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Everything posted by yfnoggin

  1. Isn't the whole idea of the PTS to find bugs so the devs can take their time and fix them properly so they don't make it on to the normal servers? PTS should never be the bug fixing priority, bugs and issues already on the standard servers should be priority at all times.
  2. I underlined the important part (it's tomorrow in case you weren't sure).
  3. I'd just like to point out that the repair cost being linked only to mods not shells is coming in the next patch, tomorrow. Maybe check things like that before getting so annoyed.
  4. Right now the field of view is so tight in it that the worlds feel very small. Zooming out doesn't really help because by the time you have a good open view you are so far away from your character and close to the floor that it feels disconnected to play. So I suggest implementing a field of view slider with the current fov as the minimum setting, otherwise sometimes it feels like all the effort put into distance and often high above backdrops is wasted because you can't really play while it's in view. For example taris felt so cramped at times until I looked up and saw the beautiful crumbling buildings that you can barely see while doing missions normally, it's wasted visual potential!
  5. As sweet as that would be let's be realistic, 100 coins is a lot for just 100 kills and regardless of how many it takes people would cheat the system by letting their friends kill them over and over with no effort. Not to mention the outcry it would garner from PVE subscribers.
  6. Back on topic though, I agree it's a real shame that it won't be a permanent fixture, I can only hope they were using it as some kind of judge for how much audience there is for pvp in this game and seeing the large response will encourage them to make good open world pvp.
  7. Actually, you are pretty wrong here, in all of the titles you mentioned only the nouns are capitalised because it's grammatically correct in titles. So it's written 'A Song of Ice and Fire' , broken down 'A' is the first word in the sentence and 'Song', 'Ice' and 'Fire' are nouns. So your thread title would read 'Bioware's lack of long term vision is doing Ilum a disservice' because only Bioware and Ilum are nouns.
  8. Personally I'd say choose sage if you are going with a twi'lek, they just don't look stealthy in this game especially with the lack of hoods. Hooded shadows look great, you really feel like some kind of secret special branch of the jedi, on sages it just feels a bit odd.
  9. The way you explain this is a little misleading, you are right, but it's precisely this sort of explanation that causes all this confusion. Regardless of how many times you flip your coin you still have a 50% chance of not getting heads, that is something that will never change, the odds might change, but the chance won't. If you flipped a coin 100 times and got heads every single time the chance your 101st flip is also a heads is still 50%.
  10. I didn't say it was ok for you to have been waiting for that long but that it's fairly average for customer support lines for most companies, especially if you have to be switched to a higher rung on the support staff ladder. Brushing it off with a joke doesn't make it any less true. Basically my point was not that they should continue this practice because it's average but that you shouldn't let something so depressingly common in this industry ruin your experience with a game you enjoy. *Warning, I'm going a bit off tangent here but I feel like sharing too* Not to mention at least they actually fixed the problem(even if it sounds like it was their fault to begin with), that weekend I spent on support lines was to Microsoft about my xbox live being stuck as a child account even though I had been legally an adult for years, the result? Even the highest level of support could do nothing because of 'data protection' and I had to leave all my saves, score and even some dlc behind and start a new account. After all that trouble I still enjoy playing games with my old friends on xbox, it's not like it changed suddenly, they didn't do it to spite me and in the end so long as it's still providing worthwhile entertainment why let it bother you?
  11. Have you never been call to a customer support line for anything before, it's almost always a huge wait, so many tv shows make cliche jokes about it because it's so common. I've spent a whole weekend on multiple calls once. Sure it's bad but EA isn't the only one.
  12. Spectacle only lasts so long, I wish this wasn't the case but it is. That feeling when I first saw the huge world of... damn... World of Warcraft, with places I wanted to explore in the distance, it was amazing. The feeling left soon after when some idiots were verbally abusing this guy on chat, that is something I think could be remedied by making proximity chat the main form of finding groups. Sure it might take more time to find members, but somehow encouraging players into some kind of bar area to find other 'adventurers' would be amazing. You could still use a weaker form of general but make the rest area have a reward for using it to group up. Just imagine never having to use general chat to form groups! It's similar to the mission area on fleets only more rewards to spot that healer you need waiting nearby. Meaning when you trek through the land with your group and no chat up top, you feel a small feeling of going on an adventure just the four of you, or even feeling like a mob actually forming to take down the boss! Having individual rewards for joining in with big fights would also help with this feeling, instead of only the first person to fight the enemy gets anything. Anyway sometimes I get that feeling of wonder here, like when I stopped and looked up in taris for a while, the backdrop was so beautiful and detailed, birds flying through derelict buildings and rubble falling every so often.
