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Posts posted by __andrea__

  1. 4 hours ago, joshuadyal said:

    People can have preferences for any reason, and don't need to explain them. If having voice-acted cutscenes is one of the things that you came to the game for, then having them go away is unacceptable. And that's fine. If it isn't a big deal to you, then it isn't., and that's fine too. It's not about accepting anything that's real. Broadsword needs to accept the reality that missing certain features will mean many customers lose interest. And if customers express displeasure and criticize the game, then other fans need to accept that that's inevitable too; it's not just a case of angry emotional reaction. And even if that is all that it is, it still represents customers going away.

    For me, the more unacceptable things in the new content are 1) the class stories with your original class characters, especially the better girlfriend options, were by far the best part. The generic stories meant to apply to anyone simply aren't very compelling, 2) the story seems to be confused and directionless. I can't tell where its going or what its getting at anymore, 3) your character isn't even the main character anymore; each new section seems to have the devs unlikeable NPCs at the center of the story and we're just tagging along as spectators.

    That said, I just took about a year off of my subscription, and then came back because I still have a lot of characters that I've created that still have the original story to play through. Everyone's got to decide on their own how to interact with the content available.

    Nailed it! You totally explained how I'm feeling as well. Thank you. :)

  2. 17 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

    I LOVED VOSS! Yes, the lack of resolution with the three, did sting but it was great. I'm sorry, but while I do want my PC's to speak it wasn't so bad. You have to understand some of us Like Mandalorians!

    Different strokes...I thought Voss was boring and tedious. I hate "busy work." I do like Mandalorians but this has gone on waaaay too long and it's getting old being an errand boy/girl for the Mandalorians. 

  3. 8 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

    didn't miss much honestly, entire voss storys conclusion is that voss council basically tells you: "yeah you're gonna have an epic battle with malgus some day, bye."

    YEAH...that sucked too! The voice acting is basically the proverbial last straw. The lack of content and the long drawn out and boring Mandalorian plot and game just being boring and tedious is what the problem has been since 7.0 was launched.  The Voss story was pretty awful and boring. I'm going to play through 7.4 and see if it improves and then cancel my sub until 7.5.

  4. 2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

    I understand and respect your opinion, it's certainly your money to do as you see fit. I just thought that adding context as to what the devs can and cannot control would be worth considering. Who is to say that March's update won't have the standard VA now that the strikes are over?

    I appreciate that and if things improve I will resubscribe. 

  5. 10 hours ago, Nejadis said:

    I'm new so not sure I understand your post 100%, but haven't encountered anything this bad, but only got to level 34 on the sage story line so far. It's a shame to read some of these posts because this game is really a good MMO overall. At least it seems like the game is still being patched and cared for by some number of devs. So maybe there is hope. Hopefully that mission is fixed before I get to it.

    You are at the very beginning and that’s the best part of the game! I envy you! You can play all the classes and do different choices and the following expansions are great as well. It’s not until the current “expansion” that things fall apart so you will have plenty of have time to enjoy the game as l enjoyed for so many years.

    It really is a unique and fun game, especially if you love Star Wars as l do. Plus, unlike many games you have a variety of choices and outcomes based on those choices so making an alternate character really can provide for a different experience. Unfortunately due to lack of funding, commitment, etc they are majorly cutting back on content and q gameplay quality and expecting people to excuse, embrace and pay for it. It’s not the same game it once was. 

    I have done multiple play throughs, finished every storyline and have 4 characters at max level and after going through Chains of Darkness there’s nothing in me that wants to play through the clunky, mindless crap that’s being currently dished out . Unless they go back and fix it, which l highly doubt.

    I left WOW several expansions ago to play SWTOR exclusively so if  I have to sit and read text with a expressionless character l will do it there. At least I feel like l am experiencing something new for my monthly subscription.

    You can’t base a game on your character doing voice overs and be able to make meaningful choices and get immersed in the world and story and then offer the opposite and expect customers to accept it without question. 




    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

    It is true that there has been KOTOR/TSL dialogue going on, but it's hardly new. Almost every Aliance Alert had it years ago. Not to mention the past two updates there was a MASSIVE Actor/Writer strike going on in the USA; and the International Cast may still be members of SAG. SAG doesn't need Actors to have US citizenship, Just to have earned a certain amount in a US production, so SWTOR counts.

