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Everything posted by KWONRYU

  1. Some decos, titles, pets, mounts would be nice. Imagine finding a companion in a FP / Operation.
  2. Mounts, pets, rugs, decorations, toys, title.
  3. I think they should add more for those that subscribed for five years consecutively, like a special package containing a Unique Flair, Title, Mount and Outfit. (something you could never get from market or vendor) To really make them feel special and unique. I did not sub for five years unfortunately, but they should be given something very special. Founders should also be given a Unique Flair, imo!
  4. Fully agree, i could understand if they had moved the servers to someplace central, like UK or Ireland for example. But no, they had to move them to ierland of all places.
  5. In this case (regarding EP9) it is a good thing.
  6. Assuming you get - + 4 of your rating. So you can get lower as well.
  7. To regain health, to become more vigorous when weak (or even injured) without. To prevent fainting and even death. Also improving strength and prowess. Lots of benefits.
  8. Light and Dark Teräs Kasi Master (baseclass) (Melee with self-heals) Subclasses: Roshi - Heal focus (Can heal and improve others) Grandmaster - Dps (more damage less healing) Benefit/niche: Healing the Group/Operation/others while doing Melee.
  9. An option in Preferences, not standard for all. Standard preset will still have the MMO-effects. Just like you can turn on/off Bloom. Could be settings like, show only Detrimental effects (for Operations) as well.
  10. Flairs are just fun (for some) They won't give you any advantage in the game. Fun is important to most people.
  11. Light and Dark Teräs Kasi Master (Melee with self-heals) Subclasses: Roshi - Heal focus (Can heal and improve others) Got one Heal and one DPS variant --- Grandmaster - Dps (more damage) Got one Tank and one DPS variant
  12. We call it Baby Yoda, Yaddle or Lil Womp Rat.
  13. Would love to see customization on some of the Skills/Abilities from the P menu. A choice between three different animations to choose from per skill (not all skills).
  14. Give us Light and Dark Teräs Kasi Master (Melee with self-heals) Subclasses: Roshi - Heal focus (Can heal and improve others) Grandmaster - Dps (more damage)
  15. Rocket Fuel Vapors. Supercharge up constantly.
  16. The best thing is that all the stuff isn't bound, but bound to legacy, which makes it very handy to gear up your alts. And you can toggle so you get Tank-gear when in dps-stance and vice versa as well.
  17. Just because Trixxie has credits, doesn't mean i won't fight for what's right! It's a good thing.
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