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Everything posted by mpddispatch

  1. Thank you so much for getting a Pink Floyd song in here. Best response to a post this year. 10/10
  2. You make some good points. I was thinking that if the rewards increased as your guild tier went up it would encourage guilds to grow if they wanted more. If each tier got the same rewards what incentive would there be for the guild, and its members to strive for more? If I was interested in conquest why would I ever want to put forth more effort if the rewards didnt reflect that effort? As far as resource matrix goes, they are selling for 300k on my server, thats hardly going to make someone rich. As far as giving the higher tiers a shinier title and a bit more in rewards, running a large guild is not easy. The more people in the guild the more involvement it takes to run it. This I know from personal experience. Running a guild of 100 people is no where near as difficult as running one with 600 people. Yes, the reward system should be redone. The rewards offered are very sub par.
  3. So, I've been trying to rack my brain about ways they could make conquest better. At first I thought maybe making the rewards better would do it. Because. lets face it, the rewards really are sub par. But after thinking on that a bit, I decided that really wouldnt work for everyone. So, I thought about what people DIDNT like about conquest. A few things came to mind. Things like effort vs reward - do I really want to put in all this effort trying to keep my guild on the leaderboards when I know darn well we wont be at the end of the week. Same ole same ole at the top every week - why even try for first when its the same guild, and sometimes the same guild in 4 separate guilds if youre on the Harbinger, that win the planets each week? A few other things came to mind and after thinking on these things a bit, I may have come up with a solution for EA to consider to reinvigorate conquest. Here goes: The main complaint I always hear about conquest is guild size. And its true, smaller guilds dont have a shot at conquest. Now , some people may argue that if you want to compete in conquest, join a large guild. But come on, why should someone be forced to change guilds simply to participate in a part of the game? Conquest isnt like OPs where you can PUG through group finder, you have to be part of a guild to get the full benefits of conquest. So, forcing someone to join a type of guild they really dont want to join just to compete in conquest is sort of lame in my opinion. So, this is what I propose. Have conquest in tiers according to guild size. They can track guild size, so dont tell me they cant tailor conquest around guild membership. Every tuesday, an hour before the weeks conquest goes live, the guilds are put into their respective tiers. That tier will not change for the week if new members are added or members quit. Each tier has the same rewards as conquest has now, just the amounts will change according to which tier your guild falls in. If I've still got your attention that is a good thing but I bet your wondering what this tier crap is about so let me detail it some. Gold Tier Guild size: 700-1000 members Personal weekly goal: Same as current goals in conquest Personal rewards: 35,000 credit chip, 6 resource decorations, 30 green jawa junk, 20 blue jawa junk and 2 Startegic Resource Matrix Guild rewards (for top 10 finish): 60,000 credit chip, 6 resource decoratons, 20 purple jawa junk, choice of 1 encryption, 1 Framework Planetary Conquest Victor (finishing number one): "Conqueror of 'Planet'" title in GOLD font. Silver Tier Guild size: 350-700 members Personal weekly goal: Same as current goals in conquest Personal rewards: 25,000 credit chip, 3 resource decorations, 20 green jawa junk, 10 blue jawa junk and 1 Startegic Resource Matrix Guild rewards (for top 10 finish): 50,000 credit chip, 3 resource decoratons, 10 purple jawa junk, choice of 2 encryptions Planetary Conquest Victor (finishing number one): "Conqueror of 'Planet'" title in SILVER font. Bronze Tier Guild size: 1-350 members Personal weekly goal: Same as current goals in conquest Personal rewards: 15,000 credit chip, 1 resource decorations, 10 green jawa junk, 5 blue jawa junk and 0 Startegic Resource Matrix Guild rewards (for top 10 finish): 40,000 credit chip, 1 resource decoratons, 5 purple jawa junk, choice of 1 encryption. Planetary Conquest Victor (finishing number one): "Conqueror of 'Planet'" title in BRONZE font. This would give large, medium and smaller guilds all a chance to benefit from conquest and give people a reason to do it again. Conquest, as it stands now, is an all or nothing thing in this game and I really think that plays a big factor in whether ot not people choose to do it. The die hards would still have something to strive for but now the not so die hards and casuals would have something to strive for and be able to enjoy conquest. Conquest is a good thing for the game because it gets people doing something, more often than not as a group. Why not give everyone a chance to have some fun with it. Not to mention, It would also break up the monopoly that some guilds have on conquest and give others a chance to actually conqueor a planet. On Harbinger we have one guild that is actually 3 guilds with the same name, that dominate conquest to the point that no one really has a chance. And now theyve added a republic guild so its only going to get worse. It may not be against any rules but it stinks and it really hurts conquest if you ask me. If its your cup of tea to join a guild where youre really only a number, and are required to have so many conquest points per week or face getting booted, then by all means join one. At least this method would force them to have 3 times the guilds they have now to keep everyone from winning. I know its long and Im sorry. If youve hung in here until the end, thank you.
