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Everything posted by Leaaaaa

  1. So, I ran into a problem on my Juggernaut yesterday while doing the Traitor Arc, where, after I played the cutscene after coming out of the Umbara FP, I didn't get Raina Temple or anything. Now, I can enter the Traitor amongst the Chiss Flashpoint, but I don't have Raina with me (and also I'm getting obliterated by the first boss even tho I've done it several times before on other characters but that's another thing). I don't have the purple mission telling me to finish the FP, either, nor the FP as a mission, so I can't reset anything. I've already checked my ship's mission terminal, and the alliance base in case that'd trigger the Cutscene I'm missing. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?
  2. I've been talking to my friend who also plays swtor, and she's saying that the Tank Vanguard and Tank Powertech have different abilities (Not just renamed/redesigned, but completely different). Ialways thought the gameplay was pretty much identical. Can anyone help?
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