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Posts posted by Jevaruss

  1. Right.

    Forgot they reworked the DvL system in 5.5 and made victory state last 18h.


    Do the world bosses respawn now? They used to despawn for good after being attacked, even when the attacker(s) wiped. What was annoying when they spawned every few hours, would be quite an issue with only one spawn per day. (But well, that could be the reason I haven't done any of them for quite some time.)


    Nope, they still go poof. Which is why some people on my server at least have been immediately forming groups right as victory state begins by parking toons at boss spawn points to get some bosses before someone accidentally pulls it lol.

  2. Since you get tokens when your side is winning, regardless of whether you're in a victory state or not, what is the point of the victory state? And why is it sometimes 14 hours and sometimes 8 hours?


    Victory state is 18 hours from moment of victory, if its shorter you weren't logged in or didn't check until then. Also Dark/Light world bosses spawn in victory state depending on what side was victorious. Also the 15% extra CXP if your alignment is the same as the winning side.

  3. Honestly, my biggest desire is to see Innovative Ordinance / Assault Specialist DoT spread mechanic be reworked into something more fluid and less clunky. I think it is currently the only spec in the game that requires each of it's DoTs to be spread by different abilities.


    Uhh... patch 5.6 in Nov 2017:

    Innovative Ordnance

    Fusion Missile and Explosive Dart now spread both Incendiary Missile’s burn and Serrated Shot’s bleed effects.

    Assault Specialist

    Plasma Grenade and Sticky Grenade now spread both Incendiary Round’s burn and Serrated Bolt’s bleed effects.

  4. Didn't do the Paxton Rall alliance alert yet because I heard about all the bugs happening and wanted to be safe. But a few of my companions such as Darth Hexid, Master Ranos, Raina Temple, had their influence level reset to 1 anyways.
  5. They streamlined abilities at the start of 5.0 by removing pretty much all channeled abilities from melee classes, among various other changes. And yes it does less damage but now you have an extra GCD to do another ability to make up for the damage.
  6. I cleared it (with bonus boss) recently on my fully geared tank with a healer in 230 gear, one nearly fully geared dps, and a level 56 dps who had never done it before. I even said to the group that we might fail bonus boss but was willing to give it a shot or two, then we one shot it lol, although I died at the very end to enrage. Although numerous times I've failed in groups on Sav-Rak because the healer can't keep the group up, even healers in near/full 248 gear. So it really depends on skill more than the gear tbh. I think the difficulty is fine as it is.
  7. Doesn't Deception have the best execute ? Something like +5% DPS under 30% ?


    It was nerfed to 3% with the great nerfs of patch 5.5. Also hatred has a 30% boost to Death Field, Eradicate, and all dots in execute which is a bit over half its damage so that's like 15%+.

  8. There is a workaround to it, and it's 'bugged' because they never bothered to scale Jindo's shield over the years so literally a few hits from everyone will take it down and cause the ship never to move again. The workaround is to basically not DPS the boss at all until the ship is destroyed. Each time you hit the panel to shoot the ship, Jindo gets a (weak as f) shield that if you do too much damage, it causes the shield to break and then the ship to never move. So basically (assuming this is in master mode since in vet mode you can just burn him), just have tank get a few hits on him till the shield drops then stop hitting him immediately, then wait for ship to fly forward, shoot ship, repeat until ship dies. Then dps boss.
  9. Hammer Station vet mode, levelling my level 40-ish commando, a level 18 or so shadow, a level 50 player, and one level 70 dps sage. Clear the first two mobs before that big mob with the two gold droids, then sage says to run past all the mobs to the drill. Sage starts running, gets to like 2% health so I off-heal them, I get aggro and get globalled by the dozen or so adds and die along with the shadow. Me and the shadow spawn back at start, inform him we cannot run through those mobs ourselves, sage quits group...


    I have never seen anyone in my 2+ years and probably hundreds of Hammer Station runs in this game try and do that.

  10. Are you using the Mind Over Matter utility? That will cause force speed to aggro mobs. Also if you or your companion get hit with a dot, it will keep you both aggroed until the dot falls off. And as good as stealth is, if an enemy stands or walks right on top of you or your companion's character model or super super close, there's still a decent chance it will cause aggro. If it's something else other than these reasons, then I'm stumped.
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