  4. Per the patch notes the icon isnt supposed to be there anymore. "there is no longer a status icon indicating your Set Bonus related Experience gain."
  5. There isnt supposed to be an "Armoring" slot since each piece comes with a base 128 armor rating. They basically gave you a 128 rated armoring mod in each one for free, which is nice since you wouldnt normally be able to use that gear rating until you were in the 40's level range.
  6. I know which guild you're talking about, I was a member for about a week. I left for reasons of my own. But, I can tell you that they are not exploiting, they just have a crap ton of members, and they require each member to contribute a minimum of 5000 conquest points to remain in the guild. I had one character in their main guild and one in their 2nd guild. I can tell you from experience, they are HUGE. During peak times it was common to have 40-60 people logged on at one time, in BOTH guilds, at the same time. At 3am server time they would still have 20+ members logged in. When you have those numbers it's very easy to conquer a planet, or two, or three. It's not unfair and its not cheating. They have the people working to get the points just like you do, they just have a lot more people doing it. They name their guilds the same, which is not against TOS. What difference does it make if they all have the same name? I could make 3 guilds with 3 totally different names and accomplish the same thing if I put in the effort. Look at it this way, if you are in a guild where 10 people are working on conquest, each of you would have to do 4X to 6X more work than the guild your trying to say is exploiting. For every hour you put into conquest, one of their members only has to put in 10 minutes. Is it really that hard to see how and why they can conquer 3 planets? It shouldnt. And if it is I think you are just being blinded by anger and you feel it's unfair.
  7. So.....Diplomacy does count toward the DS vs LS Event? I was under the impression that Diplomacy could not be used, at least that was my understanding of the Dev Tracker post.
  8. I was thinking the same thing but Makeb has always shown up on the ship terminal at level 47, which is 3 levels before you should be finishing chapter 3. Weird.
  9. So usually the Rise of the Hutt Cartel shows up on my ship mission terminal when I hit level 47, but it isnt there for some reason. Crystal Ball is, which starts the Ilum story line but no Makeb. Is this a bug or something? Also, to start Forged Alliances do we have to finish chapter 3, be level 55 or both? Its been so long I cant remember. Thanks
  10. They have not told anyone to delete characters. All they said, in responce to someones question, was it was an option for those people that had only one character slot open, or didnt want to free up any extra slots by deleting characters. Bind on Legacy I would agree with, but they want you to spend the CC to unlock it. Is it greedy? Yeah, a little bit. But I can understand why, they are a company that is in business to make money so I get it. But in NO way should any of that stuff be available for sale on the GTN. This is the actual response from Eric......... Once you have completed the objective by receiving the achievement, that character no longer needs to be active. So you could level to 50 on a character, and then delete it. -eric
  11. Well, it would be very difficult, if not impossible for the game to determine the method of how you obtained the million credits. The only way to do it is to keep a count of the credits in a players inventory and once the pre-determined threshold is eclipsed it counts for the achievement,
  12. If its Bind on Equip you could sell it. Like I stated above, if thats the case most of the rare stuff in game will no longer be rare. This game needs rare. It's satisfying to be able to say "I've got something that not many other people have" or "I can wear something that not many people can wear". There are a VERY few people left in game that actually have a Czerka Crate-o-matic, which is about the rarest thing in the game. Imagine how disappointed you would be if you were one of the handful of people that actually had one and they started dropping in these packs and could be sold on the GTN. The value of that item would be greatly reduced.
  13. Im perfectly happy with the DS vs LS packs being bound to the character. There seems to be some pretty rare stuff in these packs. If these items are not bound then they can be sold on the GTN. If that happens, these items are no longer rare. There isnt nearly enough rare anything left in this game. Keep rare items rare.
  14. I got a Revan Reborn Lower Set, which is rare. GTN price has the boots at around 5 million and the robes arent even on the GTN at all. So, just because you didnt get anything that is considered rare doesnt mean its not out there.
  15. Im happy all the stuff in the LS v DS packs are bound. They contain rare items and if they could be sold on the GTN they would no longer be rare. There isnt enough rare in this game as it is.
  16. I run a GTX 970 on Ulra and everything turned up to the max and I run smooth as silk. Not sure what your issue is. Do you use Nvidia Geforce Experience? If not I would recommend it. It keeps your drivers up to date and issues driver updates for specific games before they launch.
  17. Just a suggestion for the team. With the Lightside vs Darkside event coming it's a win win for everyone. The players get an opportunity to expand their number of available players for a nice discount and Bioware makes some money. I think people would be more inclined to buy an extra character slot or 8, as opposed to deleting characters and starting over. Just a suggestion to the powers that be.
