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Everything posted by Monkeypuzzle

  1. I agree with this. But I will add to it. If you want full immersion then shouldn't you go to a Roleplay server? That said, I echo all those quoted points about silly names. Guilds are just as bad, common ones are "it's a trap" and "han shot first". So yawn inducing I feel like I will get lockjaw everytime I step on the fleet. Not to mention a player running around with the name HanJob. And people say that not allowing the mounts indoors would break immersion? Giving people huge mounts with no ability to carry another passenger is just daft. I agree, when you have 3 or 4 of these tanks crowding a GM it does look silly, but in fairness, thats not our fault that the mount were even made. Make a small circle around the GM terminals where you can't mount. Solved.
  2. The problem with you analogy is a simple one, riding my mount around the fleet won't injure anyone. Annoy them? According to you it will, but hurt them no. That's why people don't skate/cycle in the town hall, not because they get in the way but because they COULD hurt someone. The whole immersion idea also doesn't wash, as I don't really walk to different locations and marvel at the scenery. So how does it immerse me? It's annoys me, yes, makes me think I'm really on Coruscant? No. Nice. Finally.
  3. WHY!? I can understand instances (although mounting in flashpoints doesn't appear to be a problem) but after getting to level 25, and spending 40k+ credits on a mount and license, it really annoys me that a lot of places don't allow it. The biggest offender is Coruscant. Soon as you leave the hanger from your ship, you have to do the long walk to some invisible barrier in a doorway and bam, you can now mount again. It's an issue since there are quests later on which require you to travel back to these areas. Nearly everywhere I go in Coruscant wont allow my mount. The senate building in Coruscant is a maze of corridors and plenty of walking. A mount access here would be really helpful and this trend is copied all over the game. Enter a large building with staircase upon staircase and your kick off your mount. I had to go to Coruscant to travel to meet an npc. So I can't mount from spaceport to nearly at the taxi. Then I travel to one sector which I can't mount at and have to walk to the npc. Tells me to go to the black sun sector, more walking to taxi, arrive at black sun, loads more walking to get to another npc who then tells me to go straight back to the first guy. It's not if I can benefit from walking this route. Can't get any xp and resource nodes aren't worth it either.
  4. I started out on a EU server and noticed that any time of the day the population was low to put it mildly. Peak times there was about 40 people on the fleet, tatooine 7, belsavis 4, hoth 8. Trying to find people to join heroics was frustrating, but I managed to get to level 43 before I finally cracked. I then made the decision to move to a US server and I have to say I havent looked back. Fleet has about 120 people on it, tatooine 26, hoth 24, belsavis 18. I was impressed from the start as coruscant had 100 people on it, before it was 35. I've had no trouble in getting groups together, doing flashpoints etc. It's been great so far. I've experienced no lag either. Only gripe is that I can't take my level 43 with me...yet. Hopefully in the future they will allow it and even if I have to pay I gladly will.
  5. When I first got Bowdaar I was happy to have a wookie at my side. I summoned him straight away (bye Corso, it's been fun, but you know, WOOKIE) and headed into battle. Well, he fell like a loaded diaper and I was popping all cooldowns to stay alive against the small horde of enemies he seemed to have pulled, against enemies I faced only hours before with Corso I might add. What happened? I checked the gear, pretty poor gear but ah well. Abilities look ok, what does the wiki say, tank? Right ok. Try again. Wipe Bowdaar, time to use your cybertech skills, because your as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike. Hello again Corso, the wookie? Nah its ok man, you will always be my number one.
  6. I think my gear is letting me down. without any easy way to show you all my gear its difficult to explain. I tried to pick up shield chance and defence but my accuracy is still only 90% and I've added 4 accuracy enhancements and it barely moved. My main priorities for enhancements were endurance>shield rating>defence rating> absorption rating. But I get so confused with the priority, as I don't know if the above is correct.
  7. Thanks man. But I went for the immortal tree in the end. Anyone know a solid rotation for that?
  8. That is a good point. I did prefer the tanking style. Good to help people out in flashpoints etc. I tested out the new build on a level 45 strong and on my tank build I can take it down with about half health left. With the rage build I died before I killed it. It's obvious since Im not in the right tree, but overall I do now prefer the tank spec. Time to respec back again. One final issue. My accuracy is currently 91.59%. I did add 3 accuracy enhancements of +14 and +12 and +12. But my accuracy didn't seem to even move. How am I supposed to get it to 100 or beyond? Have I missed something? I will now look into that sticky thread also to brush up on other things. Thanks dear.
  9. I've been tank spec pretty much since level 30 and found it ok. It's nice to be able to tank in flashpoints etc. I tried out some pvp action and realised that my spec won't cut it so I respec to rage, dumped all my points into it (I'm now level 43) and gave it a go. I did ok, but when I see people on youtube lower than my level doing 3k damage and I can barely do 1.5k, I worry I made a mistake. I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm doing as I often leap in head first without thinking. I read for a rage jugg I needed to get power and surge enhancements so I did best I could. I just need some advice, I want the highest possible DPS I can with this char far short of re-rolling a marauder.
  10. This is what Im thinking of getting to help with accuracy. Herehttp://www.torhead.com/item/58ptHc7/advanced-protection-enhancement-19 Would this enhancement be wise to equip on all my pieces of armour? Or is that overkill?
