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Posts posted by EthanThristam

  1. Especially on the Empire side, where a display of such powers legally mandates you to enter the academy and become a Sith or die trying.


    Given that the only two sith non-force users that are possible are a Bounty Hunter who technically is not part of the empire and whose skill precludes the authorities from messing with him overmuch......and Imperial Intelligence, who is notorious from hiding things from the Sith(Raina Temple anyone?) it certainly makes sense to me.


    If you're skilled enough in your own right that you're able to kill Sith with vibroknives, blaster rifles, and high explosives, I really doubt they're going to be stupid enough to try and enforce the law on you. Better that they try to ally with you or control you through other means. Remember, might makes right in the Empire.

  2. Isn't it obvious? They're supposed to be equal.


    However what I find amusing is that the Sith Inquisitor requires the ghost handicap to become the equal of the Jedi Consular, who performs such feats as blowing magnetically sealed doors apart with TK alone, with no special help. Given their respective stories as well, I believe the Consular would win in a story fight, 1 v 1, why? Because the shielding ritual can exorcise force ghosts, as shown in the story, and can be used on hostile opponents. Thus, any equality would be gone in a story battle once the JC realized that part of the Inquisitor's power comes from having several ghosts linked to him.


    The JC gets an army, the SI gets a superweapon(Personally I'd prefer the mystic+Voss Commando minions the JC gets given what happened the last time the Empire challenged Voss.)


    The JK and SW are both absurdly strong in their own right as warriors. Though you can tell the Sith Warrior was a labor of love for the developers given some of the cut scenes(The Alderaan scene of throwing warriors around, the Lady Grathan death scene, and the Hutt massacre.)

  3. Darth Zhorrid was my favorite for comic relief when you enter her office as an IA to find a ton of bodies on the floor and her listening to opera. When you mention the bodies she states something like: 'Oh, that was....the aria, I think.'


    But, Darth Jadus takes the cake. I wish I could have heard more on his philosophy on suppression of emotions for true power in the force, and more on his plan for 'absolute terror.' It'd be great to see why he's truly considered second to the Emperor too, since the fight against him is misleading.


    Marr though is my favorite current member. Mainly because he's just so commanding. He says something and the other Darths just fall in line. It was great seeing his face off against Thanaton too in Blood of the Empire. He stands poised to kill Thanaton for his defiance, but when he hears the deal Thanaton is offering, has the wherewithal to stand down. He's not someone who's mindlessly immersed in the dark side and can't suppress his anger.


    As for Marr though, I kind of made up a theory that he's actually one of the descendants of Visas Marr(Along with the other Jedi descendant that the BH kills) who was turned to the Dark Side early on in the war when the other Darths were hunting for prominent descendants of former Darths(Like Grandmaster Shan) and trying to turn them to the dark side. He thus wears a mask to hide his Miraluka status and avoid the stigma. Its a theory that's almost certainly incorrect given that a 'Darth' surname is usually not the real one, but its a theory I still like to entertain in my mind.

  4. Did anyone catch during the lead up to the Mako conversation with Qyzen that Qyzen believes Mako is Braden's daughter? I mentioned it to my friend who plays a Bounty Hunter and he was shocked, as its never mentioned at all. Given Mako's little sideplot with the...'sisters', I find it very strange if so.


    Did I mishear it, was Qyzen mistaken, or just a neat tidbit thrown in that you'd never find out just by playing the BH story alone?

  5. Wrong, the Empire didn't win Voss. Noone does. They simply win over a single mystic and their entourage. The Republic gets Gaden-Ko from the Consular storyline. Darth Serevin who is very critical of Voss heritage throughout the Empire story seduces another for Malgus.


    The reason why noone 'wins' Voss is because (Major Imperial Agent storyline spoilers)

    the Three were tricked by the Star Cabal in the prophecy of the Shining Man. The fake Shining Man, who was really a Star Cabal plant advised the Three that if they remain neutral for three thousand days, that both the Empire and Republic will cease to exist, then they'll prosper once both fall. They take that advice basically as the fulfillment of the prophecy and absolutely will not take sides as a race as a whole.


    The Star Cabal did this because the mystic visions were a wild card, something they couldn't predict in their plot to wipe out the Sith and Jedi and end the cycle of galactic warfare between them, removing galactic dependence on organized Force-user religions.


  6. The only thing we need are extensions to existing defensive cooldowns that give added utility, and our cover cooldowns working consistently with 'hard' cover.


    What would be 'nice' to have is some melee defense added on top of the ranged defense cover gives, and an extra 10-20% DR against Tech and Force attacks while in cover. I mean, for pity's sake, does it make any sense that cover doesn't protect at all from explosions, and lightning, even if it would block some of that?


