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Everything posted by LindseyNoal

  1. In the main storyline when you finish the previous quest and it spawns your character you are looking at the flashpoints A Traitor Among the Chiss and the other 2, if you are using a timeline chart to do things properly you can see you need to do the Traitor Flashpoint. However, my story quest log showed nothing, when i started the FP on STORY i realized quickly that i didnt know what was going on and something wasnt right. Only after looking in depth online was i able to determine that i needed to go back to the ship mission terminal to advance the story. Im not for sure if this was just a broken instance on my end, but if not then this needs to be addressed to make the story flow correctly.
  2. You are aware of the difficulty toggle in the game, right?
  3. I agree 8 was a total flop, worst movie made IMO. But to say get away from George's writing? We wouldnt have any of this if not for that, it just doesn't make sense.
  4. I don't know about the rest of you true fans out there, but I have wanted this for such a long time. There are very few things in life that will ever come close to the excitement I felt when I read this announcement. What do you think SWTOR fans, are you anticipating this release also?
  5. You realize that you need change to the system to get new players coming and keep old players interested while making enough money to keep your parent company from selling out and turning you into a phone app, right? If the changes dont benefit you that sucks but its all a massive balancing system you cant see from your mom's basement.
  6. Im an OLD done it all that left and came back. You cant stay away, as you know since here you are......
  7. In the endless galaxy of topics and comments you can find an uncountable number of cries, whining, things wrong, and what the entitled player thinks they can do better. For most of us that love this game you wont hear anything from us because we are happy and content. I would like to say, on behalf of the quiet community, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO. All your hard work, dedication, and passion for Star Wars, KOTOR, and SWTOR will have forever impacted more lives than you can imagine. Be proud of what you do and brush off any comments that won't inspire you in your work.
  8. I just started playing this game. Do you know why? Because I didn't know about it! I loved KOTOR 1 & 2 more than any games I have ever played, but lets face that there is only so many times you can play a level based game no matter how many different directions it goes (including Mass Effect Series). So, when SWTOR originally was on its way out I was ecstatic. Until I found out it was an MMO, I'm not a big fan of having to get along with other people, and I decided it wasn't worth a headache so I erased the existence of SWTOR from my mind. Years pass by with your other games slowly taking my money...... Then I stumble upon a Brilliant Tactic, Free-to-Play SWTOR. I think, "Well, since its free I will try it out and then probably delete it when I get bored". Then I found out you could play practically everything SOLO and I made it halfway through one character before I was Subscribing! I found the Cartel Market and thought for an instant "what a devious corrupt way to make more money", then I realized that this was Genius. This game could keep me hooked for years and what price is above a game that is essentially KOTOR, but without an end. This brings me to my point, conclusion, and advice. My point is YOU are losing money because people are ignorant of this games existence. In conclusion, YOU have lost THOUSANDS of $USD$ from ME. So say there only exist 10k-50k with the same issue I had....would that have been able to pay for a Satellite TV ad, or anything other than (since I know now) a game magazine advertisement (popularity=none) or youtube (which you have to specifically search for videos)? My advice, please invest in more advertising so as not to subject others to the years of loss I feel at not being able to give YOU all my hard earned money for your unbelievable game!
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