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Everything posted by Enhancer

  1. I've got a Hawkeye (power) pink purple crystal that I want to trade/sell. No idea on what it's worth cred wise but I am still looking for a Tythonian saber.
  2. I've got: Devastator's double bladed saber X 1 Black Nebula heavy blaster X 1 Longspur Elite X 1 Rendili Nightshade X 1 Looking for: Tythonian Force-Master’s Lightsaber Anyone that might be interested in a trade please let me know either by PM here or in game on D'Andur (Sith Side)
  3. I managed to dig this one up on my clunky work pc of a 5k hit on my sorc, but I have a folder at home with plenty more 5k plus hits on folks. Its very possible for a BiS damage sorc to get hits that size. LUL dps in this one though because I don't even have several of my attacks bound on this work machine trololol https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25128566/5kHit01.jpg
  4. Enhancer

    Solo Ranked?

    My take on this is quite simple. Being an avid pvp’er who pugs probably 80% of the time, I had always envisioned a system that used some basic metrics to place me in groups with similarly “ranked” players. When it comes to what those metrics would be, I’m not 100% certain sure what makes sense but at the surface level you could use things like average medals earned per match, win percentage or maybe even expertise levels. Point being, is that by doing this, I would be paired with players that POTENTAILLY could be of similar player skill/gear as me and ultimately make for more competitive WZ’s. People who know to call out inc’s, refresh class buffs and not to stand on the ledges in huttball. Not to mention what this will look like when the flood of F2P nub cakes roll in. So essentially, if based on a combination of factors my “rating” is say 1800, I could be paired with players who’s rankings are similar, say between 1600 and 2000. And yes……I know of some obvious flaws that immediately stand out (and I’m sure there is a ton more): Medal grinders exist, so using medals could skew ratings but I would be willing to bet that statistically there are more players who understand objectives and earn medals based on actual game play than by node hugging. 2. Using expertise levels as a factor could screw those who run full PVE gear for max stats/endurance in lieu of pvp gear (I saw a healer the other day who had a ton of endurance and had like 100 expertise and put up some pretty serious numbers). 3. You really can’t use valor as someone who re-roll’s might have an excellent comprehension of the game mechanics and professions but would be handcuffed because of such a low valor ranking Sure sure, I know, “find 7 more friends to WZ with ya nub,” or “join a larger guild,” I get all of that. The solution is not that black and white unfortunately. It’s not just about finding 7 others, it has to be the RIGHT 7 others consisting of specific professions if you want to be truly competitive. But the reality of it is I think that somehow finding a way to subset pugs would benefit far more players than forcing them to assemble full 8 piece structured teams. Clearly the 8 man teams are still the most competitive and prestigious, I’m not trying to diminish the talent of the true team effort, but while waiting on queue pops on the fleet I inspect far more players with a “-“ in the pvp rank than with a number. And by this, it still should be 8v8’s if that’s what you queue with. I know there is no simple solution here, but there has to be a way to have individual AND group rankings. I kinda like the idea of the 4 man rankings, that’s much easier to put together by most guilds/groups and would still be a step in the right direction. TL:dR is that there should be a way to group similarly skilled/geared players at all levels, it would make the experience more enjoyable by both parties. The lower ranked less experienced players would not get discouraged as easily because they are not getting insta-wtfpwned and the higher ranked players would not be dragged down by the guy who is running around in recruit gear with no class buffs. My 3 cents on the matter.
  5. +1 to this. Pretty much everything he attempted to point out is either successfully refuted several pages back or is negated by the fact that no one asked for/suggested these changes. And certainly, as I said earlier, healers should love most of these changes but from the dps perspective, it now requires a hybrid build again to utilize them which sorta sucks. I guess we are right back at the "well sorcs have such great LOLutility" bs again.
  6. Again, with all due respect, your opinions and viewpoints as a mid 30 something lvl sorc are essentially irrelevant as to these changes and how they will effect gameplay at the end game lvl. And your comment about how "you and your friend are pretty much the only ones excelling" as a sub 50 sorc, err, everyone I know who rolls one boasts about how easy the faceroll is and how much fun they are to play. Pure easymode. LOL, I remember getting top dps in my second WZ ever in SWTOR and from that point on it was not uncommon for me to even double the next closest guy in dps/kills. But saying you expect to put up top tier stats as a 50 when you have no idea how much of a disadvantage you will have clearly gives you little credibility to what you really know about this prof. Again, this in not meant as a jab or poke at you personally, but you have been one of the most vocal in many of these posts regarding these changes and I think its fair to remind you that you are referring to gameplay you have not yet experienced as a lvl 50 geared sorc. As an almost level 90 valor BiS dps spec I have a decent understanding of how these changes will effect the class at the end game lvl's and agree with most of the negative sentiments that FROM WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR, these changes will have no real positive effect on dps spec sorcs and will essentially force a hybrid build if you want to take advantage of these "buffs." And I think we can all agree that healer spec sorcs will love these adjustments. Lastly, no, I'm not mad and don't expect "god mode" for sorcs. It's just important to point out that significant differences exist between the sub 50 lvl pvp experience and how this prof plays against geared skilled players.
