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Posts posted by jojofx

  1. Did you ever take in consideration to introduce 2v2 or 3v3 group ranked? This would really provide reward to skill and not just "luck in group making" of the solo ranked, it would avoid the mess is happening with this season in solo ranked due to people at 1700 rating being grouped with people much lower in rating and thus being heavily penalized not having the possibility to reach top positions cause of bad luck.

    I understand that lowering the rating range of the match making would result in very long waiting to join the arena, for this reason 2v2 or 3v3 would be quicker, more personal rewarding/satisfaction and would push more and more people to join pvp.

  2. Thanks for the replies folks, i've tried to tweak a bit the operation frame in these days but it seems, at least in pvp (warzones and arena), that group member 1 is assigned to the 1st person to join in the arena, group member 2 to the 2nd and so on and not as it should be the proper order in the frame.

    If someone knows if this can be set up properly please let me know.



  3. You talking about the expansion stories right?

    Sometimes it will happen that some companions are unavailable for the moment or that you can use just one companion for that part of the story but this is temporary, you will be able to summon them later again.

  4. Am i missing something or the "target group 1-2-3-4" is kinda messed up?

    When i use it in warzones or arena, if for example i press F1 it targets like 2nd or 3rd group memeber and the same for the other binds, it never targets the member it supposed to be.

    Is there a way to make it work properly?





    Sorry for the wrong spelled title but it doesn't let me edit it.

  5. In ranked, operative is still one of, if not the best class. The damage is still relatively good. With tactician I can average 9k dps, with debilatator I can average 8k dps. Not much has changed in the way of operative in particular. I would note however, it seems in healer/dps games the meta has definently on a whole shifted away from the stealth meta and moved on to the offguard meta. With 1 healer in the game, the team with more offguards always wins. We were beginning to see that before the nerfs. Now that sin and oper have been moderately nerfed, it seems like classes like pts and juggs are the winners.


    One interesting thing to note, as I predicted, assassins have definently lost their value. The sustained buffs do not make up for the burst nerfs. Particularly because their defenses are utter crap. They can't live long enough for that sustained damage to make a difference. Under heavy fire, they have to constantly stealth and heal. This is clear in healer/dps games where sins are completely overshadowed by pts and juggs. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in all dps games. Will the meta completely shift away from assassin?


    I'm quite glad to read this. Let's hope devs are on the way to make the game somehow more balanced and not where stealther classes are godly.

  6. Anyone tried to join ranked after the patch? How is going at higher rating? (1500+)

    Bytheway i hope Bioware seriously consider an adjustement to all the stealther classes, i mean i really don't think it's just a case that in the top10 of the leaderboard, 7 are stealther classes :| ...the other 3 are tank (probably very good pleayers)

    The same in unranked warzone, everytime 70-80% of players are stealthers...it is becoming a bit annoying.

  7. Thanks for the advices folks. I'll try to get habit and use Endure always before Enraged defense and medpacs but still i think Endure Pain is much more a pve skill than pvp, it has not much sense as it is now.

    Though i'll keep experiment these mechanics and try to learn it better.

    Was the juggernaut dps much more viable in ranked in the previous patches?

  8. The sentinel/marauder have:

    - 99% damage reduction for 4 sec (+2 sec with utility)

    - 20% reduction of all damage taken virtually for 30 sec (1min cd and cd can be decreased with utility)

    - Saber ward (which can heal and give you cc imunity with utility)

    - Stealth for 4 sec and 45sec cd (+2 sec with utility, and cd can be reset with predation if you got tactical)

    - Obfuscate which reduces 90% of enemy accuracy for 6sec (and with utility you can get a reduction of 75% to force and tech damage)

    - Fury marauder also get immunity to cc for 6 sec when he uses Force Crush


    The juggernaut/guardian (dps spec) have:

    - Enraged defense (which is probably the best defensive cd in the game)

    - Saber Ward

    - Saber Reflect

    - Endure Pain which increases your hp for a short duration (i find this nearly useless as when it expires you still lose the health you would've lose if you didn't activate this skill)


    Now tell me if this makes any sense to you? The juggernaut being a tank class have much less defensive and way to mitigate damage than a full dps class.

