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Posts posted by KahlessUK

  1. Glad to see folks enjoying the game, deciding to give it a shot myself (downloading client as I post). I've been impressed on the community's openess to help out newcomers, as it should be!


    Just don't start on an RP-PvP server. The populations are low and I don't think we're getting any free server transfers :(

  2. So who left... Me...


    Well, I'm half way out the door tbh. Just re-subbed to RIFT for 3 months. Holy crap that client is so silky smooth. FPS nice and consistent, forgotten what it felt like to play an nicely optimised game :D

  3. Not only in wow, many other mmo's can Present a high detail level WITHOUT compromising Performance, setting are there to tailor the Eyecandy according to your PC


    Pixelated textures are things of the past, no excuse for it, was in beta and now its gone for mellow reasons




    All AAA MMO's in the past few years have had this.


    The dev post was rubbish, pure smoke and mirrors :confused:

  4. No matter how many flashing lights and warnings there are you'll still get numptys who miss it.


    Just like all the players in chat asking about changing their advanced class. I'm sorry, it tells you specifically to choose carefully, you can't change but do they listen? Oh no, wah wah wah :p

  5. I find it hilarious how people think teleporting kills communities, ah the mind of a hater.

    That's not exactly what I meant, although I didn't lay out my post very well, my heads killing me, self inflicted I know :p


    I put same server in bold, this is what I meant about not ruining the community.


    Regarding teleporting, that just gets on my **** because it's lazy and nobody ever has any idea where the anything is.


    I'm not sure where the 'hater' tag came from? Are you not mature or intelligent enough to actually have a discussion on a public forum kid? :confused:

  6. there really needs to be a looking for flashpoint group tool . I don't care if it doesn't teleport you there after getting the group, or if it works cross-server, I just want one for my server to find groups easier.


    This ^^


    No, it doesn't have to be like WoWs tool, a same server group match maker tool would do the job.


    No teleports, community wouldn't suffer at all :)

  7. I can't quite get my head around these items and their armour value.


    They seem quite rare and cost a fortune but the 'armour' stat is really low on the ones I've seen. Do you have to waste a mod slot and put in a massive armour plate to bring it back up to par?



  8. I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.
    No. No you don't. Go away.


    I was chatting to a fellow guildee about this yesterday as he raced to the finish. The result of the conversation was 'go the forums and whine' when he hits 50.


    Go you, have a cookie.

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