  7. +1 Well written and certainly covers a lot of my same concerns. Other than the force speed timer reduction, I don't see anything here that interests me as a dps sorc. Essentially forcing either a full heal spec or a hybrid setup again. Pretty lame if you ask me as its the closest thing to a ranged class we get if you want to play a jedi and once again, even after our first round of ability/class updates in a while, it still does nothing notably well. Op's are generally the preferred healers due to the mobility, certainly nothing doin in the real burst damage area and and again, since the hybrid is really just a PITA factor in wz's, it leaves nothing really desirable for sorcs. If you are going to do anything when it comes to making sorcs something worth while, it's going to take a full revamp if you ask me. Set up a stance requirement for us, you're either a healer or damage spec. I would gladly give up the ability to self heal if in return I had some serious damage potential. Give the bubble to the healer spec so it can be cast on others, I'm so tired of hearing about the OP bubble, it's worth like 3500 if talented. Essentially it's nullified by one attack by most profs. Grant us either a higher armor rating, a worth while defensive cool down, or some sort of damage reduction/mitigation so we are not so squishy and lastly fix lighting so there is a legit burst option. I'm not talking about the padded madness fluff damage we see in most wz's, actual burst ability. Oh yeah, and while you're at it, also fix the fact that you need to use the assassin stalker set to get the best damage potential on a sorc as the force master set bonus does really nothing for you in that area. I'll stop there, I could go on and on, just sucks that changes come our way and it really only benefits one aspect of the prof.
  8. It makes since that with the focus (no pun intended) on a more sustained damage than that of a burst style, that the crit rating might be acceptable much lower than before with the comparisons now using Campaign/WH gear compared to Rakata. Yeah I was thinking that also, grabbing the mystic's and trying to keep some sort of semblance to this BiS guide even though it's tailored more for PVE than PVP. I would think that the metrics would cross over for most of these stats (minus expertise of course). Thanks everyone for the input
  9. So essentially since WH gear is also 61, the numbers should translate similarly. Glad I saw this, I was in the process of having to grind up another BM offhand since the one I currently have to trade was not what I thought I needed. This changes everything..... Thanks Daellia.
  10. I know that generally you guys stray away from PVP related angles of these DPS details, but I do have one question regarding the crit RATING. I remember reading a Daellia post saying that you generally want to be somewhere between 250 and 350 for the rating, yet these builds are all significantly lower (specifically madness as that's what I spec to). Right now I'm sitting at about 1800 WP, I still need a few WH pieces so it will increase a tad, my crit rating is 292 and crit chance is 30.78 (no agent buff) with 76% surge. My bonus dmg is 822 (without the warrior buff) with 808 power. I am about to grab my WH offhand today and that is a decently large commitment so I want to make sure I make the right choice. Two of the choices will cost me 82 crit dropping me to a 210 rating. Just wanted to see what you thought about the crit rating and being significantly different than previously mentioned.
  11. I'm pretty sure he is referring to how if you have say BM Force Master boots you are only able to trade them up for WH Force Master boots. And I agree with him, if you have BM boots you should be able to trade them for any WH boots you want. I've had to regrind a few BM pieces just to optimize my WH selection in the end. No biggie since the std. WZ coms come pretty easy, but still. So as it stands now, plan ahead or you might have to regrind a few BM pieces, or in his case, a whole new set.
  12. This post is ridiculous....... Are you whining about reusables or adrenals period? These sorts of "trinks" are in most popular MMO's and to me are a part of the overall strategy of PVP. They are all on shared cooldowns (for the most part), only certain combinations of them stack, and the timing of how/when to use them can make the difference in you surviving a situation or not. I could see reusables being removed because, for the sake of the crafters, they probably knock a dent in their business. Let's not forget that it requires 380 Biochem (maybe 400 for the Rakata stuff, I don't remember honestly) to use them also. It should also be noted that the exo stems are better and don't even require Biochem whatsoever. Bioware has already made mention of removing reusables from the game sometime in the future but that doesn't solve the "abomination" you are describing, it just means that folks will have to buy stacks of them instead. And of course they already adjusted the ability to use heal stims based on in/out of combat scenarios so again, I'm not sure exactly of what you are upset about here.
  13. Enhancer

