-logging.


    I was pretty frustrated when I got this bug playing Hut Ball, so I gave some other things a try. In the event it does occur, simply unbind the key of the move direction you are stuck on, and rebind it.


    If this has already been suggested, apologies. Just thought it was worth sharing in the case others were unaware.




    I've only been able to fix it by pressing forward one time while in EC. If this rebinding trick works, you'll be my new best friend (until someone fully fixes the problem, then you're totally replaced :p )

  9. I'm typically rolling around with about 1.4 million on my main. It was lower when repairs were higher (really glad that was reduced so substantially). Over the last week I ran enough dailies to get me up near two million in preperation for the augments, kits, etc. Before that, I was saving for a purchse of the Chiss species which never happened because I had to save.


    It's not that the options to make money aren't there! There's plenty of ways, though they are not all equal. The easiest for people will be the dailies because it's a set amount of money you get in a set amount of time. You can plan around that and there's no risk. Not everyone is a GTN master. I wish I was, but I'm not.

  10. Let's see, the current industry giant is going in the exact oposite direction. They are putting in a TON of new dailies AND lifting the limit on how many dailies you can do from 1 per day to ALL per day AND don't have money sinks that are as nearly proportionaly as expensive.


    Let's see whcih one wins. :D


    It's a good thing I'm not playing that game anymore!


    Honestly though, I don't much care what WoW does (I assume you mean WoW). We gotta keep this on SWTOR. BioWare will deal with it in their own way. There are too many credits in the game so they're putting money sinks everywhere in an attempt to remove them, but people who are poorer can't afford the perks and the rich aren't buying enough of them to reduce their credits. What do you suggest they do?


    It's not like I know everything, I'm just trying to offer suggestions on what they could do and they (and you all) can take it or leave it as you like.

  11. Is there something stopping you from doing Black Hole one day, Belsavis the next, Ilum the next?


    Nothing says you have to knock them all out in one day. And for anyone who does want to do all of them every day, why would you want to limit them?


    If you want to get enough money to pay for things like legacy perks, you kind of have to do all of the dailies to afford them in a reasonable amount of time.


    I think you misunderstand what I mean. The reason they don't just add more dailies is because they're trying to limit the amount of credits that can enter the game on a given day (to a certain degree). My suggestion was to have that much money still available each day per player, but quadruple the quests you can choose from to earn that set amount of cash. Once you've done, say, 25 dailies, you're capped and the rest just don't give the quest any longer for that day.


    In that sense, players can vary where they go to earn their 300k so they don't burn out on Belsavis, the same amount of money is entering the game, etc.


    If you continue to just add more and more daily quests without limiting their number, you're looking at inflation that only people who are on all day will enjoy. Certainly time spent in game should be rewarded, but not much good will come from creating a few ultra rich people and masses and masses of the poorer.

  12. I agree that dailies are the worst and I detest them, but I do them because otherwise I'd be a beggar.


    I still think the main problem with dailies is their repetitive nature. Why not have a set of dailies on each planet? Then limit the number we can do. This way, players could do all sorts of different daily areas without having to repeat Belsavis every single day. You could even have a rotating schedule. This week, the dailies are Hoth, Ilum, and Quesh! This would also boost population to many of the lesser travelled planets. Maybe you get a small bonus for doing the dailies on a specific planet. For a pvp server, that could push world pvpers to a specific place as well.


    Just a thought though.

  13. The problem with using fan work comes down to ownership rights. There's a big of legal work involved when someone submits something as a non-employee. Things like contests, however, take care of the legalese up front by requiring contestants to accept an agreement that usually acknowledges that their submission will lawfully become the property of the contest sponsor if they're chosen (sometimes they don't even have to be a winner).


    This. I think holding a contest for a cool design to throw up onto the social vendors would be pretty neat.


    While the current end game armor sets may not be the most popular, it's up to their internal artists to bring the game more in line with your typical Star Wars fare for armors. While we haven't seen the newer designs yet, I'm content to wait and see what they do. My scoundrel can stand to be a space ranger for the time being (you're all under Space Arrest by the way).

  14. Throwing in my two cents and surbscribing. The two main places I notice the sounds dropping out are in Warzones and in EC. By the end of EC, I can't hear the music, the voice acting, or many sound effects. Specifically, I notice just inside the door to the tanks, I can hear a crackling like electricity just repeating.


    While I've been watching for the casts of things like Defensive Phase, the audio feedback from that phase change would make things much more intuitive and easier.


    Most of the time I'm just listening to the raid leader on mumble so we get through it all just fine, but it's definitely not a good experience with the sound how it is. Been hoping for a fix for a while because it's pretty bad.


    I can fix it temporarily by restarting the SWTOR client, but that's not really feasible during a raid.

  15. You misunderstand. The idea is to give low population servers a free way to transfer their characters to a larger, healthier community. If the option was to transfer TO a low population server, nobody would want to go. This is designed as an escape from your current ghost town.


    It's up to you, but I recommend transferring.

