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Posts posted by Rolodome

  1. Might help a few in the short-term, but I can't see any long-term benefits.


    The issue with stuff being super expensive is one of limited supply, combined with high demand and a little bit of greed sprinkled on top.


    Items that are super rare and can be sold invariably end up expensive, proportional to how many people want them. The greed part comes in when people buy up low supply items en masse while the supply is high and then sell them slowly, later, at an exorbitant price per unit. But it's difficult to say that such people are only hurting the market; the mere act of them stocking up guarantees that the market will take longer to truly run out of the super rare items. The bad part is that most of the control is in their hands.


    Most games alleviate this by cycling in old items for a brief period, to renew supply. Personally, I'd be happier if online games lost their obsession with extreme rarity altogether, but it often drives profit for the creator, so I'm not holding my breath.

  2. @Tragamite: I pretty much agree about companions. Sounds like it would work more like it is for our characters. Would be a nice thing to have.


    I disagree that a black should (within the proposed selling method) be pricier than a green. I think that's something that should be determined by the player market. That is, on cartel, it would be equal cartel price. If trying to buy on the GTN, it'd be subject to market demand. In this way, players who don't want to deal with GTN demand fluctuations can go the cartel coin route to purchase at a static price. This is better for those who spend cartel coins and better for the game making money because it puts the attention on the cartel market as the source that is reliable and a steady price.




    @Tragamite @Damask_Rose: Tertiary is an interesting idea. I would certainly not be against more customization.

  3. Yeah, sort of like those. :)


    Don't worry, I know with suggestions that it's just an idea. I actually went to college for game design (though I'm pursuing other stuff now), so some of it for me is just the enjoyment of putting ideas into a proposed framework that seems workable.

  4. They weren't random, but most of them weren't what I'd call "side quests" either because there was no objective handed off to you; they started and were resolved all within the one conversation.


    I'm proposing encounters that are random because it's an MMO and if all they do is add a few static ones that are one-off and never change, there's very little mileage. In a game like the old KOTOR, there wasn't a lot of going back and forth through areas you'd already visited and once you'd beaten the game, that was it. In SWTOR, you can always go back, whenever, so it's more important to have encounters that are repeatable and varied.


    EDIT: Also, I mean random in the sense of variation, not random in the sense of "surprise, you've been forced into an ambush."

  5. One of the things I loved about the original KOTOR was the encounters you would have while navigating a planet. They didn't pertain specifically to your story; they were just something that gave life to the planet/city. For example, a guy is getting roughed up by thugs, or a group of drunkards start harassing you.


    These choices not only helped define your alignment (thereby helping flesh out your character) but they also helped further the narrative that your character is someone who is getting involved on planets in a big way and they helped create the sense that the planets you're on are full of ongoing interactions and conflicts, not just filled with passive people, who either attack on sight or wander about doing nothing forever.


    What I propose is roughly this: Create a framework for a bunch of different types of encounters and sprinkle them randomly across zones (alternatively, though it would be waaay more work, make a bunch of zone-specific encounters, i.e. an encounter in The Works is going to be contextual to that area). If technically feasible, these would be encounters that show up as available for each individual player (as opposed to being shared interaction buttons).


    They would appear in the form of an NPC (maybe with a couple others standing near him, if it's an encounter that involves more than one NPC) that has a quest completion icon above his head. It would be colored uniquely though (maybe blue or something). Interacting with it would be completely optional (this is so that player's don't get frustrated getting bogged down by encounters they've done a thousand times).


    In the main, rewards would be alignment points (if such a choice is made), a little bit of experience, and potential for companion approval or disapproval.


    I realize this would be a massive undertaking to do on every planet, so my suggestion is: Try it on a new zone with a handful of them and see how it's received, and then go from there.


    EDIT: Additional thought. Though it would be far less immersive, this could be done using the "classic RPG" style that is being used for the KOTFE side quests. Doing it that way would cut down on the dev work greatly and make it a lot easier to create a variety of different encounters.

  6. I was disappointed when I saw the lack of this option. However, something about the models (can't put my finger on what) makes me think the current models are statics - that it's not just a matter of failing to implement the option. It's that the actual models are a single thing, clothing and all.


    Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I do wonder... I have noticed that some of the KOTFE models (some non-companion characters) have high-rez, detailed faces, on a level that is far behind anything you can do in character creation. I can't help but wonder if that is related to the why. Perhaps if they allowed us to change the outfits, they would have to make the bodies high-rez for it to match (for the possibility of clothing that shows skin) which would then be unexpectedly taxing on systems.


    I hope I'm wrong and it's something they can add without too much trouble.

  7. I love fashion in games like these. A big part of my enjoyment is spending hours putting together a custom outfit and finding the right color to make it work. I mean, if I had to name one thing that motivates me to spend RL money on a game like this, it's probably appearance customization.


    But I'm frugal and I have no intention of throwing away money I don't have on customization that is exceedingly temporary.


    Here is a breakdown of stuff I think is done well and stuff I find absurd (along with some suggestions for improvement):



    - Applying an item to an appearance slot doesn't consume it or hold it hostage. I love this! My only disappointment here is that it doesn't work that way for companions.

    - Along with the above, the dye sticks to an item, so you can get multiple uses out of it, by having a companion wear it, or sending it to an alt if it's BoL.



    - Many dyes seem almost purposefully made as outrageous color combinations. I suppose some of them are good in theory (the opposites color wheel concept) but in practice, I've yet to find a situation where, for example, blue/green actually looks cool.

