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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by __andrea__

  1. Having the same EXACT problem. Weird thing is, I played through it with a level 70 Guardian a while back and everything went fine. Now doing it with a level 70 Juggernaut and completely stuck. Out of the blue. He's geared with all level 70 purples. Spent a fortune in credits getting Senya to level 30 influence (despite never having needed to the first time). Set her to heal, tank, dps. None of it makes any difference. The thing that happens is: My character gets stunned and WHILE HE'S STUNNED (ie UNABLE TO RESPOND), the Gemini Captain kills Senya pretty much INSTANTANEOUSLY. That never happened before, and I don't know why it's happening now, but it occurs every time.


    IN ADDITION to that, a number of other really insane things have happened for me in the numerous times I've played through this battle with this character:


    - My character was killed by the door to the bridge closing on him as he entered.


    - My character was shut out of the bridge after Senya and the support droid entered.


    - Senya was shut out of the bridge when my character entered.


    - After getting killed the first time, he loses the support droid and is cut off from the rest of the ship so there's no way to go back and get another one (not that that really seems to make any difference)


    I've restarted the chapter three times. Always goes the same way. I've been playing and subbing to this game since beta in 2011. I have 22 active characters, 3 of whom are in or have moved beyond KotFE. I know how to play it as well as anyone could reasonably be expected to to get past a main storyline chapter in Story mode. I've never been stuck like this with any character in 7 years of playing. It's not a lack of knowledge or experience, it's a PROBLEM with the game itself, and a seemingly RANDOM one - something that the devs NEED to fix. Maybe something that's cropped up since the server merge, because I played through the chapter with my Guardian before that. I don't know. In any event, I don't think it's reasonable to a) fault perfectly competent players for merely experiencing it or; b) require some massive payout of currency to solve it.


    STILL RELEVANT 4 YEARS LATER!! No wonder people are pissed!:mad::eek::rolleyes:

  2. ok at the present time my command level is 22 so that puts me into tier 1.


    as for my combat skills, I like what I have and have done well with them up to this point.


    I also have the powers I need and they also have worked well for me.



    And as Sidious said in ROTS, all those who gain power are afraid to lose it. So I guess I need more power to continue ingame. lol


    Even so, you shouldn't have to put forth this kind of effort as a casual player that has no interest in grinding for gear/trinkets/rep, doing raids/ops, dailies, etc...in order to FINISH A QUEST and CONTINUE with the STORY. :mad: This is how you aggravate people and lose subscribers! Bad business sense and ridiculous but here it is 4 years later and people are still posting about this very situation!


    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


    There are harder modes you can do if you desire but in STORY/SOLO mode it shouldn't have to take so much effort that PLAY becomes WORK, FUN becomes a JOB and people quit/delete characters out of frustration. FIX IT!!

  3. OK, so I came back to this the day after. Bear in mind my only available companion was Senya, and she was a measly level 10 of whatever rank that means. However, I came into a compendium that ranked her 50. I also did what someone else mentioned and that was to keep the agro on me (a terrifying prospect for a sage healer). It took two tries but on the second one, using senya at 50, and using as many of my "mind" spells as I could, I managed to defeat the captain. .


    After REPEATED MULTIPLE TIMES OF DYING I used my Level 71 Sage and just kept barraging the damn Captain with spells and kept healing myself and Senya. Whenever I got a shield, heal or spell up I used it. Senya was only Level 4 in influence but it worked..after about 30 times! Could NOT do it in Assassin mode...only in the secondary combat mode of being a Sage/healer.


    BEFORE 7.0 I did this exact same fight with my Maruauder, My Sentinel and my Sorcerer. It wasn't an easy fight but it wasn't like this! I played in Story Mode each time. After 7.0 this has become super hard for no good reason!n It's a QUEST, not an OP. I just like playing through the storyline as a casual player. This was a Boss Fight I'd expect to see in a harder mode Flashpoint or Op. There's a reason I don't do this unless I can solo on story mode.


    They need to FIX this. At least put some of those health totems up like when you are in a Flashpoint. It's doible. I only use quest gear so my gear is around 210-220. Nothing special but you shouldn't have to go crazy and grind gear and reputation to finish a simple questline! :eek:

  4. Going to bump this because it's a shame that it hasn't been fixed in almost 2 months since 7.0 came out.


    Do you want new players to actually stick to the game or quit in frustration?


    After REPEATED MULTIPLE TIMES OF DYING I used my Level 71 Sage and just kept barraging the damn Captain with spells and kept healing myself and Senya. Whenever I got a shield, heal or spell up I used it. Senya was only Level 4 in influence but it worked..after about 30 times! Could NOT do it in Assassin mode...only in the secondary combat mode of being a Sage/healer.


    BEFORE 7.0 I did this exact same fight with my Maruauder, My Sentinel and my Sorcerer. It wasn't an easy fight but it wasn't like this! I played in Story Mode each time. After 7.0 this has become super hard for no good reason!n It's a QUEST, not an OP. I just like playing through the storyline as a casual player. This was a Boss Fight I'd expect to see in a harder mode Flashpoint or Op. There's a reason I don't do this unless I can solo on story mode.


    They need to FIX this. At least put some of those health totems up like when you are in a Flashpoint. It's doible. I only use quest gear so my gear is around 210-220. Nothing special but you shouldn't have to go crazy and grind gear and reputation to finish a simple questline! :eek:

  5. I can NOT kill the Gemini Captain. Pre 7.0 I was able to do so with THREE prior characters. Now it's impossible. I am a casual player..this is a QUEST, not an OP and I am stuck and unable to progress. I'm ready to give up and go back to WOW. I've tried everything, even got my gamer son to come down and he was unable to kill this boss and said the game is glitched and it's a bug.
  6. I am a very casual player and love the story, the fact that my character talks and makes choices and that I can play one class differently every time, especially now with the additonal combat choices. For 7.0 I wish they had added more story and not taken away abilities that I enjoyed having beforehand. Otherwise, yes..it's worth it.


