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  1. Hello, Allow me to introduce myself my name is Donnie and I have been a long time on and off Swtor player but as of recent (past 4 or 5 months) have been dedicated to the game. Playing often and for long periods. I'm looking for an active, inviting guild on the StarForge, I have more max level/close to max level imperial characters but also have some republic as well. I'm a very inexperienced amateur at Swtor but have been looking for a guild to show me the ropes for my main characters for a while now, a guild thats more than "Oh they sent me an invite on the fleet or (insert planet here) guess I'll join." Looking to learn and get better at both Pve and PvP and am willing and eager to play/learn any role Looking for preferably organized but welcoming and reasonable guilds that have scheduled events but not a requirement. None of my characters are particularly high in the gear tiers but am willing to put in my time to try to get to any tier required For me, it all gets a little tiring constantly playing this content by myself when I wish I could spend it with like minded others. IMPORTANT: I have been dedicated to looking for a guild thats a good fit for me for a while now and in my particular situation that requires a guild that does not have a 18+/21+ requirement as I've seen with many many guilds. I have no inherent issue with such a requirement I understand it but I'm not looking for any guild that has such requirements. Because, I am only 16(17 soon) and still in HS with a lot of time on my hands. I promise if given the opportunity I will prove that I'm not as immature and demotivated as my age group would suggest. If you believe you're guild would be a good fit for me please PM me or reply to this post Thank you very much for your time and reading this long winded post.
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