    To be fair, a Global Pandemic that the world economy is still suffering from, and a LONG international entertainment strike is not a tiny excuse. However, I hope it changes soon. I like hearing my PC's.

    I see your point and for side quests it was acceptable but this happening now in the main quest line and it seriously disrupts my immersion and is downright irritating. I can’t enjoy the game anymore. The black screen, the loads of text and the fact that my character doesn’t even react doesn’t make it enjoyable. I’m certainly not going to pay for this!

    They have cut back on the storylines and basically the newest content is just filler. You don’t feel like you’re actually doing anything. My time and money are limited and if the developers or whatever corporation is now running the game doesn’t care enough to do more than throw outdated game play at me then it’s time to take my business elsewhere.

    it’s the same as if your favorite restaurant charges you the same price for half the portion you used to get and used cheap ingredients that don’t taste as good. Would you keep going to eat there?

    • Like 4
  7. Legacy of the Sith was a disappointment but still fun to play.  Showdown at  Ruhnuk was a pointless mess that had my characters standing around doing nothing and watching cutscenes the majority of the time.  Chains in the Dark is the WORST! Now my characters don't talk. We now have a 20 year old game where  half the screen is blackened with tons of text while my character just stands there with a blank stare. I can't believe this is what was dished out and I'm certainly not paying for it.

    I've canceled my subscription and am walking away from this game beccause I couldn't even stand to play the new content in this manner. It's a shame because I loved this game for years and left WOW for it because I loved the fact that my choices meant something and the storyline was so compelling. 

    • Like 5
  8. What really pissed me off was that for most of Showdown on Ruhnuk my character was literally doing nothing but watching cut scenes of Mandalorians fighting. I'm sick of the Mandalorian Civil War. I'm at the point where I'm purposely  choosing to make Shae Vizsla angry because it's amusing. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/30/2022 at 2:21 AM, LordTragidous said:

    If I'm being honest. Being the commander of the Eternal Alliance bring about a level of neutrality. I like that idea and hate that Bioware decided to get rid of it almost immediately. Could have brought a level of moral grey area to the story. Literally anyone could join your ranks regardless of creed or affiliation. Until this part of the story.

    YES! I hate that you have to "choose a side" although that later changes somewhat but I wanted my LS Sith Inquisitor to stay neutral. I play it that she joins the Republic to get inside information and play both  sides against each other. She doesn't really like or trust either of them but wants to keep an eye on both sides. Plus she's married to Theron and it made him happy to be aligned with Republic at least in words if not thought. 

  10. On 2/15/2023 at 10:08 PM, denavin said:

    You can thank all the whinny people that complained that the game was too easy. She was never that hard before. So now unless you have Maxed out Gear, ie Raid Gear, then she will kick your butt quickly no matter what you do.


    FYI: Being DEAD all the time is NOT FUN!

    I agree. I play to relax and for the story. I did this fight on 3 prior characters but that was when KOTET first came out and it was challenging but not as difficult as this. It's doible but irritating. 

    • Like 2
  11. On 2/15/2023 at 4:57 PM, ReKabNad said:

    BUT the other one, which some will call a "cheat" or an "exploit", is neither to me, it's simply using the fight's intended mechanics against her, and fighting her from the position that is most optimal from a tactical point of view.

    Basically, when you first enter the arena from the bridge, there are 2 candles/torches marking the entrance to the arena.  Right there, in the entryway between the 2 flames is apparently 1 of the Spawn Points for the Green Healing Circles that heal you and damage her!  Again, this is a built-in, intended mechanic of the arena where the fight takes place.  Remember that point.

    So the tactic you use after the fight begins is to walk backwards out onto the (now invisible) bridge with her following you, only as far as it takes to get her to stop right between the 2 flames, and then fight her with her standing there.  As the Green Healing Circles spawn, they'll instantly make her regret the choices she's made in her life, and you'll drop her like a bad habit! 😈

    When necessary, you can momentarily leave your position on the bridge to go grab a Green Healing Circle to heal yourself, but then you want to return to the bridge ASAP, as it really is the optimal tactical position from which to layeth the smacketh down upon that witch! 😈


    THANK YOU!  Unlike the OP you actually imparted this amazingly useful information and I was able to defeat Vaylin on a Level 74 Character in 214 armor as a Sage. I really appreciate your help! I'd probably still be trying to fight her now if it wasn't for you. :)

    • Like 1
  12. On 12/7/2022 at 12:11 PM, DonJuanTriunfant said:


    Oh my god I can feel my neck and shoulders becoming looser by the second. But she is dead(er), and I am not.