    Marauder should be a good template for how to turn a squishy medium armor class into a powerhouse. We don't need all of what they get since we're a ranged class, so their 99% DR cooldown would be way too much.


    Give our defensive screen a damage shield, or a little higher on absorption to equal what a Sorc's shield does on the same cooldown? Great.


    Extend Dodge's Time to 6-9 seconds? Also great.


    Make it so if you're CC'ed, you're instantly dropped back into cover with no delay when it ends? Excellent.


    Do some of the above and we'll be fine. All of the above and we may even be a little overpowered on the scale.

  7. The dumbest light side choice ever to me is on Coruscant.


    So you're contracted by a citizen's group called the 'True Republic' to find evidence that a senator is a Sith Sympathizer intending to hand over the Republic to the Sith....legally.


    You find his messenger droid and disable it, taking the proof of such. Only for the Senator's aide to stop you, and tell you what you're doing is wrong and that the Senator is using legal means, and you're repressing his 'freedom of speech.'


    The light side choice at that point is to preserve his freedom of speech by giving a different package to the True Republic that would make them look like fools once it comes to light.


    The dark side choice is to follow through and deliver the evidence, thus preventing the Senator's plans.


    I could see the first perhaps being Light side, albeit lawful stupid if you didn't deliver the doctored evidence and just refused the task after meeting with the aide, but as it stands I consider it the greater of two evils. You're permitting evil to flourish by inaction, and stymying the group trying to stop it.


    The dark side choice doesn't seem dark side at all to me, sometimes the laws must be bent for an action which is good.

  8. I'm pretty sure the Empire story on Corellia happens first. Corellia officially joins the Empire, Darth Decimus is then killed by the Republic hero trying to hold it, as well as about 2-3 other members of the Dark Council. The Empire's grasp on Corellia becomes as tenuous as their grasp on Balmorra was.


    The story will probably continue in the next patch and may clear up some of these obscurities.


    But the gyst of all of these stories seems to be simple: A return to the status quo. Whatever gains either side make, they lose when the other side reaches the planet.


    Summary from my experiences:


    Balmorra conquered, then lost back to the Republic(Especially in the Consular storyline)

    Taris restoration starts going well, Empire destroys their efforts and Taris becomes too costly for the Republic to keep.

    Corellia joins the Empire officially, Republic makes all the gains they made moot AND kills the majority of their leaders.

    Ilum: Empire starts forming a stealth fleet, kills a Republic admiral and many Jedi Masters, Malgus betrays them. Republic kills a member of the Dark Council due to Malgus betraying intel to them, Malgus forms his new Empire.(This one seems to happen simultaneously, but its so incongruous as to what the position of each side was! On the Empire side, the Republic is stronger and firmly entrenched, on the Republic side, they're barely holding on until you show up.)


    Belsavis seems to be the only world that doesn't return to status quo, as the Empire frees the Dread Masters while the Republic only stops the World Razer from breaking out.


    The other issue is what sparks the actual outbreak of total war again. On the IA side, its Code Name Hunter framing the Empire for destroying a Republic colony. On the SW side its you killing off key Republic figures. On the Trooper side, its you destroying project Gauntlet and Rakton declaring war. On the Consular side, its you taking Balmorra and the Children of the Emperor coming out to try and kill off key Republic dignitaries. For EVERY side, its the freeing of Revan which causes the Emperor to throw all restraint to the wind, as well as Revan's attempted genocide of the Empire. Which of the above truly sparked the war? All of the above? None of the above?

  9. If I'm solo queueing, and I'm the only one defending a node we've taken in Alderaan, then don't, I repeat, don't call me out as the reason we're losing when the seven of you can't take anything.


    I'm sacrificing badges, valor, and commendations to give us even the remotest chance of winning.


    For whatever reason, this happens frequently when people get pissed off that I'm the only one defending what we've taken and not helping them take a new node in Alderaan.

  10. The simplest fix is to make purple stims and adrenals have 50-75% the effect of the blue stims adrenals, thus making them a good 'cheap' buff for non-operation or flashpoint content. But not 'the best'.


    Thus blue stims would still be required by all, including the biochemist, for progression content.


    People will say 'BUT ITS PURPLE, IT SHOULD BE BETTER.' No, not at all, what makes it purple is the fact that it can be reused an unlimited number of times. The blue stim can only be used once but has a better effect.


    Simple fix which still gives a pretty useful reward for the biochemists while maintaining balance of the tradeskills.

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