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  1. I do appreciate the pointers and help from everyone. The purpose of posting was because customer service says this the only way the people whom actually write the programing for swtor will see this. Yes my first time running a jedi shadow. But after getting her to level 65. one would hope that I have at least learned the basics =) However started playin swtor after star wars galaxies bit the dust. Frankly a better game in my opinion. yea yea graphics stank. but still a darn fun game! This char is a poor jumper. Revan. Storyline droid T3-g2 Prelude: Shadow of Revan. Right hall way on your map. Between trade and supplies. Not sure if that helps. My interrupts don't work! I have 3 right out the door. These critters I mention earlier don't even burp when I try. I pay sub for this. I pay cartel for this. Please fix these issues so an average player can succeed!
  2. Ok short and too the point! Two dreadseed quests. Hero(4) Dark Destiny. take a group. Jump from transport to transport. really? and get a group through that!? Good Luck! I cannot do it. And the groups I have ran with couldn't do it either. Fix this! tool over a transport so we can actually make a darn jump! Or better yet park the stupid bad guys skiff some were so we can get to it and fight the darn thing! Arcanum. Same stinking thing except for solo. Can jump the platforms. But falling and dying ad nausium trying to jump out of those rooms!. Fix this! Move a box. Something! Dreadseed gear is cool. But not worth this level of aggravation. Not for an appearance item! How about making this so an average player can actually succeed!. 3 stinking hours. And all I got for it was a gear repair bill! Are you kidding me!? Shoulda got the whole set just for my level of pissed off! Next. Oricon. Haunted Paradise. Corrupted bothium beast. Fought this pos for 25 min. It would NOT go down! Self heals and naturally none of my interrupts did a darn thing! empty cave save for the critter. There ARE no mechanics to this one. No whip thingy's to kill just it and me! Solo mode but seriously! So I cant get dailies on Oricon until I defeat a critter that I cant defeat! Do something about those self heals! I expect a fight. but seriously? Last boss on the revan 1st chapter. The sith senator. Same thing. Cant beat him solo. Self heals and back to square one! So all 4 of these are at a flat stop! I think you have some work to do! I understand and appreciate a challenge. But this is beyond not cool! I payed a far amount of money for this. Sub and cartel just for starts. How about considering THAT when you program this level of headache for players!? And don't give me that game mechanics crap either. I am not a cartman. I have a life outside of this computer screen. Shouldn't take 6 months of dying to get a stinking bracer! This the same kind of garbage I quit playing wow over! Pretty please with sugar on top. Fix this!
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