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Everything posted by DarthRitual

  1. Hello all, Returning player here. I haven't played in maybe 18 months or so, and having seen the new movie find my passion for all things Star Wars re-kindled I couldn't remember much about the game, so decided to start a newbie char. Spent the required hour settling on my looks and name, and my Jedi Consular hit Tython. I've done it before, so a couple of hours through there, and onto the fleet - I was level 15 at this point. Pick up the 7 or so FP, WZ, Social, crafting quests, and go about clearing my list 2 warzones, 1 flashpoint, and the crafting quest (pick something, talk to trainer) and I'm level 30?? I haven't gone to Coruscant yet.....I haven't done Esseles (it didn't pop in the group finder)....I haven't even BEGUN and I'm halfway to level cap?? Can I turn this off please? Rit.
  2. Have a bit of common sense. If you think you are making a point by posting the links to the bots/hacks here, then you should know you are NOT. All you are doing is giving those links to who knows how many other idiots who will use them. There's a reason links like that are removed.
  3. Hi all, Does anyone know of a list of unobtainable, removed or retired items? Thanks, Rit.
  4. Found this thread, which answered alot of questions for me: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=699618 Thanks for any other tips DR/
  5. Hi all, Decided today to give SWTOR another go, and I'm patching the client as I type. I've also resubbed for 30 days at least. When I stopped playing, I had 3 chars at 50 (Knight, Consular, Inquisitor) and another few in the 40s. I also have (I think) all trade skills maxed. I believe that the level cap has now increased, and I'm sure there are loads of other changes I don't know about. Anyone got any tips or advice on getting back into the game? Thanks! DR.
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