    ----- Suggestion: Split the dye slot into two slots. If a dye is primary and secondary (ex: blue/green) it will fill the first slot and X out the second (fade out, gray out, anything that makes it visually obvious you can't put a dye there). If a dye is only primary or only secondary, it will fill only that slot (slot one for primary and slot two for secondary). This will set the stage for greater customization and give primary and secondary dyes greater use (as it is, I've yet to use one, since the coloring control is so limited).


    - Dyes are consumable and many are also super expensive or rare. This is just basically frustrating. It turns my dye choices into The Great Hunt of finding the perfect dye because the cost is so high for using a dye that turns out not to look that great. Plus, some are so expensive that it becomes a disheartening campaign just to afford them for trying one look on one character. And by "trying," I don't mean previewing. I mean playing with it on.

    ----- Suggestion: I get that you want to make money off of dye sales, in some way. It's also undoubtedly a pain to implement an unlocks system for dyes. I would adore a dye unlock system for legacy, but I'm not holding my breath. How about an alternative? "Dyes" section in the cartel market. Holds every cartel dye, ever (no phasing them out nonsense--they are consumable, so there is no need to create demand by phasing them in and out). Has two types of dye sales (using "black" as an example name); 1 black dye for 10 cartel coins, or a pack of 10 black dyes for 100 cartel coins.

    ----- It's direct and I think you'd be surprised how many people would buy again and again to dye more stuff, and would respect your practices more for the directness of the sale approach.


    - Gear unlocks. I love them. Not a big fan of the cartel cost, but I'm willing to put up with it, since they are cartel outfits. Unfortunately, it does nothing for gear that is not part of the cartel market (and there's a lot of it... a lot that is hard to keep track of).

    ----- Suggestion: Add all of the gear sets in the game to legacy gear unlocks. This wouldn't include one off items, and sets that have static stats would be unlocked as adaptive gear, not with the stats. Since this is gear that is not cartel, you give players two options for the legacy unlock once it's added to the collection: A flat credits fee or a flat cartel coin fee. Those who are not inundated with credits may turns to cartel coins. More money for you.

  8. Received this today :




    Since Game Update 4.3 went live, we discovered a bug that has prevented some of you from getting proper Legendary Player credit for Class storylines that you completed.


    We investigated and found some missing triggers in the background. These can block some completed Class storylines from properly counting towards your Legendary Player status.


    Because this bug is caused by a background trigger, Customer Service cannot restore Legendary Player status if you’ve been affected by this bug.


    We did hope to have an automatic fix for you with Game Update 4.4 in May, but unfortunately this fix did not catch everyone who was affected. We’re aiming for a full fix with Game Update 4.5 on June 1st.


    We are sorry about the continued wait, and we appreciate your patience.


    Galactic Support is our specialty….


    The Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ customer support team

    I'm going to take it on good faith that their June 1st aim is a real goal and hope that happens. June 1st isn't much of a wait. :)


    And it sounds like the fix is intended to give credit to those who didn't get it. I think if that was not the case, the message would make a point of saying so.

  9. I was thinking it might have to do with SoR (Yavin) and RotE (Ziost), since those are two major quest lines that get locked out if you start KOTFE and together make up Chapter 5. I doubt it's Makeb, even though that is considered Chapter 4 and is purple, too. KOTFE doesn't lock out ROTHC. I have no way to test, myself, as I have Legendary status. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the issue, though.

    Good thought. I did do both Yavin and Ziost on my smuggler though, so unless there's something in there I missed that counts... granted, if it's side quests that are messing up on those parts, I don't think I've done them.


    On my Smuggler, I pretty much did mad dash double xp when I was in my twenties and then did all story from 50 on to KOTFE. The only thing I distinctly know I didn't do before starting KOTFE (other than side stuff) is Oricon. Which I went back and did after most of KOTFE (excepting for the group part at the end of Ori), thinking at first that that was act 3. Then I discovered about it being bugged.


    I will say this: I'm not sure I did all of the companion conversations after completion of act 3, so if it's related to that, then... eheh. I won't say more for spoilerish reasons, but I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with that thought.

  10. Good thought, however I definitely completed all the Planet Arc purple stories and all the Smuggler class story missions and nothing. Same thing happened last month with my Bounty Hunter and had to wait until 4.4 until received the achievement. Just another bug, which is really annoying as Smuggler was my 8/8 to get legacy... :(

    Aw, that's too bad. :(


    Second idea: Maybe some alignment choices are bugged, in particular. I did LS as my final smuggler choice (though I had been mostly dark up until then).


    Any consistency with other peoples' choices?

  11. That's actually really smart. In the name of science, I'll do this later and complete all my purple quests.

    Good for you. Yay science! I'm gonna try to as well, assuming I can track them all down. Some, I never even picked up cause I was rushing through on the double xp thing.


    I had zero quests in the queue after finishing Act 3. Even tried moving on and starting Chapter 4... nothing.

    Are you sure you did all the purple ones though? Like there aren't any you never picked up and did. I mean, if my theory is wrong, it's wrong. But I want to be sure.

  12. Could it be that the purple quests that are not main story, but are called "story missions" are being counted as required for the achievement to complete? Is there anyone who is certain they completed all of those "side mission" story quests and still didn't get the achievement for completion?


    It's about the only idea I've got.

  13. Well, I spose I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. Disappointed it's so rampant though. I hadn't even noticed at first because I didn't know to look for it. Then I realized my Smuggler class story wasn't showing up as complete in the character selection screen's completion count and I don't have the achievement for act 3.


    I definitely completed it... urgh. Should I contact CS or...?

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