    I can play through multiple storylines, make choices that actually matter and can solo flashpoints. All stuff I couldn't do in WOW. So yeah, I'm here enjoying SWTOR, although I am probably playing it more like a solo player than an MMORPG.

  7. I love the extra combat style ALOT! It's so much fun to be able to switch your classes on the spot while playing. Great idea! The Loadouts work well. I love being able to both melee and do ranged DPS on one character, have stealth, etc.


    The rest I can't comment on because I haven't gotten my characters to 7.0 content yet. Still enjoyng 6.0 I really hope they add more story content because that's mostly why I play.


    I really do wish they would give us BACK so many of the abilities you have to trade in one to get another or were eliminated. Why do devs feel that in order to do an expansion they actually have TAKE AWAY things people use and enjoy? Why piss people off unnecessarily?

  8. "Finally" is a good way to put it. It was the last class I did and I had to push myself to do it. The story was so weak and I hated playing a Trooper. With 7.0 we got to add a second combat style and I purposely chose a Scoundrel so I could stealth my way through most of the mess I had left. My Trooper was so weak in Commando she kept dying in the final battle so I had to switch her to Scoundrel. I also found the gameplay so boring...shoot, shoot and more shooting. I will say I am biased towards force users as my 4 main characters are all force users (JK, SW, Assassin and Sorcerer) and a mixture of dark and light.


    I started out playing my Trooper as Light but I found it more interesting to go Dark. In the end she deides to parade Rakton in the streets (capture him) and then changes her mind and shoots him. Glad I did that. I found the scenes were I take down 2-3 Dark Council members laughable. I know some people might enjoy playing this class but it wasn't for me.


    The end of the story was just flat and uninteresting but I found the entire storyline like that so it fit that the end was so uninspiring.

  9. I came back to the game after a few years away and have been playing through 6.0 as well as KOTFE with one of my alts and finishing the Trooper story so I can become legendary. I'm a very casual player so it's enjoyable. I like the secondary combats a lot and compared to WOW, where EVERY story ends with a raid (I play solo) I really appreciate that I can actually finish a story in SWTOR and make actual choices. I hope they add more content for 7.0. Still have yet to play it though.
  10. you have to choose your cc or phase walk or Volt rush. theres your new stuff we took things away and handcapped you. have fun. not happy right now with these chooses bioware.


    I don't understand WHY this was done? How does taking away things we had, used and enjoyed before and making people choose between them make anything better or more satisfying? It just pisses people off. It's one reason I left WOW.

  11. For the past few updates, I haven't been enjoying how short these expansions have been ever since KOTET ended, this was just short and I hate waiting months just for another but this expansion was a lot shorter than the others. I really enjoyed how KOTFE expansion was handled where the first release will have multiple chapters to play and then each month a new chapter would then come out to continue the story, I want to have a reason to come back to SWTOR.


    I don’t know why they stopped doing chapters especially to make them replayable but this just isn’t enough to keep me on SWTOR because once you finish it, what then?


    As a casual player who came back to the game in anticipation of an actual expansion as opposed to a glorified patch I feel the greatest sin is how this expansion is something that can be easily played through and leveled up in a few hours. That's ridiculous. I'm with you that it should be like KOTFE, which I enjoyed immensely.


    Fortunately I haven't played in awhile and hadn't even finished 6.0 yet on my main characters so I am still playing through "new" content and enjoying it a lot. I have 3 main characters that are different classes with different dark/light alignments. I love the new combat styles that I can add to make things interesting.


    I also have a light sided Sith Inquisitor Level 60 that I'm doing Shadow of Revan currently and am looking forward to doing KOTFE with. It pays to go away and come back as all the old stuff is new again.


    I still like this this game over WOW because I have actual dialogue and choices that actually make a difference AND I can play the game all the way through and experience the story line in solo mode. In WOW you can only go so far and are left hanging if you don't raid. They don't let you do solo raids. I hate playing with other people.


    Yeah, yeah, I know it's a MMORPG not a single player but I still enjoy exploring things and playing though a story. I hope they do add chapters to this game once I get to the new content.


    My problem with this expansion is that it does need more content and they took things away that we had before. I never understood why devs seem to insist on tinkering with things that are fine to begin with and feel the need to take away things/skills we had and enjoyed before. They should have spent less time tinkering and deleting things and more time adding content.

  12. I recently came back and subbed in anticipation of 7.0. There's so many things about this game I like in comparison to WOW, which I played for over a decade. I'm still leveling through 6.0 content and am a very casual player so mostly I focus on quests and storyline.


    My thoughts are that I like the second combat play in that it makes things more interesting and fun.


    I don't understand WHY developers in games like to take things AWAY from people that they grew used to and enjoyed/liked. Why take away abilities people had before? I was pissed to see that many abilities I enjoyed on my characters were now either eliminated or made into a choice that I had to sacrifice something else to get. WHY piss people off unnecessarily?


    The UI doesn't really bother me but again..Why fix what isn't broken?


    The biggest problem I see here is that this really isn't an "expansion" as much as a large patch. I've been hearing that you can level up and go through the content in less than 2 hours and there really isn't much to this expansion..just another storyline ending in an expansion


    As a casual player, I want more content and storyline. I'm not all that interested in raids or endless grinds for gear that doesn't interest me but it seems that here no one is completely happy or satisfied in this regard. There doesn't seem to be anything for anyone in 7.0. As far as I can see, there's either too much tinkering and not enough content. :confused:

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