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Posts posted by Kendaric

  1. 33 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

    Soooo ... Just trying to actually stir something up here:
    Exactly how do we define having fun in SWTOR these days?  Seriously?  Anyone care to take a shot at how their favorite part of having FUN can be re-ignited again?

    To re-ignite fun for me would include the following:

    - addition of PvE GSF missions (I won't bother touching GSF otherwise as I hate PvP and I'm not interested in the on-rails space game)

    - focus on quality story-telling rather than on daily grind. I'm aware that we won't be getting 8 different stories anymore, but at the very least 2 different stories (one for Force users and one for Tech users) should be doable. They can intersect at points, but some parts need to be exclusive to one or the other.

    - addition of a horizontal progression system. The scrapped amplifier systems would be a good start point...


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    • Thanks 2
  2. 22 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

    I know but you have to do it 1 PC at a time! UGH!

    No, you only have to do it once. The mods can be inserted into a piece of legacy-bound gear and therefore be put in your legacy storage.

    And selecting "Show all" rather than your discipline let's you choose all mods (barrels, hilts, mods, enhancements).

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Talleradax said:

    Yes, but start at level one.

    However you can buy gifts for them a 2 parts per gift from the Jawa venders. So very easy to get to 50. anyone with level 70+ characters can easily get jawa scrap to it is easy to level them. 

    For older players with 1 or more alts at level 71+ it's easy to get the required jawa scrap (as long as you don't need the scrap to buy crafting mats). For someone new or without a level 71+ alt, it's horrible.

    When I moved to Star Forge (I used to play on Tulak Hord), getting the scrap was a nightmare since I didn't want to transfer my old chars. Even with the help of guildmates, it was really annoying to get the companion gifts. Now, of course, it's no longer a problem :)

  4. 1 hour ago, Lord_Janosch said:

    If the suggestion isn't possible at least make a warning that you're abandoning a story quest and can't get that back (like when you jump story via your ships terminal).

    You already get that warning if I'm not mistaken. It is often ignored as you also get the message when abandoning a normal or repeatable quest.

  5. 2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

    honestly if cross faction could group up in any non-pvp form it would be amazing.  I don't know how it would work when the enemies in the wild are opposite for different members of the group, but if there was any way to make it happen, I would love it.

    It would destroy what Star Wars feeling we have left...

    Seeing Jedi on Tython and Coruscant running around with red lightsabers and throwing lightning everywhere is already jarring. Let's not anymore to this.

  6. 22 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    For the rest of the audience, OP is asking for them to make old CM armour sets (and, presumably, other gear) available on the CM again.

    Thanks, Steve. I never bothered with learning French, despite living not too far away from France.

    I'd love to see some older gear to make a reappearance, though I'm not sure how good the armors would look today... but at least weapons and decorations would be very nice.


  7. 2 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

    The problem is that the Dev's are trying to make SWTOR a KOTOR 3 like game, rather than its MMO, their trying to appeal to a single player audience rather than an MMO Audience.

    If only they would ... then I'd get at least content worth playing instead of just more dailies to grind.

    I just don't care about the usual MMO stuff like PvP, dungeons or raids. I play the game for story and to RP in the Star Wars universe.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

    Two toons. One tech-based (for barrels) and one force-based (for hilts).

    You can get barrels on a Force user or at least you used to. You have to choose a display all option to do that (i.e. your class/discipline option set to show all).

    Unless this was changed for 7.3, it should work.

    • Like 1
  9. The livestream was ok, it had very little I didn't expect though.

    I'm looking forward to the story and returning to Ord Mantell and seeing how Lane progresses with the basilisk droids. Can't say I'm overly thrilled about yet another gear level increase and quite frankly, none of the new cartel items interest me.

    I hope 7.4 is somewhat close to 7.2 and 7.3 when it comes to content. SWTOR can hardly afford another 7.0 debacle...


    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, jyork said:

    I've often thought a new class would bring a respectable amount of people back.  Such as Force Mystic (With a healing spec, tanking spec and Dps Spec.)  perhaps also a non force user with three specs.


    New Races, Clearly Mon Cal, Bothan, Ithorian, Wookie are all races that SHOULD be part of the experience.  Perhaps also a smaller race such as a Jawa or even allow ewok's to be playable.  Just  a thought.  