  18. So, been in game all day doing conquest stuff and checking the leaderboards about every 30 minutes or so to see how we are progressing. My question to you is this........how the heck does one guild score 300,000 points in an hour without repeatable crafting objectives? Within a 60 minute time period the guild above us went from 100,000 points ahead of us to 400,000 points ahead of us. I know what your answer will probably be......big guild with a lot of people on. But they only had 13 people online. So how can they possibly do this? Thats like 5000 points per minute. Thats 385 point per minute, per person even if every one of their members online was doing conquest. How is this possible?
  19. It was a figure of speech. My leadership team decides as a group what we want to do and when, I just post it on the website. You read a little too much into the "I" part of that.
  20. I do all these things. Make the rounds to every planet and recruit a minimum of 5 times a day, as well as recruit while I'm leveling an ALT, as well as most of my leadership. I plan group activities which only a select few ever seem interested in. I create different kinds of contests worth several million credits to the winner and still no one seems interested. I fill an events calendar on our website with things like PvP day, or Flashpoint days, or OPs days etc etc. But then again, getting anyone to use your website is like pulling teeth. We have a very friendly atmosphere where unacceptable behavior is not tolerated so its not like people leave due to a bad experience. I share the decoration of the HQ and flagship with whoever wants to help. The guild bank is open for all, except new recruits to prevent robbery. And still, no one seems interested in being in a guild nor participating in guild activities. The only explanation I can come up with is that the narrowing focus towards single player game play that this game has been moving towards for awhile now is slowly changing the demographic of the average player. I just think that if they added some guild stuff actually worth something to someone we might see an overall improvement in the guild experience. Because like someone stated earlier, the XP bonus means squat now that you can level a character and always stay at level or above without any XP boosts. And conquest is the same old thing week in and week out with rewards that are extremely sub par. Beyond the social aspect, which again I think is changing with the single player focus this game has become, and conquest, what does a guild really have to offer someone. If we had something, other than a few titles, in this game that you could only achieve, or acquire, by being in a guild, I think you would see a better guild experience.
  21. So, I've been the guildmaster of 2 guilds since launch, one Imperial and one Republic, and I'd like to make a statement and a suggestion. First, this single player focus that came with KoTFE has really had a negative affect when it comes to the guild experience. I may be alone in this line of thinking but I cant help but notice that its become more and more difficult to recruit and keep guild members. Aside from conquest and maybe PvP, there really isnt any motivation to be in a guild anymore. Everything in the game can be pretty much solo'd now. Why does anyone really need to be in a guild anymore? The 10% bonuses really dont mean anything since its so easy to stay at, or above level without it. Guilds dont really have anything to offfer a player except for a social experience and a place to run conquest. EA/Bioware really needs to do something for guilds. I really dont know where they could start but maybe they could add some things to make people want to join a guild these days. Perhaps guild perks that could be earned by completing guild challenges or missions? Guild symbol creation or customizable guild uniforms? Make it fun and worthwhile to be in a guild again, please.
  22. I couldnt find a thread on this so here goes.... On Hutta, when you enter Nemro's throne room, the conversations that start automatically hang and dont proceed. You have to esc out of the conversation and restart it manually. This happened on every conversation that automatically starts.
  23. "Collectors Edition" is just that, a collectors edition. Limited supply. One time only. If they continue to offer the perks of said collectors edition, it is no longer a collectors edition. Think about that. Collectors edition baseball cards, they produce a certain amount and dont offer them again. Its what makes them worth "collecting". Same thing with collectors edition comics, or cars, or anything else you can think of. Being limited is what gives a collectors edition ANYTHING its value. Continuing to offer access to collectors edition ANYTHING beyond its limited production devalues the item and can no longer be viewed as a collectors edition. Now, reselling a collectors edition that is already owned, like me selling you my Mickey Mantel rookie card, does NOT devalue the item since its still limited. In fact, the value of it has probably gone up over time since the card is already limited. This is the same thing when buying a previoulsy owned, or never opened CE edition of SWTOR. Its still a collectors edition and the value has probably gone up. Now do you understand why a collectors edition is a collectors edition, and should stay that way? If anyone should be upset or disappointed it should be the people, like me, who actually bought one and have to settle for the crap they sell on the CE vendor.
  24. Yeah, I'll pass on the crapraider too.
  25. Yeah, I just read his post and it makes perfect sense. It's trying to access your pc for the next part of the patch, and of course its not going to be there. It's normal for a game launcher to retrieve your files to scan them on startup to make sure your game is up to date and playable, but it shouldnt be doing it in the middle of a patch lol. Woops.
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