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Everything posted by DankMandaIore

  1. I know this of course, I just wanted to see what people's favourite sense of style was for their character. Just for discussion and sharing sake y'know?
  2. I'm a casual player who loves the Mandalorians in SW (I have the Mythosaur tattoo and Boba Fett) So I wanted to see if there were any Mandalorian based Guilds out there (RP, Casual, PvP, Etc. doesn't matter however I have no experience in PvP never had a group to go with and going solo in PvP is hectic, like to learn however.)
  3. I love armour aesthetics, and I have an admiration for both. I like the rough and gruff Bounty Hunter look (and Mandalorian T-Visor looks especially) but I also enjoy the uniformed yet badash Trooper gear. I want to hear everyone's opinions and yes you can bring up other classes as well, I don't discriminate.
  4. Appreciate it my guy that's the answer I needed. I'm gonna click your link now cause I love you.
  5. Ok so, I have a character at level 60, I check legacy because I want to make a Sith Pureblood Jedi and I can't seem to unlock it. It recognizes I'm at the require level however, it also says "Sith Species Required" and it's red, but I am Sith Pureblood. So I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if I may have founded a new bug, because I understand TOR was recently updated for New Years. What do my dudes?
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