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10 Good
  1. ok so this annoys me. sometimes when im playing the game my campanion is the hero and im running away trying to heal myself. If i look at my companions stats they are actually better than mine!! minus the buffs you get from armor. Please just have companions as normal players, maybe make them a bit weaker and make it so they do get bennifits from armor and stuff. They will probly be less powerfull if they were just normal players and got their stats from armor. and weapons Also another annoyance, i have died many many times while playing this game, i have never ever had a companion die, im suppost to be the hero in the game not my companion
  2. I have to say this is a really good game, not a lot to complain about really. I have been a star wars fan most of my life and a huge fan of the older games Knights of The Old Republic. So the only thing i don't like as much about this game has a lot to do with the leveling system and the absence of character skills. So as most people probably know in the old games you would start out with a set amount of skill points to spend on attributes. The atributes would determine your characters strong and weak points Constitution Accuracy Intelligence wisdom and so on. SWOTOR dose not do this and instead has these kind of things based on what armor you wear, witch i dont like so much. Also a complete absence of some these atributes The other thing is character skills, and this is the thing i am most dissapointed is not in the game. So in the old games you would choose skills that your character had. Demolitions repair security computer use and so on But the complete lack of this skill system goes into the gameplay aswel. Theres no doors to unlock, No footlockers around the place and of corse none to be unlocked. No droids around or anything to use repair skill for quests or randomly on a mission. No computer terminals like the old games were you could use your computer skill to sabotage enemys and watch it on a security camera. And all these things made the game more interesting. Not only more interesting but it made me want to play the game again after i finished, because i wanted to play as a different character and focus on different skills so i could open all the doors i missed last time, repair that droid and get whatever from it and so on. In a MMO setting this would be great, for one it would make characters like the smuggler more attractive because they actually have a unique skill set and people will seek them out to group up with so the whole group can benefit from their unique skills. Also adds a whole lot of replay ability to the game. The set up of the old games with the atributes system, skills system and powers system was one of the reasons i played through those games so may times. With SWOTOR i would only play through each character once really, because the story line is the only thing that is different between them. Also please borrow the power system off the old games, i have to say its a bit lame that everyone is exactly the same at every level. for example every jedi consular at lvl 30 will have exactly the same abilities, you literally only get to make a choice ever 10 levels. Overall please borrow more from the old games, and i could say something about the mod system but you get the idea Edit: sorry just had to add this, something that also bothers me is that you literally cannot talk to anyone unless they have a big this floating over there head or if its an auto activated interaction. Same thing really, the old games you could go round talking to people and even if you couldn't get anything out of them you usually got a hint of what you need to do to get quest or info out of them. Also too many enemies and aswell you cant talk to them. Wouldn't it be cool if you could walk up to a bunch of enemies talk to them and force pursuade them to attack their friends, or find a peaceful solution, isn't that the jedi way. K that;s all now lol
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