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10 Good
  1. WALL OF TEXT WARNING OK the MMO, has run it's original plotline, given many nods to EU content, mainly from bioware/KoToRor tied sources. After KOTFE i do NOT want see another Rakata, ever, they're over used, I would like to see force users other than Sith or Jedi. I know some see the Sith vs Jedi as the wars in star wars, but there are/were other factions who shined and burned bright and are little remembered I do not want to see a psychotic HK droid or a hyperactive astromech. (This does not mean a philosophical load lifter is a good idea), I would like to see more about the attempts to free enslaved sentients and the politics behind why it never quite happened. PS REVAN< do not use Revan again, ffs please with a cherry on top Pps the Paecian Empire used Dathomir as a prison (long before the witches or nightsisters formed) and was not mentioned again, so sometime, so between the 3632 (the time of the Outlanders defrosting) an Empire formed or was encountered and fell known as the Paecian empire, it is recorded only in one record as have fallen by 2992, (Gotta love woojipedia)
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