  13. I don't believe any of the conspiracies, instead I just think this was a poorly though out mistake. However what I don't understand is why they closed the other two threads which had far less arguing and insult slinging than this one which has been full of hostilities since the first few pages. I'm not even going to get involved in any discussion here any more as all this issue seems to have done is split an already fairly miffed player base, regardless of which side people are on it's devolved into name calling every few posts.. One side calling the other lazy, bad players and stupid, while the other side calls them blind fanboys and no life losers. It's kind of worrying what the state of pugs will be after this regardless of who gets their way.
  14. There are no effective gold sinks, a gold sink this strong that applies to absolutely everyone will create deflation to a point where the attempts to avoid inflation has caused an economic collapse where no one can afford to buy anything. You can't apply a blanket drain like this, you have to chip away from different angles like the ones suggested so you don't reduce it too drastically. Also the repair costs were already a penalty, it wasn't a broken feature, casual players were just able to stay afloat and enjoy themselves. No one was negatively effective by the supposed bug, if you claim your game was somehow impacted negatively then go ahead and explain how.
  15. Bad example as almost a third of their player base would be impacted negatively, who suffers if repair costs aren't expensive?
  16. Aye but the higher repair costs means more people looking for easy credit grabs, if people all took your advice of selling materials(any materials, including UW materials) then you will find more competition in the market, if you don't lower your prices that doesn't mean no one else will. Meaning if there are 10, 20 even 100 people all selling UW metals cheaper then you are they will cut into your profits.
  17. The problem here is that inflation doesn't effect everyone, prices on GTN might go up but many people don't even use it. Instead those people will lose too much as the money sink here like you said effects everyone even those unaffected by the problem they might have been trying to fix in the first place. Unfortunately inflation in the GTN might be a lesser of two cons in this situation.
  18. Sounds good until you factor in the shifting economy, more people selling the item means less demand per person, to combat that sellers undercut each other by selling for less than the cheapest price. Now lets say someone does this to you and the cheapest price is now not you, no one wants your price, so what do you do? You do it right back to them and sell for less than them, except it won't just be you if everyone needs to sell crafting mats to stay on top of repairs then everyone will do the same to make their offers the best out there. Eventually your materials become almost worthless in an over-saturated market, it's called deflation, it's what happens when the something drains an economy, you will eventually be a victim regardless of your companion quests.
  19. No gold post in this thread but there are two in the customer service section, both the same rep pointing users to the 'repair costs put an end to my raiding' thread here in the general section. So they are well aware of the situation, something tells me they don't want to say anything yet for fear of stirring the hornets nest more than they have already.
  20. Oh, well now I feel like an idiot because I agree that instant gratification is a problem in our current generation, maybe word it a little less offensively next time XD. Also I was levelling a tank when this patch came up, it's only mid level right now and already repair bills are slowing my progression down, so I guess I can sort of represent the lower level community by saying it's a problem for everyone who has modded gear.
  21. Well referring to all gamers as a joke wasn't the best start was it, literally insulting everyone here, someone is bound to take offence. Yeah I didn't word it well but I was talking about how he said the last time it was like this people could barely train skills without being broke. Anyway I was wrong for getting so annoyed, but this issue really has me worked up so I'm sorry. Also at no point did i make any attack in the level of your education, merely made a sarcastic comment about you not reading all his post properly.
  22. Congratulations on your reading skills, the problem that you quoted was new players finding themselves unable to TRAIN IN THEIR CLASS SKILLS, it's not a 'thing I want immediately' it's something required to progress in the game itself. The only joke here is you for jumping down this guys throat for voicing a legitimate concern. *i should point out I was referring to the first part of his post before you jump on me about the speeder part.
  23. Idiots won't be the only ones removed from the pool, you can incur a large repair bill without even wiping, grinding dailies only loses people credits from repair bills. Being smart will do nothing to prevent going broke, not to mention the other terrible fix 'three letter auction house' means crafters are suffering, there is no escape from this it seems.
  24. This needs to be addressed, there is no way bioware can sit back on this issue when end game players are cancelling subs, if it's not fixed by the time makeb is out no one will want to play the new content! That has to mean something to them.
  25. It's funny I think the people you described should get some kind of punishment for what they did, but I've encountered the opposite situation. I was gathering a group for the dromund kaas world boss, we were almost ready to take it out and we were standing right next to the boss waiting for one or two members to make their way over. Then all of a sudden some level 40 comes out of nowhere, attacks the world boss and steals it from us. We were all within the 25-18 range of levels so the drops and quest is far more usefull to us, but even so we invited the guy into our group thinking he just didn't notice us. How wrong we were, he rejected our invites and said we were being too slow just like the guys who took your world boss. He was being ridiculously selfish, so we reset the boss and took it back, I don't know if everyone will agree but a well kitted out level 40 taking the world boss from a low level group that spent almost an hour finding enough people to help deserves what we did. I should probably note that there was only two instances active at the time, one of which the wb had been killed recently in.
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