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Posts posted by Loadsamonie

  1. Cant rlly tell if this if this is rhetorical. But in case its not....


    Crit will always be more useful than mastery as long as you are under 70% crit multiplier. HOWEVER, as I said before, players that play classes with autocrits will see more more of a difference with that crit than classes that dont have autocrits.


    Not rhetorical, I'm dead serious, because I don't know which classes benefit more from Mastery and Power than Crit. Immortal Jugg could very well be one such class since it doesn't rely on autocrits.

  2. Get a shield offhand shell and stick dps mods into it. You dont need the actual tank stats, you just need to have a shield shell to shield against attacks. This will get you another 500 points of crit and maybe get you to ~68%.


    But iirc jugg tank relies on dps increases to crushing blow not autocrits. In which case the difference between 67% and 68% crit multi is not that important.


    Achieving 70% crit multiplier is only important for autocrit reliant classes. If you don't play a class that has autocrits, then you dont HAVE to reach 70% crit multiplier.


    I WANTED to go Mastery augs and the Power relic originally, instead of Crit, but everyone kept telling me "No, you need Crit Crit CRIT, because gear already has plenty of Mastery but weak tertiary stats, and Defense Guardian has Crit disciplines for Crushing Blow and Threatening Focus."


    I definitely see some good spike damage in PvP, I've scored as high as 50k on my Crushing Blows, but did I make a huge mistake augmenting for Crit instead of Mastery? At least six people told me going for Crit was the better choice since there's not much of it on armor.

  3. Okay, so Crit multiplier by default is 50%, right? So getting 20% Crit Multiplier from your Crit Rating will add it to the base 50% and put it at the 70% target?


    If that's the case, then I'm at 65.73% Crit Multipler, I think. Not counting whenever Devastating Vengeance procs.


    I just checked, it says I currently have a Crit Chance of 37.33%, with a Crit Multiplier of 66.73%. This is on a Defense Guardian running an i328 Purple PvP Skank Tank setup, with 4 pieces of Alacrity armor, rest Crit, and all i286 purple Crit augs. My only Tank piece is a Shield, everything else is DPS with Crit or Alacrity.

  4. This is not completely true. There is no hard cap, but there are diminishing returns on crit. However, with the current stat pool in i328 gear, it is very difficult to reach the diminishing returns.


    So yes, you can put all your augments into crit, but not always.





    There are two crit stats. Crit chance and crit multiplier. Crit chance is the chance to get a critical hit. Crit multiplier increased how hard you crit. Crit multiplier used to be called surge before 4.0.


    I'm talking about crit multiplier, which you can find in your stat details if you scroll a little down. Crit multiplier is a very important stat for many burst classes that have autocrits. Many of these classes like conc op, ling sorc, arsenal merc, mm and engi sniper, rely on crit multiplier to increase the criticality of their autocrit abilities. Getting to a 70% crit multiplier is really important for these burst classes, otherwise their burst won't actually be that bursty.


    For anyone that wants more information: https://www.rambol.net/home/2018/3/13/stats-and-damage-calculation-in-swtor#critical_rating


    Okay, so Crit multiplier by default is 50%, right? So getting 20% Crit Multiplier from your Crit Rating will add it to the base 50% and put it at the 70% target?


    If that's the case, then I'm at 65.73% Crit Multipler, I think. Not counting whenever Devastating Vengeance procs.

  5. What is the Crit rating target for 7.1 PvP, and at what point is it better to switch to Mastery Augs? I can’t find this information anywhere. Just a bunch of PvE guides that say acc, alacrity, “dump the rest into Crit”. Not very helpful.


    My Defense Guardian use 4 pieces of Alacrity armor to hit the necessary 2,054 breakpoint (with 4 pieces of i328 PvP purples my Alacrity is actually 2,172), then all the rest are Crit (none are Accuracy, had to mix and match a bit to get this right). With all i286 purple Crit augs I'm hitting 4.227 Crit, which gets me 15.73% to crit chance and damage. Then I'm also using Champion's Precision Implant and Devastating Vengeance relics to boost it further.


    Personally I say put ALL your augments to Crit, as there's no hard cap on the stat and tertiary stats on armor are rather weak. You get plenty of Mastery from your armor and a little more from stims, that should be sufficient.


    You're looking for 70% crit multiplier. Most classes don't reach that in 7.1, especially classes that require accuracy. Highly recommend buying all crit augs, gold 300s if you can afford them.


    What is 70%? Does that mean 20% Crit Chance and Crit Damage? How much Crit is required to hit that breakpoint?


    I'd assume it's reachable with Devastating Vengeance procs?

  6. The objective is to win, to win you need 600 points, kills are a better source of getting points than bubbles.


    Stop bringing up other warzones where kills do not give points. Anyone who knows me knows I play to win I have somewhere between 15000-20000 wins. My dad can beat up ur dad as well, so don't even try.


    Put your money where your blaster is. I've got 20,000 Republic Dataries says my dad can whoop your dads ***.

