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Posts posted by acidburncpt

  1. What about the Saber Master bonus set?

    [(2) +2% Endurance

    (4) Reduces the cooldown Battle Readiness / Overcharge Saber by 20 seconds.

    (6) Killing an enemy during Battle Readiness / Overcharge Saber refreshes the duration of Battle Readiness / Overcharge Saber. Can occur up to 5 times during one Battle Readiness / Overcharge Saber.

    It seems it might be useful for mobs and add phase of boss fights. Although I'm not sure if you have to deliver the killing blow for it to refresh. I'm considering it or Death Knell for my shadow tank.

  2. m/r should refer to melee/ranged (damage type) just like f/t is force/tech and i is internal. M by itself is likely referring to the matrix tank relic that provides a static stat buff, I believe shield in this case.
  3. I believe its based on your total gear item level. Look on you character stat screen and you should see your ilevel. If its below 270 you will still get 270 gear. Once its 270 you will start getting 272 gear and so on. However, knowing bioware you could be experiencing a bug/feature.
  4. I'm looking for a casual, mature small to medium sized guild. A newish guild is preferred. My interests are Ops (looking to get back into raiding, SM/HM), conquest, fps, and uprisings. Not into RP. I'm usually on some weekdays around 7-10 pm EST and on weekends. Not looking for a large guild with multiple raid teams.
  5. For science I went to click on iokath start (Forgotten World) with a character that is still on nar shadda, though he has done makeb for xp during dbl xp. I did not get a warning other than 'spoilers'. It appears that I kept my class story, and shadow of revan prelude.


    Also this post from musco says it doesn't effect kotfe/et Though that is a bit confusing, because it does say some choices are assumed. I guess that means it doesn't save? Not sure.


    Thanks for testing this, I was worried about my class stories and SoR expansion. Skipping kotfe/et if fine with me, once through that mess is all I could take.

  6. I have a few level 70 characters and i'm working on their class stories, I would also like to access iokath to gather mats. Will starting the quest to gain access to iokath autocomplete their class stories or any other stories? I read that some decisions from kotet/kotfe will be autocompleted for the sake of the iokath story. Will these decisions be overwritten if i later decide to play through kotfe/kotet on these characters later?
  7. Arguably there are four versions:

    * [sOLO] which each character can complete once and which advances the story. Only these three FPs (so far) have this mode.

    * [sTORY] which each character can repeat as many times as you want, but despite its name does not advance the story.

    * [VETERAN] which is the "tactical" (trinity allegedly optional(1)) group version. Includes "kolto stations" for healing.

    * [MASTER] which is the trinity-required group version that's tuned higher still and has more mechanicky bosses and no kolto stations.


    (1) That is, in theory they can be done with a group that doesn't conform to the holy trinity of two guitarists, one drummer and one bassist. Um. Two dps, one tank, one heal. In practice, non-trinity PUGs may have difficulty as these FPs are tuned higher than [VETERAN] on earlier FPs.


    Are you sure about the solo and story descriptions? I started solo last night, picking the fp under the solo tab in the activity finder, and I didn't have any cut-scenes or anything. Of course i only made it halfway through the fp before i had to logoff.

  8. I'm in the middle of KOTET but I want to start farming 230 augments by running the "traitor among the chiss" flashpoint, will this mess up my story in anyway? I plan to run it using the activity finder or possibly solo. I was worried that it may autocomplete some decisions for me.
  9. Don't know how true this rumor is but here is one link to the story: http://www.gamezone.com/news/rumor-bioware-might-be-working-on-a-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-reboot-3452520


    A KOTOR reboot/remake could be good or terrible depending on who is involved, we could hear more about it this week. Of course this could be an old rumor resurfacing due to star wars celebration this week.

  10. The event is the rakghoul event that is going on right now. After you've given the dr. the required supplies you need to go into the rakghoul tunnels (tatooine) and place/scan probes in the marked places in the tunnels. You could also use the guide on dulfy.
  11. Wow! It appears none of you, including eric, actually read the OP's post. He asked in a pm what format the video should be in or if they even wanted it. I didn't read anything in the post about him wanting a status update on the cheater. It would have been nice if Eric would have replied that any video format is fine or mentioned the preferred format or that they don't want videos, that way others would know.
  12. I don't know if psandak wants to edit his original post but after over 400 ranks of GC I haven't come across any 236 or 242 purple gear pieces. The only 236/242 pieces i've gotten were the gold/yellow legendary and those mods can't be RE, as was mentioned above. Only the 234/240 purple pieces can be RE. It may just be a typo but it may confuse people new to crafting especially since his guides are the go-to guides for crafting. :)
  13. I noticed last night that the mods and enhancements in the 242 legendary gear was standard and not advanced compared to the 240 purple. Do they have better stats than the advanced versions since they're in 242 rated gear? I assume they do but I can't login now otherwise I would check.
  14. The only 242 bonus-set gear i've seen is gold/yellow which has standard mods and enhs not the advanced one's that are in the 240 purple bonus-set pieces. Are the 242 gold pieces the BIS? Could someone provide me a link to explain this simplified gearing system and ranking of the rated gear. Ex: 234 purple, 236 gold, 240 purple, and 242 gold. < would that be considered the correct order for the gear?
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