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Everything posted by BattlebloodMage

  1. Jorgan is very whiny, I didn't like him too much, but it's kinda funny when he gets jealous when you flirt with others though. Something I wish Theron would have also done, a little bit of jealousy show that you care. Torian is cool and all, but he died, so they could really give him a big role. I think they would also get accused of being unfair if other LIs suddenly get bigger roles and the ones that could die didn't get as much contents in the expansion. Plus, the ones that are already there weren't available to same sex romance. I don't think they would change it if they didn't already when bringing them back the first time. I can already see a lot of nerdrage when they suddenly make previous characters romanceable by everyone, accusing Bioware of being playersexual, and God forbids, asking for a toggle. I don't find a lot of the male companions to be to my taste, so it's not really a big loss if they weren't back. The only ones I would romance are Tharan, Doc, and Xalek if they become available. Tharan and Xalek would be good since they weren't romanceable by anyone.
  2. Some are harder to work in than others. There are guys like Andronikos who is very defensive toward women and get upset when you're aggressive toward them. Although I doubt they would touch 1-50 again, it would be too much works for them and it would only appeal to a minority. They would rather focus on the expansion and new companions with Theron and Lana and put themselves on the back with the gay options fulfilled. It's kinda funny when they said they don't want playersexual and yet every romance and flirt option after the base game and gay for pay planets are playersexual. It's not just Jorgan and Kaliyo, Vette can die as well. Almost all the companions from the base game can be killed off, so I think they have a stand on making the base companions expendable. They're not gonna have major roles, and even if they do, it's probably just moments in the spotlight before getting killed off like with SCORPIO. I would totally subscribe for a year just to romance older companions again. Maybe even unromanceable characters like Tharan, he's a lot better looking and interesting than Felix .Alas, I doubt they would do that though. It wouldn't stop them from introducing new romances to the game. *Cough* Archann *Cough*. I'm not sure about females though, maybe the Sith Empress?
  3. Go ahead, I'll throw in Liam, too, just give me a male alien like Quarian or Turian and I'm good. With so many space games from Bioware, there hasn't been a good gay alien romance yet.
  4. I keep hearing people calling Theron boring. Is being a good guy make you boring? It's the same accusation you get with people like Jacob and Kaidan.
  5. I feel like gay guys got screwed over the worst when it comes to Mass Effect since they didn't even get an option until ME3, and one of the options are basically a modified version of the female Shepard with less contents, cutting out many romantic scenes like when Kaidan places Shepard's hand on his cheeks or when Shepard sitting on top of Kaidan or just holding hands at the casino. I like Cassandra, she's my favorite LI that I can romance. I understand how you feel though. I like Cassandra, but I would kill a wookie to be able to romance Cullen. I think they didn't confirm it, they just basically said that gay and straight will be able to romance aliens, but I like the 2/2/2 options, that way, everyone will have an option.
  6. How would that work? They can't really give romance contents to all the original romances as well as the 3 we currently have. Those who are killable are probably will not involved too deeply with the plot like Vette, but they could probably spare a scene for original romance, but then it would cut into the Theron and Lana who are being billed as the main romances so far in the expansion. It would make the contents more about quantity rather than quality, and adding new romances into the game would actually cut into the game even more. It would have been nice if Theron and Lana have unique scene for themselves where you guys are just relaxing and hanging out like the Cantina, it seems like KOTEE's romance only happens during missions, and so Theron and Lana often get cut off so they could focus on the missions.
  7. Lana is the most popular LI from Bioware's official data. It's understandable since there are more straight guys playing, but it's nice to see they show some love for women and gay guys with Theron and Koth if you're into him, I guess. I do feel like it's better if they focus on a few core romance instead of spreading out 12 or something romance, it makes them shallow. I always prefer quality over quantity. DAI was a disappointment when it comes to selection. Straight women hit the jackpot with 4 options, although I personally a bit disappointed with the gay and straight male options. I hope Mass Effect 4 will be better. I just hope in the next expansion, we can marry Theron and Lana. They have dated for a while.
  8. 50 Shades of Archann. He's cured at Voss, so there is hope for him afterall. Maybe I just got distracted by his pretty face. lol . I think it's more about his letter after you become emperor that make him a bit of a woobie, he talked about how he lost everything but he's fine because he has his mother, and he has you. it was kinda adorkable.
  9. Well, that's the extent of his involvement, but they wouldn't dedicate an entire chapter to him like with Theron and Lana, since they would need to make a stand-in for him and it would double the budget for his role in that chapter, and since he's not popular as Theron and Lana, and both of them have already fulfilled the LI quota, there is really no need for them to put in that much effort with Koth. This is why it's kinda suck that Archann can die, I would love to see him on the throne with my sith emperor. There is more than one way to become emperor. Archann could get married to my sith and still become emperor, there is no need for conquest or killing me. The entire KOTFE could have avoided if instead of bombing the planet, he just takes my character out on a date.
  10. I doubt we see Koth too often in the expansion. Anyone can die will inevitably get less contents. This is why I want Theron and Lana wear the biggest plot armor they can since they're the only gay romance companions we get in this game (and Koth, too, but he can already die and most people dislike him).
  11. Is it just me or is KOTEE is basically Sith Inquisitor rehash? You have a "mentor" guiding you and trying to take your body in the end, you also absorb and recruit spirit to help you defeat the big bad, and after killing the big bad, you take over his position.
  12. How would they save Vaylin though? Senya was knocked out during the fight, unlike with Archann, and she would have destroyed the entire base if she wasn't stopped. If you get Vaylin, I want Archann and his sexy mask. He wants the throne, he can have the throne alongside my sith.
  13. I find Theron really lacks screentime compared to Lana, so he feels very undeveloped. He didn't appear until chapter 9, and you interact solely with Lana for several chapters. Theron doesn't get spotlight moment like during the fight with Archann or force to use the emperor's power to save Lana. You also barely get to use Theron, most of the chapter after you got the ship, you are forced to use a bunch of random companions you may not care about. You also can't use him at Star Fortress. It's like Bioware goes out of their way to restrict your usage of him. In Eternal Throne, he still has less screentime than Lana, but at least, he has an entire chapter dedicated to him with the undercover stint. His romance did become better with the second expansion. He cares a lot about you now, and shows concerns when you're in risky situations, asking you to be careful, and you're giving him heart attacks. I'm really tempted to kill Archann just so you can use Theron more in the game. He did have some extra romance lines later in the game if he replaces Archann. Lana gets the spotlight in both expansion is understandable since more people romancing Lana compared to Theron.
  14. I romanced Theron since I can't stand Koth and his constant whining. Since he and Koth are the only 2 males that you can romance in the series, almost all my male characters will be with Theron. Sith Inquisitor goes well with Theron for me, I guess, i could be a bit biased since the Sith Inquisitor is my main.
  15. Theron and Lana are a bit like Kaidan and Ashley, Theron is more kind nature, good guy, while Lana is more straight forward, pragmatic, and a realist. She's not afraid to speak her mind. I'm surprised people ship Theron and Lana together though since Theron dislikes Lana since their ideology clash, Theron wants to save as many people as possible, while Lana would prefer to sacrifice innocent people to achieve her goal, hell, Lana almost got Theron killed.
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