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Everything posted by TanBangkok

  1. Make Academy outfit for CM pls like others, I want Academy outfit so much but I destroyed it
  2. I complete a match from OPS GF, but it didn't count any things,
  3. [Vehicle] Aratech Nightsychte = kill the following lists -Defeat Annihilation Droid XRR-3 -Defeat Gharj -Defeat Soa -Defeat Bonethrasher -Defeat G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator -Defeat Karagga -Defeat Zorn and Toth -Defeat Colonel Vorgath -Defeat Kephess I kill all of them in ops but it wont count any in my list in my quest, fix it plesase ;(
  4. its unfair for new players that come to play thus game and dtidbit get it T-T, so pls make a special reward for subscribers again pls
  5. yea, but i just play on 2017, so i cant get it ((
  6. Hi , can EA make shroud of memory's event again pls. I really want him back :') , plsss:)
  7. I Complete all seeker droid mission and send the quest and that seeker droid didn't get out of my mission item here pic ---->http://www.img.in.th/image/uGsv8v
  8. Hi ! I really love Lana, and I hope if it have story, adventure or life of Lana I hope it will have expansion pack. Thank you
  9. i can't finish the quest because no victory sith code,
  10. sry, im new player (Is it have new ship?, how to get it?)
  11. I wonder it can put lana beniko into the ship. It can? or can't? :/
  12. I can't start shadow of revan : chapter 4 I'm at my ship holoterminal and it won't appear that It have quest for chapter 4 and its skip me to chapter 5, so i didnt play chapter 4 yet (can't receive Darth Marr quest at ship holoterminal)
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