    Pugs ruin pvp

    This thread needs moar e-peen, its clearly lacking it
  14. This post is full of contradictions..... How is a "bad" supposed to get any better, or more gear, if the way it was pre-patch they kept getting rickrolled repeatedly and a daily ends up taking 3 days? You claim to want solid skilled fights yet you don't want the "bads" to have a shot at getting better. I really respect when a high valor ranked fully geared player who had a more tough grind than those today do says they don't care about these changes because gear is a crutch and they would prefer everyone on equal ground, it shows a much more honest approach to real competition. Besides, in most cases, a well gear "bad" will always be bad.
  15. Yeah but lets also look at the fact that when progressing through your WH gear grind, the 100 rated's that you earn from completing your daily is just a part of the equation, and when you sit around and do nothing, get a medal or two and coast to a win you get maybe 40 or 50 comms per WZ, roughly 10 or 20 rated's after the conversion. So by "dancing" your way through, it would take close to a month just to get an WH offland or a mainhand alone. I don't think most guys who are somewhat serious about pvp would settle for how long that grind would be at that pace. I also think that you will always see people hugging a node no matter what if they are getting wtfstomped, no point in relentlessly hero'ing in and getting rolled over and over again if you are clearly outclassed. Moral to the story here is that you will never make everyone happy, but I do believe that these changes make more people happy than not.
  16. I get the concept of counter classes, all classes have them, IMO that's not the point here. The point is the raw dmg output they can have. You can't argue (well, I suppose you could depending on your server), but the huge influx of mara's in WZ's is not just coincidence. And let me be clear, I'm not saying a "nerf" per say is necessary, I said "adjustments." To me, there is a difference.
  17. First off, I didn't start this thread. Second, you are also missing my original point that threads like this support the fact something probably needs to be done. The fact that the OP feels the necessity to come to the forums and plead his case that his class is NOT OP is the crux of what I was saying. I did not miss you point kind sir.
  18. That very word that I highlighted simply implies your opinion, no different than the tens of new threads and hundreds of replies you see to the mara/sent OP claims on a daily basis. Whether you feel its necessary or not, I feel a change is coming for a lot of the melee classes, and I don't feel that anything you are I say about it is going to change that. And by its very nature, the pvp forum is going to be this way. Quite honestly, there's not much difference in in game pvp and forum pvp, so these posts probably have very little to do with the integrity (or lack thereof) of the community.
  19. This is looks another clear cut case of a "don't nerf me bro" post. Seriously, if you feel the need to address the public on why your class isn't OP or how to beat your class there's probably an issue, just sayin. Yes yes, I know, we all need to L2P, but now since we've all sort of moved past that fallacy, lets face the truth that some adjustments probably need to be made. The TTK post 1.2 is pretty insane.
  20. These posts absolutely crack me up...... There is nothing wrong with this patch for pvp'ers who get it. All it does is level the playing field for those who cannot pvp 8 days/nights a week or have friends who's profs don't make up a nice well rounded competitive group. People who are complaining are probably the same ones that wtfstomp pugs all night and are enjoying the widening divide between themselves and the rest of the player base trying to get gear. Good move here BW, at least now I can guarantee myself a daily, whereas before dailies weren't always dailies for everyone.
  21. LOL tired thread is tired............ There are three more of these posts just today, seriously. So face it, changes are coming, there is nothing these posts are going to do to stop it.
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