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Everything posted by PhiKhan

  1. Same boat here Finally get a couple days off, excited to get to some serious play time and this... I'm hearing it may have something to do with a DDoS attack aimed primarily at the launch of WoW's new expansion that came out today. WHY, WHY today, could't it have happend thursday or friday when I'm back to work for another 6 days? **SIGH**
  2. I think it's getting worse, I had to give up, 5 disconnects in 20 minutes.... this is ridiculous, and to make things worse, I can still no t find any official message from Bioware as to *** is going on. Sigh, so disheartening that we pay to play and can't even get an "we are looking into it" response.
  3. I too have crashed to the blank server select screen 3 times in the last 20 minutes, which really sucks cause I have looked forward to being able to play since this is my first day off where I can really play in nearly a week. Come on Bioware, tell us something....
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