  16. I play the curent space missions to get credits. I spend so much money on crafting missions I'd other wise be broke (and was before I discovered I could do the space missions). I was definitely not interested in the rail shooter initially. I still don't like rail shooters. I'd rather do 3D. On the other hand Lando's fly through the Death Star II would not have been humanly possible in a starship... too many right angle turns at high velocity...so a rail shooter sounds about right for that mission.


    If they do make a 3D Space game...

    They should make Features similar to Elite + Xwing vs. Tie-fighter.


    • Open space in planet tary systems in which you can fly.
    • Jump between systems.
    • Arrive at the edge of a solar system and fly to the planet or space station for docking.
    • Random encounters while flying from system entry to docking.
    • Random Fed-X / Hauling missions, and Combat missions.
    • Trading of commodities with different markets in each system. (Run guns to Alderaan? Fly Spice to Hutta? etc.)
    • 3D radar (shows x, y, & z position of objects relative to your ship)
    • Mining & Salvage

    Xwing vs. Tie-fighers

    • Practice 3D flight simulator to build up your skills before flying in space.
    • Multiple fighers, bombers, assault gunboats.
    • A variety of missions to fly with rewards, earned ranks, etc.
    • Multiplayer Missions
    • Head to Head dog fighting PvP individual and team.

    For a real winner add to that:

    • Guild Capital Ships
    • Guild vs. Guild RvR battle zones
    • Dynamic Galactic War
    • Large PvP Space battles
    • Interactive Exploration--board ships, asteroids, bases, derelicts etc.
    • Tie in between the ground game and space game... including PvP combined space and ground battles.

    I know there are some folks who think that ground and space are separte games. In Star Wars they belong together. There's no rule that says if you have a ground game you can't have a space game too.


    If you're afraid that the space game will detract from the ground game, think again. What can be done with the game depends on subscriptions--people playing and playing. A good space game with the ground game will increase the number of players and subscribers. That in turn will fund more game improvements. So ti's a win win. If you think that they should only be working on the thing you're interested in and exclude the interests of other players then you think that this should be a nich game... and those never have very large populations.



    All good ideas and it's similar to what I have in mind when I imagine a space expansion to this game. I think they release raiding content at a great rate already. Three raids in six months is good! What I'm looking for are more reasons to log into swtor on non-raiding nights. Space might be the variety this game needs to kick it into gear. I personally think daily quests are awful. It needs to have more variety than that.

  17. The new space mission will be fun for what it is. The space minigame isn't the most amazing thing in the world, but it's one of the better minigames in an mmo. It's always interesting when people complain about how there's no pazzak or pod racing, but what they did do was make a space fighting system akin to a simplified Star Fox with several levels and ship upgrades. You can even do it for some experience and eventually daily coupons.


    It's not free range space which many of us want (myself included), but I cannot fault them for adding this into the game for fun. It's a nice distraction every once in a while.


    Now I just hope they do what Star Fox 64 did and add in "ALL-RANGE MODE!" and hope that nothin' is wrong with the G-Diffuser.

  18. Umm, what "risks" are you suggesting they took? Making quest text into voiced-over cut scenes? That is hardly a risk, it's merely an improvement on basic MMOs. Moreover, the result of VO has largely been over-investment in leveling content at the cost of endgame, something that is undeniably hurting the game.


    The money. The 200 million is the risk and that large cost can at least partially be attributed to fully voicing a game of this size. Saying that's "hardly a risk" will at minimum make investors raise an eyebrow.

  19. Shadows don't need to be behind a mob.They only have one attack the needs a rear position.


    Scoundrels need it for Shoot First and Back Blast.Not a problem,unless the mob can't be stunned or mezzed or it sees through stealth.(which is 1% of the mobs in the whole game.the other 99% you can cc and attack from behind). Even then they have a couple of range attacks they can pull off instead,if opening with Shoot First isn't viable.


    Well, while you generally won't be finishing your council mob first as a scrapper, you should be able to take it down just fine before the enrage. The problem isn't just that you don't get to use backblast, but it also removes flechette round from your damage as well. That's a pretty big hit and maybe your best source of damage. That and it makes the rotation feel very boring. You'll find yourself throwing extra quick shots to make up the difference with all the energy you'll have.


    I've done all raiding content that currently exists and while scrappers can totally do it all, it almost always seems easier for ranged classes. I guess that's usually the case in games like this though isn't it?


    Despite the nerfs, pvp is still really fun and scrappers are strong there. Find weakened person, eat them alive. Stealth. Find next weakened person. Of course, that's why we keep getting nerfed.

  20. In the UK, we spell it "organisation".


    I appreciate it's different in the US.



    As an aside, this cracked me up.



    I enjoyed the post OP. I think gear being outmoded by new tiers of difficulty/gear is the nature of the mmo in most cases, but I agree with most of your points otherwise.


    Legacy is the biggest thing for me. I loathe that it is a money sink. I cannot stand daily quests in any mmo so I've never had more than two million credits to my name. I hate that the legacy "bonuses" feel like a purchase and not a bonus I unlocked by playing. I've yet to buy anything because I'm poor! And since I mainly run operations and pvp in warzones, my money does not increase.

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