  7. Yeah, you're the problem. You'll learn eventually. With kills you get more points than bubbles over time. You also gain control - giving them less options. It draws them off defense giving your counter plays higher opportunity. I've missed a pylon two times in a row and still win by a landslide. Can you explain how that happens? I can. The OP is like you, diligently running bubbles and wondering why they're losing.


    The order of importance is Gain a Pylon > get kills > don't die > deny their pylon > run bubbles - and 'take enemy pylon' is only ever an option when you are certain they won't take it back - such as a few seconds on the timer or you have a strong enough team to deny or take theirs.


    No, I'm not. I'm playing the game correctly. Focusing on kills in a game where kills are not the objective is playing the game wrong and asking to lose. By your logic, we should just completely ignore the ball carrier in huttball and kill random players meandering on the other side of the field, because scoring points and keeping the ball out of enemy hands is irrelevent.

  8. I'd say doing something about the rampant premades is more important than addressing AFKs. I dunno who this person is, but earlier tonight I kept getting matched against a superace named Debbie Creempuffs, who always seems to be paired with one Republic Aviator or Civilian Pilot, and these two absolutely crushed our team like vermin every time. I'm talking 50 to 6 TDM's and 1000 to 120 Dominations, the 120 being because we were finally able to take ONE satellite from them by brute force, otherwise it would've been 1000 to 8. It was bordering on plain unfair how stacked their team was compared to ours.


    The teams need to be better balanced than this. It's not at all sporting that a game can be decided by "Oh, you're pitted against a four-man premade communicating on Discord? You lose. Leave now or die painfully."


    Am I saying premades should be removed? No, but they should be balanced better, say, if two 4-man teams are queueing together, always put them on opposing teams to make it fair for both them and the rest of the players competing. Never put multiple premades on the same team.


    Or, use a players battle record to decide what team they get placed on and then distribute the players based on how strong their teams collective stats are. I.E place weaker players on a team that is already relatively strong in high K/D players, or assign ace pilots in the queue to a team full of rookies to help shore up their effective strength.

  9. I thought after a 3 year break people might have this figured out. Nope. I people love to run bubbles why I try to team fight with two other teammates against 6-7. I think they are not confident in a team fight or something? Not sure.


    I just see taking Pylons and grabbing Orbs as the primary objective in Hypergates. Kills are secondary.


    Same with Huttball, Denova, Voidstar, etc. Kills are always secondary to the objective, that being to run the ball to the opposing teams goal, to take the ball from the other team, to plant the bomb, to defend the door from bomb planting, to take the node and defend the nodes from the enemy team, etc. Kills are merely a byproduct of that, not the main focus.


    The only exception is 4v4 arenas, where the objective is literally to kill the opposing team. Unless it's a 4v4, killing the opposing team is always secondary to the objectives.

  10. i have over 12k power now as well and i had over 10k before the patch. all 300 augs working.


    Until they bring gold augment prices WAY the hell down, say, 200mil each MAX, I'm not touching them. 286 purples are sufficient.

  11. My point is that you can play warzones all day, you can get really good at 8v8 but ranked arenas are a completely different game.


    If they offered unranked arenas for people to practice it might just get more people playing and learning which would increase the skills of the people who would like to que for solo ranked but don't want to get their teeth kicked in repeatedly by a gold player that has 10 years of experience.


    But none of this matters if there is only 8 people in the SR que.


    Pretty sure arenas, ranked or unranked, are just DPS smash, tanks guard swap, and healers heal. Pretty simple.

  12. why don't you just get on the PTS and find out, as opposed to asking a million questions on the forums.


    the only logical thing to do: either log onto the PTS find out now and hope it's the same in the live patch, or wait for the live patch, find out then and act accordingly.


    Or you could just be a good samaritan and answer my million questions.

  13. for Implants it would depend on how many characters you want to kit out






    328 won't get you the "alt discount"


    Will 328 implants get me full strength in Warzones though? That's all I care about, having full power in warzones without bolster or downscaling kicking in.

  14. Once i328 PvP Purples come out tomorrow I'm going to start using i286 purple Augments to help stay competitive, since augments apparently work in Warzones again.


    Do I go for all Mastery, or all Crit on a PvP Jugg? I use 4 armor pieces to get 2054 Alacrity, rest are Crit, but using Mastery augments right now. Need to know if I should stick to Mastery augs in 7.1, or switch to Crit augs.

  15. That’s the plan, yes. But we all know the track record on bolster bugs so I would not be surprised to see that 340 gear ends up being superior, until they implement a patch. I would be very pleasantly surprised to find it working as intended from day 1.


    Well, regardless, just need to figure out now which augments are better for a Jugg Tank: Mastery, or Crit.


    Because my goal/stopping point is all i328 PvP purples, i328 gold implants, and i286 purple augments.

  16. Last thing I heard was that augments were being fixed in 7.1 so yes I believe they will be working as of the 2nd.


    Then I'm moving up to i284 purple augments once I start acquiring i328 gear.

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