    I'm not going to reveal how I cheesed her, only that it wasn't the old bridge trick (it got patched some months ago I believe). Let Bioware figure it out on their own.


    So after all that you didn't even tell people how to do it. 🤦‍♀️😡 Well, I played my Level 74 Assassin/Sage with 214 Gear (casual player as well) and no thanks to you I was able to eventually kill Vaylin by staying in between the two torches at the entrance, running away every time she curled up in a ball and staying in the green circles whenever possible. It took a few hours but eventually I did it. This is a ridiculously difficult fight for "Story Mode".  Oh yeah, I also released Dramath because I'm Light Sided and that worked against me too. 

    Thank goodness someone else decided to impart the trick of staying in between the flames and going out on the invisible bridge. It helped me stay alive long enough to eventually kill the beotch. 

  13. Ability pruning especially which literally made game less interesting to play. People can't implement different tactics and strategies because they lost needed abilities for that, some classes lost much more abilities than others (for example, deception assassin lost nearly nothing while arsenal mercenary is forced to choose between vital abilities such as stun, reflect, hydraulic override etc). All of this makes gameplay less interesting, variable and intense since everyone is just clicking small number of abilities in same order without CC tactics and without mobility part of the game (most classes lost their mobility in 7.0.).


    All of these was a mistake. Game became more boring and less interesting, more monotonous. .


    NAILED IT! My biggest problem with 7.0 that I lost or must choose between abilities that I loved having and thought awesome. I can't use Force Choke on my Marauder until Leve 60-something! :mad: I have to choose between two-three things I had before.


    Devs need to follow this rule: DO NOT TAKE THINGS AWAY THAT PEOPLE LIKE AND ENJOY!! It's that simple!


    Another thing I don't like is the lack of new content. I subscribed because I thought I would be playing a lot more in the way content, not just a hours worth of quests and a flashpoint. It's not worth $15/mo for what we got. I canceled my subscription and will wait until it's all released and resubscribe.

  14. X1000000000. All the stupid trash mobs in EoO are so tiresome. The final fight is bad too TBH … a lot of fluff, but no real danger of ever dying.


    At least EoO is somewhat interesting and has a good story. Spirit of Vengeance is HORRIBLE. I kept thinking "Why am I doing this?" About a million mobs, half of which wouldn't let me stealth through. No real feeling of caring about anything as you do it.

    Wish I could just skip it.

  15. People come to swtor for the story. Everyone first comes to swtor via Ord Mantel, Hutta, Korriban or Tython. They get story. Its what gets people to play, not ops, fps, gsf or pvp. They find those things and might enjoy it eventually but the main pull of the game is and has always been the STORY. They also come for essential elements, the Companions. Whether it is our character's LI or best friends. It is integral to the game.




    That's why I started and continue to play this game as opposed to WOW. You can actually FINISH the storyline by yourself..NO raiding required! You solo Flashpoints (again, awesome!). The voice acting, the fact that your choices make a difference, etc...It's what makes THIS game special. I'm so disappointed that 7.0 is lacking in story content and hopefully they fix that.


    Seems like they took away a lot more than they gave us in 7.0. :(

  16. I'm also a founder. thousands of dollars into the game over the last 10 years. Unfortunately They seem to have forgotten what draws people into the game in the first place, the STORY. Every single person who starts to play the game ,becomes entranced by that single thing. Its not the raids, nor the fps or the pvp/ gsf ( fyi I loved gsf and raids), it is the story, period. From korriban, hutta, ordmantel, or tython, That is what pulls everyone in. Yes later some find they enjoy other elements but it has been the base of the game that is the draw.

    they are wanting to force the game to be something else, which it is not. Part of the story is our companions. IF they can switch o


    Anyways, if I want to play WOW or GW2, I would got back to those. I don't I want my story line and my companions which those others don't have. I don't have hope they will fix it. IF it doesn't get better in the next 6 months my sub is closed the first time since launch.


    THIS! If they don't fix/add to the story content I will go back to WOW, which isn't nearly as good for a casual solo player who loves playing through a story.

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