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Everything posted by ArkhaanPremiare

  1. BioWare's incompetence shines once again.
  2. Ugh, I'm ready for this ridiculous crap to be over, move on to a new non-episodic DLC. There's a *********** season 2? I've made up my mind, I'm not resubbing for this. Someone call me when they finally stop milking the damn cow for extra sub revenue.
  3. I didn't say they're horrible people that don't try to help, I said they're not above shady business as seen with their blatant taking advantage of gambling addicts. Your feelings for me are irrelevant, if I see something like this where the eligibility for the reward was obviously not made clear since people are complaining, I'm going to question their intentions. You should too. Just because they did good by helping you with a problem doesn't mean they're immune to the power of greed.
  4. Typical fanboy that can't handle his developer gods being called out on.
  5. Mock me now, because I'm bringing back proof. I'm going to the Red Lobster closest to BW headquarters at the end of the month and I'm going prove they spend your Lottery Pack money on employee Red Lobster Day at the end of every month.
  6. Walking off by myself does absolutely nothing to them. I need to open everyone's eyes to the truth. Or at least make it so people, including you, aren't just blindly believing everything they tell you. They may not lie outright and obvious, but they have subtle lies mixed with severely stretching the truth to make it seem believable. I don't buy into that polite "customer-friendly" attitude either. For the last 4 years, you've just been cash cows to them. They feed you just enough grass with just enough quality to keep you satisfied, never going that extra mile to REALLY improve the game. They have to do this "episodic" nonsense just to keep people subbed.
  7. If it's for the Agent, then why not "Master of Deception"? "Master of Seduction" just makes him/her sound like some kind of satirical male stripper.
  8. I could just as easily say the "test promotion" was to trick current subs into extending their sub time, thinking they'd benefit from this promotion. On what grounds are you so fully placing your faith in these greedy developers? They've already shown they're not above shady business tactics, seeing how they take advantage of gambling addicts with these ridiculous lottery packs. Not saying the packs are a "scam" necessarily, but it's still scummy.
  9. Did I say anything about that? No. But you're just believing everything this guy tells you with no suspicion whatsoever. "Oh, Eric said this so it must be absolutely, 100% true.". I'm not saying you should assume the worst of them like I do, but you shouldn't just blindly accept every BS excuse they throw at you and then jump in to defend them whenever someone doubts how true their statements are.
  10. Didn't get it on the 13th, haven't checked in a few days. BW's always screwing people over with these CC promotions.
  11. Why the hell would that be a title, it's silly. Even saying it has Sith connotations would be pushing it, no one's looking at that and thinking about turning to the dark side.
  12. If I'm desperate for attention, then I don't have to try very hard. You bumped this topic back to the first page for... What, exactly? To have the last word? This is just giving me even more attention.
  13. I never insulted anyone here. They insulted me and I haven't ignored a single one of them.
  14. If you look back at the 5 million credits, I didn't complain. I clearly blamed myself for that and was simply wondering if there was any to get it back(there was and I did).
  15. It's not. Just look at it: The way you see things is the way a fool sees things. "You" and "fool" are clearly separate. I did not say that only fools see that way. Stop taking everything at face value. You are right about one thing though. This argument is going nowhere and I've had enough of it.
  16. No I don't. That wasn't a direct insult on him or the board as a whole. I've mentioned this multiple times already, and I keep having to repeat myself because people like you are trying so hard to catch me in a double standard.
  17. That's how a fool sees it. If I'm digging myself into a hole, I'm obviously digging for a reason. If the first hole doesn't have what I'm looking for, I claw my way out and try a different spot. I keep trying until I find what I'm looking for. And that's exactly what happened, seeing how someone finally got what I was trying to say. Though honestly, the only reason I had to dig more than one hole is because no one else was looking. As in, if you were actively trying to understand what I'm saying instead of assuming everything I say or do is malicious, we wouldn't have had an issue with communication.
  18. You thinking my opinions have been childish is one thing, but I have yet to stoop to your level by insulting you and drowning you out with childish antics such as that. And the pot calling the kettle black is still correct if the kettle is in fact black. Whether or not the pot is black is irrelevant.
  19. Lmao, desperate for what? What am I desperate for, exactly? Your opinion of me is clearly set in stone and I don't have any reason to convince you otherwise, unless you're secretly my crazy ex, Andrea. Long story. Point being, I didn't tell you all that to convince you of anything. Stating that every one of my threads have been like this is factually incorrect.
  20. Seeing how this is my topic, it's a given I'm going to retort if someone disagrees with what I'm saying. It's YOU that care too much about what I'M saying. No one's forcing you to come back here and make your nonexistent point to me. And no, not every one of my threads have been like this and you clearly haven't been to every one of my threads if you think this. I've only had 3 topics where I had everyone against me, this is the third. Hell, I have a thread up right now where I'm not in conflict with anyone. Because even though the people here have disagreed with what I've said in the past and here, not everyone's as petty as you are.
  21. I can complain about the game however much I please, I'm paying for it. I don't care if you people don't agree with what I have to say and I don't want your sympathy. I have yet to lower myself to insulting any of you directly, so I really don't know what you're talking about with "flinging BS". I really don't know why I'm even still arguing with you.
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