    New Planets.  Why have we never gotten Naboo yet? or perhaps Mon Cal, Rori, Bothawai, Kashhyyk, or the homeworld of many of the races we can play?   They could incorporate racial quests to return to your homeworld etc etc.

    None of the races you listed would work (except maybe Mon Calamari and they're unlikely at best) for various reasons. The devs said multiple times that possible future races would have to be able to speak Basic (which rules out, for example,  Wookiees, Ithorians, Gamorreans and Jawas). Furthermore romance scenes are a concern as well, which basically rules out most races except Devaronians, Chagrians (they have other problems though), Weequay and near-humans (e.g. Echani, Zeltrons, Pantorans).

    New planets will get added as their story plans require them, but bear in mind that the game's set about 300 years after the events of KotOR and thus roughly 3600 BBY.

    A new combat style (class) would of course be welcome, but I don't think we need another Force-based style.


  11. 1 minute ago, OlBuzzard said:

    As for SWTOR ...  What we are seeing unfold almost reminds me of what Obi-wan said:
    "As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced! "

    I wish I were wrong.  But somehow ... I just don't think I am!  I've seen this sort of thing unfold all too often .. and always with the same results  (NOT GOOD) !

    Funny... I used the Obi-wan quote to describe the release of the NGE in SWG :)

    As for the topic... I'm in the wait and see camp, most likely I'll decide after the livestream.


    • Haha 1
  12. 3 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    Its 100% the devs actions or inactions that have driven most of the PvP player base away. Because during the 3.2 era, they actually said “the PvP player base was the most loyal & stable subscriber base in the whole game”.

    The requirement of maintaining a subscription if they wanted to play mainly for PvP was what kept the PvP player base loyal & stable.

    PvP in MMORPGs is at most a side activity unless the game is specifically built around PvP. I do agree though that the removal of ranked PvP and allowing for pre-mades to queue along with solo players was a stupid move that caused all kinds of problems.


  13. 2 hours ago, orichichan said:

    I would like to see one of these races as new playable race:

    • Bothan
    • Chagrian
    • Falleen
    • Devaronian
    • Pantoran
    • Zeltron

     I can understand we can't get new race for each expansion but I think now we could get one or two new races this time.

    Bothans would be extremely unlikely as they'd look very strange in romance scenes due to their facial structure. Not to mention the devs would either have to remodel helmets to fit them or disable the helmet display on Bothan characters. Chagrians (and to an extent Devaronians as well) would also require disabling helmets for their race, but at least their facial features are human enough for romance scenes to work.

    Pantorans... sure, they'd work and require comparatively little effort from the art team. They look at least different enough from Chiss to warrant that effort.

    I don't see the appeal in Zeltrons, since they're literally just red-skinned humans. Their other distinctive trait (pheromones) wouldn't really matter in SWTOR.


  14. 1 hour ago, FlatTax said:

    Do cash companions arrive at level 1, or 50?

    They are level 1 and require special gifts (bought with Jawa scrap) to increase the approval rating.

    I don't think the creature companions should be able to craft, but the droids should. They are way to expensive for their limited usefulness currently.


    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Whykara said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    If you chose Khem, he eventually returns and Zash dies on Nathema. If you chose Zash, Khem (in his own body) dies on Nathema, but Zash is never heard of again.

    We can presume she is alive somewhere. So yes, it's very possible and it seems more like an oversight that she hasn't returned, while Khem has.

    Good to know. I stopped playing my SI around level 55, as I much prefer Jedi to Sith. Though admittedly the Sith storylines are a lot of fun to play.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Whykara said:

    hello please give Zash, thanks much

    Would that even be possible, considering what happened to her? Also what happens with Khem? Don't we lose him and get some replacement Dashade?

  17. I kill Vette on every character, she's so annoying. The same goes for Skadge, Broonmark and the Kaleesh (Xalek?).

    Now I wouldn't mind if people who let Vette live for whatever reason, would get more time with her as long as she stays dead for me (or I get a chance to kill her again ;) ).

    I'd love if we'd get to choose who Vaylin kills if we choose to skip KotET, but I guess that will never happen.

  18. On 12/29/2022 at 10:07 AM, LanceDefender said:

    Exactly. One problem I could see here is that Malora dies only on Republic side. On Imperial she is alive and looking at the situation of Gnost Dural or Tau, she definitely could have return to story or as companion.

    Nevertheless that's true that they overuse kill option.

    I'm pretty sure Malora survives on Pub side, unless you specifically opt to kill her.

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