  11. I shall log into the chat right now. Thanks for that.
  12. When I was around level 35, I respect into the tanking tree. I found I enjoyed being a tank much more. Now I'm 43 I want to get the best gear and stats I can but I'm confused on an issue. I've read I should get 100%+ accuracy. But how do I do this? None of my mods etc are accuracy, they are all endurance or strength. If I replace out these states for accuracy won't I be a poorer tank? Secondly, which is the best stat for a tank. I poured all my resources into this method of thinking: Endurance and a mixture of shield rating, absorption rating and defence rating. All of those 3 confuse me as the best one to stick to. I do have alot of strength mods but endurance will always be highest. As a level 43 my stats are here. I just need some pointing in the right direction. Just to know which stat I should truly focus on as it's embarrassing when you team up with someone who is also a tank and get a 10 minute rant by them how my equipment isnt good enough etc.
  13. Just spotted the new patch timings on the launcher. Annoying? Yes. However, I can't remember if the last patch did this, but from 8am till 12 is fine, make the maintenance this time if you HAVE to. But 8-4 which it usually is, is beyond the pale.
  14. I know you will never please everyone. But in WoW you always knew the maintenance was at 3 am until about 10 or so, I forget the exact times. True you could argue that will have to pay people extra to work that early, or find people to work that early, but Blizzard do it and do it well. Issue is that I know at 8am the game is offline (and the website for reasons UNKNOWN), and not be back until late afternoon. The entire day is written off.
  15. Have a few toons already, I decided to roll another and try slicing. It suggested I use scavenging and cybertech which I did. But of course, cybertech requires underworld materials which I can't get because my last slot is slicing. So what is best to go with it? Is it so you make so much money with slicing you can buy the UW materials outright on the market? Or am I missing something here.
  16. Having to buy an item to disassemble the cube is the dumbest thing ever. I was on Dromund Kaas and decided to change my cube. I first had to travel to hoth to get the red shard, just about able to as a level 37. Then I went back to dromund kaas, traveled all the way to the cave (because for reasons unknown, the flight paths between the spaceport and the temple are NOT connected) and then when I tried to disassemble the cube I got a message about a missing power core! So after some digging around on the net I found out I have to travel to another planet and spend 8k credits on an item to use. It makes no sense to have this feature, none. It's just another way to get us to travel. Hate travelling? Just wait until you get to Belsavis.
  17. What a mess. In a similar vein to this topic, I had a recent issue with this game. My phone was damaged so I lost the security key app. Meaning I could only log into my account/game if I rang up the support line. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I couldn't log in because swtor.com was once again, down. Yet its child pages were fine, forums, game info etc. But you weren't to know this until you manually typed in the url or googled it. Most of us, took the front page at face value, down for maintenance. I waited and I waited, in fact I only knew the forums were working when I got an email about THIS thread. I then managed to find a number for customer support, when upon phoning the support line, they removed the security key and I could login no problem. I asked the guy on the phone why the site was having more maintenance all day long when the game was working. He told me that this is when there is a high volume of traffic to the site. Oh ok, so in other words, the holding page is MISLEADING. Loads of sites can manage a holding page when the site gets busy, even this one! I remember it putting me in a queue just to enter this site due to high volume, but this time around it was a flat out lie. The issue is a simple one, when you try to play the game and all servers are offline, some of us might want to get more information on this (regardless if this information is available in the launcher). Or, what if you wanted to ask for advice, like I did when my phone broke and couldn't access the game. Where do you think we all go? swtor.com, thats where and if the main page is not working, then that's it. The advanced amongst us will google the information or find alternative means to access the forum, but brand new players to not only swtor but mmorpgs in general, will be seriously confused. This seriously needs fixing, even if its just to modify the maintenance message to read something more accurate.
  18. Nice. Thanks people, I shall try out those suggestions.
  19. Sorry if this has been posted before, but I found this from last year and it struck a chord. Source
  20. Mopping the floor with the enemy as powertech is great, but it helps looking good doing it. I think that the game so far lacks any decent looking armour. I'm not talking level 50 or 40. But even 20+. Theres nothing decent reward wise on offer. The best helmet I could get for my level was this one: http://i.imgur.com/n3rB0.jpg Which you have to admit, intimidating it is not. It's just such a shame. The only decent looking gear I could find at my level was on the market at 5k+ credits. No thanks. Also, another point, maybe it's because Im a PT, but I find 99% of the commendation rewards are useless. I was on Nar Shaddaa, and got 13 commendations, so went to buy some gear. Everything was useless to my class and even the pistols were offhand only. Not one single main hand pistol. Not to mention the armour was worse than I was using. Am I alone in this thought?
  21. WoW does it. And does it well. Here is what they say about their weekly maintenance: Firstly, its when most of us are either asleep or some of us have played it all morning and are thinking of bed. Secondly, its TWO HOURS. Just 2. It's hard to complain about this though without sounding like there is nothing more to life than SWTOR. But it still grates.
  22. I find it quite funny the amount of people in this thread saying things like "This is one of the reasons I uninstalled" or "if they don't implement it, I'm cancelling". Bye then. To uninstall this game because of this is stunning. So is threatening to do so. Now, im only a mere level 17. So I don't have the advantage of seeing what's to come in later levels. But, if people are just going around in circles with their speeder because there is nothing else to do, then something is seriously wrong. It took years for WoW to implement the LFG system. I found it took some of the fun out of it. True you got in groups quick, but there was the good parts of travelling to the instance, making friends. In WoW you just got a bunch of randoms. And many times people would join, need a rare drop and vanish. IF this system is coming online, make it server only. If people don't like that, they can uninstall with gusto, and the online community and the game will be all the better for it.
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