    Honestly i really think skill like Endure Pain should be redesigned in a more useful skill or maybe i just don't get this skill right.

  9. Hello, i'd like to suggest the possibility to choose the removal of players' name on the nameplates in order to just leave the health bar+resolve bar and the class icon (if wanted).

    I think that it would allow a much more clean interface especially in pvp and especially for new players since in arena and warzones, when more than 6 people are clustered in a small area it becomes a real mess to understand what's going on and more importantly who you are targeting when swapping target.

    This would help a lot considered that some players have huge names that cover a lot of space and i think that people are not really interested on the name of other players when fighting (especially in ranked), a merely class icon upon the health bar would be enough.

    Besides there is still the arena window if someone wants to associate a name to a player.

    Hope this request will be taken in consideration.



  10. Eventually i made also a marauder and now i got either juggernaut and marauder at lvl 75 with decent equip (full set bonus) and i can give you my opinion based on my short career in swtor.

    As kendraP said you can play whatever class with wathever discipline in pve, it really doesn't matter since levelling is really easy.

    I'd say the same for pvp unranked as the damage dealt from the juggernaut is not that much lower than marauder (he also got a slighty buff with today patch).

    The real problem of the dps juggernaut (vengeance and rage) it seems to come with his survavibility and thus in ranked.

    If you get targeted/tunneled for more than few seconds you have no way to remain alive for long. Enraged Defense is simply not enough to keep you alive not even for the tactical "Grit teeth" (which decrease its cooldown) to reset the cooldown of Enraged defense. Maybe a little help could be the tactical that restore your full health once you reach 20% of hp but it has 10min cooldown so you would be able to use only once in the whole warzone fights.

    At contrary the marauder has much more defensive cooldown and utilities that could keep him alive and safe while still dealing nice damage.

    I honestly can't understand this choice from bioware since juggernaut is supposed to be a more tanky class and should have more defensive cooldown in my opinion.

    This is a bit of a shame in my point of view since i still prefer the juggernaut as typology of class (one handed lightsaber).


    I hope this can help you a bit understand both classes.


  11. Hello guys i'd like a small clarification on the set bonus gear sold my the vendors.

    If i buy for example a chest from the vendor (for example descend of the fearless), it will get the same stats (Power,Mastery,ec...) from the chest im actually wearing or i will get totally random stats?


  12. Hey welcome to SWTOR!


    Taking a crew skill won't give you any stat advantages in PVP.


    You can make grenades through cybertech or you can buy them off the GTN (Galatic Trade Network) as well. If you want to spend time farming the mats, you can. It might be easier to farm credits and just buy them.


    With Biochem, reusable stims can be handy but they give no stat advantage over the stims you buy of the same level from the GTN. I'm not sure if you can still use reusable medpacs, but when you could they didn't heal as much as the warzone medpacs, so most people use the warzone medpacs and adrenals that you buy from the PVP vendor.


    I've been playing since launch and predominately PVP at end game and I've never had maxed crew skills or worried about them, unless I was trying to make credits via crafting.


    Hope that helps :)


    This helps a lot actually.I didnt know i could buy those stuffs from GTN, i tought only cybertech user could use granades and only biochem user could use their medpacks. I think i'll just forget those crafting skill for the moment and get archeology and scavenging skills to make some credits.

    Thank you very much for the help and for the welcome. This is much appreciated http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/community/images/swtor/smilies/cool.png



  13. They are not useful really. Only things you would use in pvp are stims and grenades also everyone needs augments so anything to do with that can also be ok to have.


    Yep that was my big hesitation: if choose Biochem for stims or Cybertech for granades >.<

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