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10 Good
  1. That's not very holiday spirited of you. You should give this achievement a try, think you might need those 1500 hugs to feel better
  2. Everything has already been said here before me, but I'll join this conversation either way. I think this is a very very bad idea in general and lacks the basic understanding of the game's community. I'm not against the idea of having harder-to-achieve gear, something where you potentially need to be able to clear some of the harder content of the game. But mixing pvp and pve together.. Yeah, that definitely won't work . Most of the players are naturally more inclined to play either or. Trying to force people into playing something is not a very good design. You will only have a bunch of pissed pvp players who don't want to pve and who will feel like their experience is ruined by mats farmers, and then another bunch of NiM players, who will be mad about having to play pvp in order to gear for pve. And then obviously the rest of the people being pissed about the fact that you need to play NiM or ranked at all in order to get gear, but honestly, like I said, I am not against the idea itself, just how you plan on doing it. If you want to make pvp to seem more appealing to people, try instead making the gameplay itself more interesting. I'm someone who strongly dislikes 4v4 matches, so I don't play ranked, but I'd definitely be up to it if it was more diverse and had similar objectives as regular warzones do. I realise this is something that has apparently been tried before with lacking results (not enough players?), but so has the "let's add gear mats into ranked" been tried before too, and that didn't go well. I do think you would have more desirable results by making the pvp experience itself feel a bit better. If rewards is the way you want to make pvp seem more appealing, then in my opinion the rewards should be something very tempting but not something that affects your gameplay directly. Create some even more awesome cosmetics that can only be received through ranked or something. Just don't make the pve experience reliant on pvp gameplay (or the other way around). It also feels a bit unfair that the new augments and their creating progress seems to be more biased towards pvp, since you require more pvp mats than pve mats to craft them. This means that those who play NiM but not ranked will possibly have to pay more in order to acquire said mats than what ranked players will have to pay. In addition to everything mentioned above, the new augments will only do something in Dxun (if even there?), which is the only lvl 75 raid. This seems a bit absurd. What about all the old operations? It doesn't make any sense to put all of the focus into Dxun, when there are no other lvl 75 raids in sight anytime soon. Instead of adding augments that will not be worth all the grind and effort, all the old operation content should be scaled to lvl 75. That will get rid of the current weird split between the operations and make gearing more simple too. After that you can start focusing more on gear improvements and adding new gear levels into the game. I sincerely hope you will reconsider the implementation of these augments. This is really not the time for new augments, and especially not this way. I can't see too many people being happy with the current plan, and this current forum thread is already one proof of that.
  3. Where is my tiny blue elephant companion? Ortolans are the cutest thing in the game and I wish to have one of them following me around all the time. Even a pet would do, as long as there is a tiny blue elephant to take along to all of my adventures.
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