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  1. Confirmed, but it's also the regular data crystal stuff right in the same area. Noted items i tried were Outlander related. I purchased several things, and didn't catch it until halfway through... so now i got a mixed bag of crap i think. I noticed it when i purchased the Outlander Pummeler's Offhand MK-4 saber... my secondary damage dropped all the way to 17-25... on a level 65 character, my breath probably does more damage. Got the refund, and tried some boots with the same effect. I checked with an earpiece, but it seems like that was ok (i could be wrong). I think the team needs to look at ALL these items.
  2. I'm having trouble. It says the login server is down. I got on just an hour or so ago and it was kinda laggy, which was unusual actually. Now i just can't login at all. Wonder if they're having some hardware issues.
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