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Everything posted by doelow

  1. It seems many people have bad memories of raiding simply because they chose to be a part of a bad group. Sometimes "the best" guild is made up of "the worst" people. The best memories I have are with laid back, mostly older than me, working adults who were also serious about their game. I didn't have to deal with any of the drama, the crap, the immaturity, just people who came online, were friendly, about their business, and got the content done. "Good night, love you, see you tomorrow." My kind of deal. Others want the people who are always in vent, always joking and talking, lots of closeness. That's cool too. Often though the "top guilds" are cut throat places. Lots of drama. Lots of politics. People come away from those environments often jaded and worn out, and that colors their view of "raiding" as a whole. In reality, a wide spectrum of people "raid" in these games. From high schoolers to retired folks. Guys to girls. Jerks to wonderful people. Low skill to high skill. It's about finding a group that is right for you.
  2. Been playing Imp. Like it more than Pub, but I could play either tbh.
  3. So... question in the title. How many of you nerds are still awake to chat this one out? The server transfers are cheap, but so far Pot5 has been an OK place to play. I'm concerned now that I'm looking for a guild though and there seems to be no listings. The listings for Pot5 on Reddit are like... just not there. Is the server really this dead? Should I just go to Ebon Hawk or Harbinger? I really don't want to. I like PvP servers, but I also know that I'm going to have to find a good guild (not a mega, spam guild) if I'm going to stick around. I want to stick around this time. I built this most recent computer with this game in mind. So... what's the deal? Should I stay the course? Drop the easy 99CC and move?
  4. This just happened to me on Belsavis while on a speeder taxi.
  5. It's fine if they don't want to be a raiding game, but if they want people to pay a sub/spend money on the game, and if they'd like to keep the servers running, they need to provide some kind of long-term content that people enjoy. Whether that is raiding or something else. Right now I'd say, raiding aside, they are missing that mark. Think what you like. These games live and die on the numbers. No people, or too few, and no game. EA has shut games down before. They will do it again. Don't be naive. The "movie hype" is a temporary boon I promise you.
  6. Like I said in another thread it would not surprise me if they simply just do not have the resources to develop raiding/end-game content and the KotFE storyline simultaneously. Of course it's just a guess. I doubt they are just OK with alienating their end-game players though. It just seems too insane to be the case. I wouldn't be surprised if the game is honestly quite underfunded and understaffed. The game, in many ways, reminds me of The Secret World. When they get a new update a group of their players is invariably disappointed because the update will cater to one thing, but not to another. The thing is, The Secret World devs simply do not have the funds or the manpower to develop huge, broad updates, so they have to update things on a priority basis, and as they can. It seems absurd that a game run by EA and Bioware would have the same issue as a niche game run by Fun Com, but it really seems that way to me. If they aren't hurting for cash, then it would seem they are perhaps hurting for manpower. Compare them to the WoW team, which is by contrast absolutely massive. A 12 year old game with a bigger development team than some games that haven't even been released yet. Bringing up World of Warcraft in comparison to Old Republic doesn't even seem fair anymore. I mean, SW:TOR might be a mainstream game for all intents and purposes, but how many people do you honestly know who still play it? The game feels like it has a very small, dedicated base of players, and that's it.
  7. Their policy is almost bordering on insane. They put raids out, and are now effectively just dropping support for that part of the game. It would be one thing if the game -never- had raids to begin with, sort of like Vanilla GW2, but they opened the Pandora's Box, designed raids, and now they just want to back out? It's preposterous. The only sane explanation I can think of is that they simply don't have the money and manpower to do more than one thing at a time, so before they can entertain a new raid, they need to wrap up their current project.
  8. You lie. MC and Ony were out in 2004. BWL came before AQ. Stop lying.
  9. I've toyed with the game since launch, but my GTX 560 could never run it well. (lol) I recently upgraded my computer and decided I'd give SWTOR another whirl at last. I rolled up another character, and have so far been pretty disappointed. I appreciate changing the leveling process to be fast XP wise, only needing the planet arc and main arc to continue, that's a nice change given that the game has been out for awhile now. What I am not happy with is how the difficulty of the mobs is now trivial. My Kaliyo out the gate can just solo packs of enemies, taking almost no damage, and I'm able to literally do nothing. It's like I'm not playing. If I put her away, a simple AOE is enough to dispatch most groups within one GCD. I know people will flood in to tell me "the game was never hard", and you're right, it wasn't, but it was not THIS easy. I don't even feel like I'm playing anymore. Did instances get ruined like this too? I used to enjoy leveling and small group content in this game A LOT. It was nice that SW:TOR didn't follow the WoW route of making quest mobs die to a sneeze, but now I see you've succumbed to the temptation of appealing to bored non-gamers who just want a distraction for awhile. I walked away from WoW over it. I'll do so here. Over and out, and good luck with the game. The last $15 you'll ever get out of me.
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